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Janus December 27th, 2012 20:20

TM Famas G2

Say what you will about the EG560-HT motor and the V1 mechbox, that AEG worked like a fucking champ.

Spike December 27th, 2012 20:37

My G&P Stoner 63. I've dumped 50000 rounds through that sucker already with 0 failures.

Jimski December 27th, 2012 20:58

None and especially not out of the box...they all have stupid flaws.

GBBR December 27th, 2012 21:03

you guys are going to laugh at me.

Ares G36. So accurate. fps is always the same. -/+ 5 fps.
Survived Splatters. takes 11.1 lipo like a champ. had it since I started. outlived all 6 aegs I've owned.

Porkchop December 27th, 2012 21:10

G3A3 bought in 1998 -2 repairs- still operational today.

GBBR December 27th, 2012 21:22


Originally Posted by Porkchop (Post 1740517)
G3A3 bought in 1998 -2 repairs- still operational today.

what brand O_O that thing sounds like a tank.

wildcard December 27th, 2012 21:24


Originally Posted by Porkchop (Post 1740517)
G3A3 bought in 1998 -2 repairs- still operational today.

Is that the same Marui from Hotshot??

This was my list - Tokyo Marui/Classic Army HK51, Inokatsu M60 E3, VN and MK43, PTW & PTW5 But I'm afraid the FCC PTW is taking its place

Curo December 27th, 2012 21:50

a tie between my old proline CA SCAR-L that thing shot 320 fps like a laser. DMR accurate and never broke down. And my new G&P upgraded CQBR.

But my favourite is my WE Hk416 GBBR.

ThunderCactus December 27th, 2012 23:43


Originally Posted by Porkchop (Post 1740517)
G3A3 bought in 1998 -2 repairs- still operational today.

the old maruis are tanks.
had a mash of systema/whatever upgrades in mine, new mechbox shell, CA metal body, I think it was 7 yrs old and still shot like a sniper rifle lol

redmond January 30th, 2013 11:38

Tm ak47

Strelok January 30th, 2013 12:19

Currently, My Echo1 RPK after it being upgraded to the tits.

As for an unupgraded gun? My ICS M3 Grease Gun is a goddamned laser. Nice ROF and incredibly accurate.

skalnok January 30th, 2013 12:23

My ares g36k (first ebb generation to come pre upgraded into Canada) is by far my most reliable rifle, it's accurate, and the only issue I've had since buying it was the hop up tore this summer and that was from dust going into it.

Repeat January 30th, 2013 12:30

G&P Stoner. It's a tank! I've put bag after bag of BB's through it, and never once had any problems with it.

Alexei January 30th, 2013 12:32

Real Sword type 56-1 Out of the box, Does not need to be upgraded.

McCrea January 30th, 2013 12:34

Right now I'm torn between my AGM Sten MKII (completely stock, 300 fps, shoots .36 bb like a laser, couple of axis player fear it ;) or my G&P Stoner Mk63, dumped about 4000 in a game and it has never let me down, all stock.

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