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Ridiculous132 December 15th, 2007 08:57

Oh boy... "Both Astles and her son said the child wasn't being suspended, but was asked to take time at home for tensions to ease after the incident. Hanson confirmed that."

Oh noes, he had a welt, he will be traumatised for life! Quick, bring anti-depressors!

I mean it's ridiculous...

Razzberry December 15th, 2007 09:02

Why do kids do that? Its just making it worse for us.

AngelusNex December 15th, 2007 09:19

Stupid soccer moms, try banning this shit and then buy it for their children because they know they're kids won't do anything bad... MORONS... There should be big ass fines for buying airsoft/clearsoft for under 18 just like buying cigarettes for under 19.... big ass fine

Wilson December 15th, 2007 11:55

The only time you should get time off school for being shot with something is if there's a bleeding fucking hole in you.

Donster December 15th, 2007 12:27

sounds like the kid who got shot has caused more trouble at the school then the kid who shot him.

Armyissue December 15th, 2007 17:21


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 595670)

Whats TSD Command staff have to do with this incident? :D

When I was in school I got hit with a rubber band. I want police involement.

Wilson December 15th, 2007 17:54

This is a waste of valuable police and school time - oh wait, they're all middle-aged and have nothing better to do than blow the trivial issues of minors being typical minors into veritable Columbine killers.

I'll be calling up Mr. Blaseg soon, as he's a personal family friend (his wife is my younger sister's godmother).

MrEvolution December 15th, 2007 18:05

If I was an officer that had this situation, I would explain to everyone involved how stupid they are and leave for wasting government time and money

Drake December 15th, 2007 18:58

It's the soccermom-ism that makes these kids into whiny little bitches. Thinking back to when I was a kid, I can't even conceive of complaining about as small as a SOFT AIR welt (which is likely much less powerful than anything we use). Man, we would have been so ostracized from our peer group for that.


Astles' son, who turns 12 this month, was so angry by media reports characterizing the incident as a prank, he acted out at school Wednesday and was sent home until the new year.
On that alone, he deserves getting shot. When I was in school, this is the kid who would find himself hung upside down with his head in the toilet bowl during lunch hour.

Don't get me wrong, the shooter was an idiot, too. But this is blown way out of proportion. Everyone in this story is wrong, including the principal and school board. Like WTF, do kids now LIKE being in school? You now get punished by not having to get up in the morning and getting to stay home and watch TV and play Xbox all fucking day? Holy fucking shit! Can I get retroactively suspended!? Please? I'll gladly 'fess up to all the shit I did when I was in school.

Comrade Jeff Jamison December 15th, 2007 20:00

Those kids are lucky they didn't get airsoft baned in the area.

-VX- December 15th, 2007 20:25


Originally Posted by Comrade Jeff Jamison (Post 595971)
Those kids are lucky they didn't get airsoft baned in the area.

So if they kid beats another one with a baseball bat, they would ban baseball? I hope the people deciding those issues are smarter than that. It's not because the 0.1% morons they must ruin it for everyone.

rileygoudreau May 5th, 2013 20:06

Hello, I'm Riley Goudreau, I was the one who hit the kid (Joey) in the leg with the bb gun. My step dad bought it for me and i brought it to school and i shot him. I didnt get charged, they got dropped in court. I have a job at Puma and im in college. So to all you people saying that i wont get a job or go to college. Your all wrong idiots. Ive travel all around the world with my dad and left the country. and im actually very successful. so fuck off :)

Deadpool May 5th, 2013 20:17


Originally Posted by rileygoudreau (Post 1792109)
Hello, I'm Riley Goudreau, I was the one who hit the kid (Joey) in the leg with the bb gun. My step dad bought it for me and i brought it to school and i shot him. I didnt get charged, they got dropped in court. I have a job at Puma and im in college. So to all you people saying that i wont get a job or go to college. Your all wrong idiots. Ive travel all around the world with my dad and left the country. and im actually very successful. so fuck off :)

And with that post, You show us all...That you are still as moronic as you were back then.

Janus May 5th, 2013 20:17

You sure showed us. (wtf?)

-=ArchAngel=- May 5th, 2013 20:28


Originally Posted by rileygoudreau (Post 1792109)
Hello, I'm Riley Goudreau, I was the one who hit the kid (Joey) in the leg with the bb gun. My step dad bought it for me and i brought it to school and i shot him. I didnt get charged, they got dropped in court. I have a job at Puma and im in college. So to all you people saying that i wont get a job or go to college. Your all wrong idiots. Ive travel all around the world with my dad and left the country. and im actually very successful. so fuck off :)

Thank you Riley. You made my day :D

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