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Marpat - Propper, Tru Spec or Parkland
I've been running around today looking for Marpat's BDU set that I am going to need in the weekend but however I found a used REAL issue USMC Marpat blouse but I dont have a size on the pants. I am looking for an alternative brand of pants that will go with the blouse. What do you prefer guys. I heard TruSpec fades in 3 washings. is this true? Thanks
Yes, My Tru-Spec faded after the first washing. I have a pair of Propper pants and they've held up. Never tried Parkland, but I have seen it and their Marpat looks pretty crisp in the colors. You could try Dave's in New West, they have both Propper and Tru-Spec, at least they did when I was there last month.
I owned the parkland marpat for a while and sold it to my sniper....he has never had a problem with it....just the usual complaints about it being a little heavy so not really a bdu you want to wear in the summer...but good none the less
The Parkland fCADPAT fabric is way too thick I find. If you wear it during the summer you will be hurting. Better off with the issue CAD or the Frontenac ones.
Parkland is crap IMHO. Propper is my favorite so far, but I have yet tried nor seen everything out there.
Yes..propper all the way..
Nonetheless. Thanks for the inputs |
Don't forget AA (American Apparel) MarPat....
Another flame for Parklands, overly thick & very itchy I found. Overall opinion, f*ckin garbage.
Issue and E-bay for the win... You'd be suprised what you can find.
Propper doesn't make non-issue MARPAT for civis thats where eBay comes in for the USGI stuff.
Dave's by far surpasses anything that other stores have. If your set on MARPAT check Dave's to see if there is any used/repo MARPAT. |
Please reconsider your decision. I would not wish the Tru-spec MARPAT on my worst enemy. That's how much I hate it. Are you sure eBay is not an option for you? Trust me, you will be happier with the issue stuff in the long run.
I have marpat by tru spec and parkland!!
Tru Spec is quality Parkland is cheap |
The Tru-Spec marpat will fade to uselessness after one game and one wash. Seriously.
Tru-spec has changed materials for a good number of their BDU's, to something akin to rip-stop, and it seems to hold colour alot better than it used to.
I have a pair of tru-spec MARPAT pants, and they're faded, as you all despise, but I just recently bought a new pair of cargo's (granted, they're not MARPAT), but it seems they've changed materials for most of their lineup, and these have been through several cycles, and they're just as crisp and colourful as they were when I bought them. Just something to consider. Also, are you sure Dave's doesn't have Propper Marpat? I KNOW they have Propper clothes... |
The BDUs are at Seals Action Gear, and are they any good?
P.S. Sorry for high jacking your tread. |
Ouch! That webstore is charging at least $20US more than if you buy from eBay.
FYI: The Propper ACU sold in stores is not issue. They have a civi version and an issue version. I know Colin at daves says different, swearing the stuff they have is issue, but its not.
Hmm well I just bought a Tru-Spec brand from daves with discount just for a couple game use. Yep I checked Ebay and waiting for the sellers e-mail and I also phoned the store where I bought the blouse and he said in three weeks. Hopefully he finds my size. $15 I payed for the real deal Marpat and maybe another $15-20 on the pants not bad eh!
There are many (well, at least 3) companies making the ACU, although American Apparel was contracted to provide the issued uniform (issued as in provided to the troop by the army at the army's expense). See, Unlike the Marines, the Army does not restrict the sale of uniform-grade BDU's so the usual contractors began producing them for resale to troops. Tru-spec uniforms are IDENTICAL to issue uniforms, and are bought by serving Army personel to compliment their issue set. I believe they even contain labels with the same NSN, which basically means they're approved for wear. I can't speak for the Propper stuff. Now, there are also "civy versions" but the cut is different. You'll find that stuff all over the place, it has no velcro on the shoulder pockets, does not have the built in shock-cord pocket closures, etc. In case anyone is curious, I have compared the issue American Apparel ACU uniform with the Tru-Spec ACU uniform side by side, and they are IDENTICAL. Also as stated above, the material in use on the newer Tru-Spec ACU is certainly not the same as the earlier fade-prone marpat, which is why I didn't hesitate to purchase it. |
Can the same be said about their Marpat products? Does anyone have a suggestion as to what i can wash Camo with without getting severe fading? |
I have not compared the marpat products recently. Past experience with the tru-spec and parklands marpat were....unfavourable.
Just to add a little to the ACU topic, there are 16 manufacturers that were awarded with making the ACU's for the US Army.
• American Apparel • DJ Manufacturing Corp. • Propper • Golden • Woolrich • Bethel Industries, Inc. • Bremen Bowden • Rutter Rex • Fox Apparel • Sidran, Inc. • American Power Source, Inc. • Ashland Sales and Service • Caribbean Needle Point, Inc. • Wear-tech, Inc. • Tullahoma • AC Fabricated Products I've also heard Tru-Spec were also one of the later contractors, but I haven't really found any sources that would indicate as such. I have both a Propper and a Tru-Spec ACU. The Tru-Spec shirt seems a little bit thicker, but an overall comparison shows that they're both pretty much identical to each other. Both have the correct NSN and issued uniform tags. Only difference is they don't have the glint tapes on the shoulders. IMAGES that I took to compare the two. *Yeah, I know this thread's about Marpat - but since we've touched base on the ACU stuff, I might as well post something. :razz: As a side note, I prefer my Tru-Spec ACU over the Propper. |
Found this post on another mil board back in August 2005.
I believe those "commercial" type of ACU's in the article was talking about the commercial version without the NSN. When ACU hit AAFES back in early April (if I remember correctly), they also had stocked ACU's without the glint tapes. Some soldier posted the pics he took at the store. Think I saw it on military.com's fourms...
I haven't seen the issued version to be able to really say what's different (aside from the IR squares) - though I'm kinda curious to see. But meh, this is for airsoft - it doesn't really matter. :innocent: |
I wasn't positive about their approval (Tru-Spec), but I do know that they're purchased and worn by the troops. |
I have the tru-spec Issue set and it is the 50-50 with NSN number etc. I even researched the NSN number and was able to read about the tru-spec contract with the military (thanks to google!). Some other guys have the Propper made sets and they are the exact same. Both the propper and tru-spec did not have the IR squares, but I have actually read about them melting in the clothes dryer :(
I have the tru-spec Issue set and it is the 50-50 with NSN number etc. I even researched the NSN number and was able to read about the tru-spec contract with the military (thanks to google!). Some other guys have the Propper made sets and they are the exact same. Both the propper and tru-spec did not have the IR squares, but I have actually read about them melting in the clothes dryer :(
edit: You can not tell the difference between the material on the two because they are both made from the same fabric. Poncho has a tru-spec blouse and propper bottom, and it was only after finding the propper tag on the pant that he realized it wasn't tru-spec... Of course we bought them stateside |
Just an update! The Tru-Spec MARPAT that I bought two weeks ago. It shows fading in some parts. I ordered another pants my size from a surplus store made by either American Apperel or Propper.
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