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darrenfreake September 25th, 2013 00:56

toronto mystery box
Hey guys just thought id make a thread about the mystery box for anyone that may of ordered one, we can share videos or pictures on what we won!

goodluck to all hope you got something good!

heres a link to what I won

DustMagnet September 25th, 2013 01:20

I lucked out on my first (VFC HK417 for $140), crapped out on the next (Zombie Care Package), and got a god-awful WinGun 321 in the previous promotion (Zombie Infestation?) but also an $85 gift card, so I sold the pistol for the taxes and shipping.

I declined this last promotion because I don't want another AEG.

I'm saving the gift card for a GBBR Mystery Box, if ever one should arise. (Zombie Flatulence?)

volteco September 25th, 2013 02:34

I tried once, got wingun 321, can't sell the damn thing now. Not sure, if I want to try again.

Chotto September 25th, 2013 12:37

I won a G&P M4 vietnam version. Was able to trade it for something I wanted.
I was going to do the last Zombie box as there were enough items on the list I wanted or wouldn't be upset getting. Boxes loaded with M4s do not really get my attention, but easily sold or traded to those that like them.

Heavy September 25th, 2013 14:41

Did one last Year, had a ICS sig 551 inside it was really nice.

Halestormx September 25th, 2013 14:46

Got the less expensive one about two boxes ago. Was a decent deal. Didn't win one of the bigger prizes. But got a bag of BBs some green gas a training knife a speed loader and a little echo1 patch. Wasn't too bad for $$50 all in.
Hope to get in on another sometime.
Just hard to justify a $200 purchase for a possible prize u may not want.

TANNER September 25th, 2013 15:13

Sitting on the sidelines waiting for a box with a good % decent items.

Chotto September 25th, 2013 15:14


Originally Posted by Halestormx (Post 1836234)
Just hard to justify a $200 purchase for a possible prize u may not want.

That is why I look at all the items on the list before I purchase, if there are a lot of items I would use/like to have etc I will get try to order cash supply willing.

mr_nuts31 September 25th, 2013 15:37

Last one I got gave me a King Arms M4 which I donated to a game as a raffle prize. This one gave me a Cybergun AK47 Premium which I can say is not bad. Will I be able to use it, I don't know, but I do have friends who wanted to get started on airsoft so this should be a descent start for them.

Slow September 25th, 2013 15:49

My cousin got an A&K M249 from these mystery box. I would say they are worth it

XxSwiftyxX September 25th, 2013 15:50

My experience was a funny one.

I bought a GSG 522 RIS, they announced one of the zombie survival boxes, I bought one of them and I ended up getting the GSG 522 PK.

Just an unlucky draw, I will never use the 522 PK.

So I stay away from any boxes that include guns I own :P

Lt. Zicari September 25th, 2013 15:57

I keep getting aks.... I got my third ak today from toronto airsoft mystery boxes. funny thing is always sell em within a couple hours lol. Hopefully the next one is better

DrunkenTeddy September 25th, 2013 17:10

I got one on the last round and got the worst prize available IMO, a Umarex Smart Team G36C, luckily people here on the west coast don't tend to look at east coast stores for price comparisons, sold it for about the same as I paid for the mystery box. I bought one again this time around, waiting for it in the mail as we speak. If it's another garbage gun I probably won't do it again, even though I don't seem to be losing anything.

Helbino September 25th, 2013 17:51

My brother recently bought the September one. He received the JG G36C and was totally OK with it. He looked at the review from Colin_S and another about the M14 and figured it would be worth the risk. A good beginner gun, at the least.

kaiu September 25th, 2013 18:09

Argh! Got rid of my Cyma AK only to be replaced by another Cyma AK, gonna be my shit loaner gun until I decide what to do with it lol T_T
*Swapping it with my friend who got the M14 now :D*

I don't mind getting the mystery box only if I don't mind getting at least most of the prizes. For example, for this one, I mainly just didn't want to get the Plastic KA M4, and the Cyma MP5 :P

I am taking a loss/subsidizing by going with the M14, but meh, it was something I wanted to add to my collection anyways, so worth the risk (in case I got one of the top prizes :D)

All the past mystery boxes only had like 1 or 2 items I actually wanted so never felt it was worth it.

ccyg8774 September 25th, 2013 20:25

Yes - only once.
Not anymore because shipping to my location is a little high, and the mystery box do not support combine shipping.

aledek September 26th, 2013 00:28

i got a jg g36. But i will may be try again if a gbb special happen.

DrunkenTeddy October 1st, 2013 15:29

Just received my mystery box. When I originally decided to buy I looked at the list and said I would be happy with anything other than the King Arms M4a1 - Nylon Fibre Build, only 11 out of 93, so really my odds to get something I was okay with were great. And of course I got the KA M4A1... It's funny, I said the same thing last time about the Umarex sportline g36c, and that's what I got. Here's to hoping I can sell it for about what I paid.

kaiu October 1st, 2013 19:21

The newest mystery box list is pretty meh this time T_T

Swattiger October 1st, 2013 23:19

Just wonder if the big prize winner can come out and share their experience.

To me, the mysterious boxes are just a marketing gimmick to clear up stock. So the odds to get stuff you want is pretty low, and the whole process is rather non-transparent.

I prefer to save up the money for a few mysterious boxes to buy just one gun or the item I really like or need.

redneck12 October 1st, 2013 23:24


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1837971)
Just wonder if the big prize winner can come out and share their experience.

To me, the mysterious boxes are just a marketing gimmick to clear up unpopular stock. So the odds to get really good stuff is pretty low, and the whole process is rather non-transparent.

I prefer to save up the money for a few mysterious boxes to buy just one gun or the item I really like or need.

That is a good idea, you rarely if ever see an unboxing of a big prize.

Swattiger October 1st, 2013 23:46


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1837972)
That is a good idea, you rarely if ever see an unboxing of a big prize.

And I am not sure how the retailer can make this a fair draw, as the big prize box is obviously much bigger and heavier than the others.

redneck12 October 2nd, 2013 00:01


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1837981)
And I am not sure how the retailer can make this a fair draw, as the big prize box is obviously much bigger and heavier than the others.

Most of the unboxings I've seen were coupons unless the main prizes were standard size, and little filler thrown in with the coupon just for effect.

DrunkenTeddy October 2nd, 2013 02:00


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1837985)
Most of the unboxings I've seen were coupons unless the main prizes were standard size, and little filler thrown in with the coupon just for effect.

Haven't seen TA do coupons in a while, not sure if they will still do that, they usually ship guns now, so you always get something. The new box has 31 king arms nylon fibre M4's in it... That's enough to turn me off it, even tho the top 6 prizes are all guns i want.

666 October 2nd, 2013 02:30


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1837971)

I prefer to save up the money for a few mysterious boxes to buy just one gun or the item I really like or need.

That usually is a proper approach, doesn't it? Save enough money, walk into the store/order online, get exactly what you want instead of playing a lottery. 6/49 usually offers a big prize too but one/two people out of millions get it... My logic, you pay the price and get exactly what you want. Free cheese can be found only at one place...

thebreadbandit. October 2nd, 2013 09:12


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1837971)
To me, the mysterious boxes are just a marketing gimmick to clear up stock. So the odds to get stuff you want is pretty low, and the whole process is rather non-transparent.

Definitely agree with this. It's a pretty good gimmick given the fact that so many people buy these boxes, and that they (apparently) sell out pretty quick. I'd rather not gamble $190 + $20 shipping for one of these haha.

R.T Plissken October 2nd, 2013 10:43

I scored the EPIC BOX for their Zombie Assassin draw, it was my first time purchasing one.
I only expected to come out with the base prize, the Snow Wolf M24 {I believe} and my highest hopes were to win one of the ghillie suits that came packaged with certain rifles. When I received my box in the mail I was beyond surprised how light it was, I was worried that I had won a prize so inexpensive it had no weight. I very crudely filmed myself as I cut open the box to only discover a piece of paper which I immediately ignored and went straight for the ghillie suit that I was over the moon to win. I was kinda surprised that there was in fact no gun under the suit and thats when I noticed the EPIC BOX WINNER plastered all over that piece of paper I so quickly threw aside (the video actually cut out as I swore and dropped my phone...).
I immediately called TA and they invited me to come out after the store and pickup the prize which consisted of the Snow Wolf Barrett M82, KWA MP7, and dual KWC 1911 MEU's even though the were closed at this time. I'm pretty sure I drove the entire way to Toronto with a smile on my face that would have startled the drivers around me.
The guys at TA were great; congratulating me on the win, allowing me to look over and shoot my newly acquired prizes and showing me everything I needed to know about them.
I was/ still am extremely grateful for the prize, I mean who doesn't like winning free stuff let alone free airsoft stuff?
However when I was in the store they did make a few points on how these prizes are mostly items that have become stagnate sitting on their shelves, how maybe people go out to purchase a Barrett just to plink around with? I think it's a brilliant strategy on their part to keep their stock updated and a great way for their customers to get a chance to win some really neat prizes.

fatywhaty October 27th, 2013 19:03

I think I'm going to pick one up from TA next time just haven't seen much I wanted on the prize list for last 2. love watching the unboxing vids they r funny to watch when they get sucky.

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