Airsoft Canada

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Qlong July 15th, 2007 11:54

Ohh, where can I get one of these laser guys?

BBS July 16th, 2007 02:26

i've ordered from Deal Extreme before and they are very reputable. plus they have great products and awesome prices.

Qlong July 16th, 2007 22:30

thats good to hear, do customs just tax everything or were there other misc. charges? I've bought from the US but never actually had the retailer send through to Canada, always through a relative, so I haven't a clue what customs usually charge.

BBS July 16th, 2007 22:58

orders under $60 will not be charged of any taxes if you request the retailer to mark the package as a gift. if your package is over $60 they'll charge custom fees, but the amount is acceptable. I just ordered a 30mw Laser from them.

Amos July 17th, 2007 00:32

Anything over 5mw can damage your eyes...

Soon with all these lasers we'll require a bit more than ANSI rated goggles..

Drake July 26th, 2007 22:13

Sightly late but I happened upon this video and it reminded me of this thread

YouTube - 35mW laser

Now think of those laser Gryphon mentioned were closer to 65mW... and your eyes.

Mmmmm, warm and toasty.

Ronan July 26th, 2007 22:19

Aren't lasers prohibited in games? They were never allowed in Airsoft games in NY. Illegal + Dangerous.

krap101 July 26th, 2007 22:46

well i havent done it, but i heard its pretty easy to mod a 5mw laser to like pretty high, i dont remember how. you take off the rubber switch and turn something with a screw driver. there is a chance of blowing up the diode or whatever is inside of a laser

Drake July 27th, 2007 00:25

They are on some fields and by some groups, but not all it seems.

There's a few threads about it, regarding games in Canada, and notably those Chinese lasers. (I was looking for some gears on ebay and happened across a 35mW laser, being sold for airsoft... was curious how it looked in use, and came across that vid on youtube)

Anyway, fortunately most fields don't allow them here (Quebec). Personally I wouldn't want to take any chance, even for 5mW or under. That's like saying "yeah I'll play with shop glasses instead of goggles; it'll probably stop the BB." Why risk it?

Donster August 6th, 2007 16:55


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 501139)
Hmm. This doesn't add up. Wikipedia says Class IIIa lasers are 1-5 mW, not 20. But the site (right on the laser) claims 20 mW.

now dont quote me on this. but i read somewhere that with lasers, their output consists of two things. (sorry, i cant remember what exactly). however, some manufactureers include both in their power output, when in reality, you're not supposed to. it gives the impression of the laser being more powerful than it is. im sorry i am so vague, but i did read this somewhere.

FOX_111 August 6th, 2007 17:55

For the record, I got shot by a green laser in the left eye in 2004 in an indoor game. Tanks to that player, I now have a dead spot in my vision. Very anoying.

I used a red, 5mw laser before. But for the sake of showing example, I don't use it anymore. Lasers are fun and usefull, but dangerous. I think I'm the living example of that unfortunatly.

surebet August 6th, 2007 19:28


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 514199)
For the record, I got shot by a green laser in the left eye in 2004 in an indoor game. Tanks to that player, I now have a dead spot in my vision. Very anoying.

I used a red, 5mw laser before. But for the sake of showing example, I don't use it anymore. Lasers are fun and usefull, but dangerous. I think I'm the living example of that unfortunatly.

Holey moley! Yeah, I remember who that was, I wonder what the output of his laser was.

For the record, I did test my own green laser (30 sec to the eye, continuous) prior to an opromoligical exam. No change.

But I metered the laser before using it, it was well below 5mW.

I might purchase one for my new M4, but the battery will come out before hitting the field...

OrBy August 20th, 2007 19:30

*Note from the laser tech - if you do buy one of these high power lasers and hope to have it adjusted. It cannot be done on all models. Some do not have the adjustment resistor. Others start mode hopping when brought down to safe levels - this causes the beam to go all over the place. When in doubt - buy a sub 5mw laser from a trusted source.

I personally use a 3mw 532nm (green) laser on my p90. This puts it in the class 3R rank according to the new laser classes that have been revised if i read correctly. ( I also have it on a thumb trigger so it is not always on and try to keep it aimed as center mass only. Also this is primarily used in our indoor venue so the chance of some one being injured due to viewing it with optics is reduced as magnifying optics are pointless at these ranges.

ColtFarmer December 17th, 2007 21:19

so, did anyone actually get one of these lasers? I mean recieve one they paid for... cause I sure didnt.

Drake December 17th, 2007 22:13


Originally Posted by ColtFarmer (Post 597534)
so, did anyone actually get one of these lasers? I mean recieve one they paid for... cause I sure didnt.

I think the sales thread is still around. As I recall, a few people got 'em and a few of those reported it was a PoS, either defective on arrival or breaking within a relatively short period.


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 501738)
See, theres a difference in my lasers and these "Dealextreme" ones (though they are the same pictures), my lasers are in country and ready to go, and they probably don't take like 4 weeks to come, or get charged with customs...

Just had to quote that.

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