jerryliang2k |
July 4th, 2008 15:17 |
The full auto glocks do tend to have problems in the long run. In my experience, these problems are usually related to parts breaking and things coming loose. But glocks are common guns so a good gun doc should be albe to patch it up in a jiffy and parts are plentyful.
My KWA G18C didn't have any accuracy issues at 7 yards ~1.5 inch grouping on semi-auto... but why get an 18c if your going to use semi-auto. In full auto mode, its REALLY hard to get just 1 shot off, especially in the heat of battle. As a sidearm, the 18c has the amazing ability to keep heads down and allow you to either reload your main weapon or run away.
In a pistol only game, just bring lots of mags.