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mcguyver March 28th, 2006 21:34

On this gun, NO. It's very easy and has a wide range. If your wondering about other guns, that's another matter.

Psycho April 6th, 2006 03:31

ist possible to replace the shoulder thing and the grip.. and the other thing [sorry idont know what they r called] with wood.. to make it look like TM's ak style?
and do u have more pics for us.. i cant get enough of it.. thats 1 sexy weapon..

Droc April 6th, 2006 08:10

no reason why not.

mcguyver April 6th, 2006 09:14

Not without some extensive modifications. The mounting system for the 47 stock and grip is totally different. Besides, why would you want to do that anyway? Black has been the AK fashion for only about 30 years now.

NicholasNystrom April 7th, 2006 01:15

There's still plenty of AK's in the Russian Federation with wooden furniture. I've even seen pics of old AKM's in use in Chechnya. Plus with the orange bakelite mags the 74's look friggin' ace.

attack-beaver April 7th, 2006 01:24

i donno i kinda like the wood over the black in some case's
like right there is a good reason to have wood.

freeman April 7th, 2006 06:57


Originally Posted by Drake
hey'd i'd gladly paint it black and even airbrush in a 7.62x39 for effect if it saves me grief.

I guess I'll wait to see more opinions of the "final version" with the 3000 motor and all when ppl start using it/upgrading it.

you mean the newer batch of ICS ak-74m will come with the turbo3000 motor instead of turbo200,right?

When can we get them(the "final version" with turbo3000)?

I am going to get this gun when they are come with turbo3000 motor as standard.

Any information would be appreciated.

HerrMann April 8th, 2006 01:33

Is the motor a long or short type? What is a good replacement for the turbo 2000?

Droc April 8th, 2006 10:52

according to ICS, the Ak shipped with the turbo 3000 fromt he start. But word has it, the 1st couple hundred models were testers. Fine, other then the motor. Any AKs shipped to canada since should have the new motor, but ask your retailer 1st.

its a short AK type motor
and the turbo 3000 should be a fine replacment.

HerrMann April 8th, 2006 17:42

Droc, I want to make my AK74, my outdoor gun. What would you do to upgrade? Not to jack this thread, sry.


Droc April 8th, 2006 17:53

tightbore if you want

I recommend a Prometheus Non-Liner Spring MS120SP

thats really all you need. the gears are good quality, and it already has metal bushings.

if you wanted to spend a few more bucks, a bearing spring guide and a new piston head maby.

HerrMann April 9th, 2006 02:06

Thanks :cheers:

p4ul1337 April 22nd, 2006 02:46

Got my ak-74m (newer batch)

ics 3000 super torque motor

1) New Turbo 3000 Super Torque Motor

2) Precision Cut Reinforced Motor Pinion Gear

3. Precision Cut Reinforced No.1 (Bevel) Gear.

4. Steel Bushing, Made of harden silicon alloy.

5. Low resistance 16-AWG Electric wire.

copied and pasted from they're selling the newer ak-74m batch for 300 dollars for battery,charger,2mags,aeg,1000 0.2 bbs,loader and cleaning rod

chronoed 330 with .2 when i used hopup (stock non upgraded)

no wind and very sunny.

tested it in a war in a field close to my house. 4 on 4 battle and my team won =D

we had


Skye Tokyo Marui m733

Nick 2 ICS mp5a5

Kengo UTG sniper
(i am the oldest in the group)

other team used only 1 gun over 200 dollars and all others were 50-100

the money spent on our guns we're gathered together from my group and took us 2 years to get the entire gun set (including some gas pistols and m11 fauto guns)

i got 400 dollars each year from new years so it wasn't so hard

EDIT: also if i may add i upgraded the stock piston and piston head with guarder poly carb and a systema m120 spring and upgraded the cylinder with guarder lucid head and and matrix gi yand cylinder head.

over all the fps is great and pops full soda cans easily

made a dent in my friends old well r-6
and 2 of his fingers were bleeding (1 from the finger nail) and his left hand's pinky nuckle was bleeding also
(Extreme bloody knuckles)

Soulonfire11 April 22nd, 2006 11:38

ok im planning on buying this gun at evike. I want the ak-74m as my first high quality gun but im still unsure...would you recommend this gun or something else?

[Avtomat] April 22nd, 2006 12:38

ya its a good gun. If you look at the first page you would find a review.

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