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WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 01:58

So all my guns were stolen today...
got home from work and notice my door has been kicked in...

all my airsoft related items are GONE

I have been cleaned out!

I had a Systema PTW M4-A1 CQBR, CA SLR 105, AGM MP-40, KJW P229 and my gear bag with EVERYTHING in it GONE.

oh yeah i'm an idiot and don't have insurance yet so i'm really fucked.

I am effectively out of airsoft for the time being...

told the cops everything about it, and gave descriptions of everything...even going to email photos of all the stuff.

all in all, i'm propably out 5 g's.

Styrak May 23rd, 2008 02:00

Very, very shitty man.

TrueTGN May 23rd, 2008 02:00

Ouch, thats all we need is a bunch of fools running around with airsoft guns. Wonder if it was someone who knew that they were looking for, or just found all your airsoft stuff and thought oh shit sweet grab it.

But really tho.. if I was a theif I wouldn't really be thinking about grabbing some fake guns along with the gear.. wtf? Unless thats all I really wanted

TokyoSeven May 23rd, 2008 02:02

Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

Im sorry to hear about this, its a terrible terrible thing when people do stuff like this.

dpvu May 23rd, 2008 02:08

That really sucks man... Airsoft is not a cheap hobby and because of some idiot you're out everything you've invested and someone who knows nothing about the sport is running around with those things.

Gigaknight May 23rd, 2008 02:09

Wow... That's horrible; I hope justice is served.

pusangani May 23rd, 2008 02:11


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 724366)
Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

very good idea, if anything, go in and see if anything has turned up already, maybe go to the next town/city over in case they went further away, sorry to hear about your loss dude

xandrewx May 23rd, 2008 02:12

weaksauce :(

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:13


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 724366)
Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

Im sorry to hear about this, its a terrible terrible thing when people do stuff like this.

I think my Ipod was taken, I can't find that's another 500 bucks...

It must have been a couple of people..cuz all my xbox cords are unplugged, but I still have my xbox...other dude in my bedroom must have found the guns and they both just took off with all that.

BBS May 23rd, 2008 02:14

ouch...thats horrible, i think you should look into insurance next time.

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:18


Originally Posted by BBS (Post 724382)
ouch...thats horrible, i think you should look into insurance next time.


WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:19

what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...

Styrak May 23rd, 2008 02:20


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 724386)
what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...

Haha, why? Cause it's missing a cylinder or what?

TokyoSeven May 23rd, 2008 02:22

Sounds like a bust and grab, although I wouldnt rule out that it may have been planned. I guess all you can do is make sure the police have all the information they need and wait.

If I may suggest, if you live in an apartment throw out a few print outs and knock on a few doors asking if anyone may have noticed anything odd through out the day, loud noises etc. Aside from that, keep your fingers crossed.

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:25


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 724387)
Haha, why? Cause it's missing a cylinder or what?


FOX_111 May 23rd, 2008 02:35

That royally sux!

It remind me I should lock my gear somehow in my appartement. The place is very hard to break in, as one of us is always home. But you never know.

I'd like the reinforce my door frame with steel, but the owner would not allow it.

McKay May 23rd, 2008 02:38

Damn that is rough.
Hope something turns up.

arman May 23rd, 2008 02:51


Mizfit May 23rd, 2008 05:25

I've posted it once and I will post it again here....everyone needs to be very selective on what they post about their gear. You may be advertising a shopping list for someone. I have read other posts where guys have listed a total inventory of their guns and gear.

Not saying this is the case here and I really hope you recover some of the gear you lost. I would seriously start hunting the pawn shops and online sales on a daily basis.

Anyhow, just a friendly reminder to be selective on what you post.

ex May 23rd, 2008 05:31


Originally Posted by Mizfit (Post 724438)
I've posted it once and I will post it again here....everyone needs to be very selective on what they post about their gear. You may be advertising a shopping list for someone. I have read other posts where guys have listed a total inventory of their guns and gear.

Not saying this is the case here and I really hope you recover some of the gear you lost. I would seriously start hunting the pawn shops and online sales on a daily basis.

Anyhow, just a friendly reminder to be selective on what you post.

+1 and buy a gun locker..shit they are 100 bucks at lebarons. Sorry for your loss though mate. Good luck.

Gunk May 23rd, 2008 05:34


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 724386)
what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...

Course... you don't need a functional PTW to knock over the local Mac's or Short Stop do you?

Anywho, +whatever number it's at now for going door to door in the building, canvas the area, maybe the neighbouring buildings. Someone may have seen a truck or car pull up and park for a time. If there's security cameras on premisis that could help. Put up flyers in the area (minus gun pictures, if anything else was taken...). If someone did see a car or truck parked put the description on the flyer.

Definatly call the cops. Since there's realistic toy guns out there, the cops should definatly get a heads up just in case there's a weapons related robbery in the next few days/weeks.

Hopefully you get lucky and get your stuff back.

On the insurance topic, does anyone have any experiance with apartment insurance? Which companies are helpful/nice/cheap etc.? I've been thinking for a while I should get myself insured, and everytime I see a thread like this I'm reminded all over again.

Muffin May 23rd, 2008 07:31

Oh man thats a tough loss, I do hope it all works out in the end.

Slimmy May 23rd, 2008 07:52

Sheesh sorry to hear! Makes me sick to my stomach.

I had my door kicked-down and my stereo system was stolen last year.

Just makes me sick..

SDS_ShooterMcGavin May 23rd, 2008 08:24

That fucking sucks man... I hate pricks like that with nothing better todo.

jameskersten May 23rd, 2008 09:41

Sorry to hear Ryan, do you live in an apartment or a basement suite? If its an apartment then maybe find out how someone got into the building? Or maybe it was someone in your building? Either way, check with management about seeing the video tape of your front door? I know at my condo we have a camera at every main exit and same with at my old apartment. Its worth a try to maybe catch who may have your stuff.

And not to rub too much salt in the wound, for future reference, rental insurance (content insurance) for an apartment in your area is $20/month.

If you want to play still, we have guns at the field you can use, so your not entirely out of the game. I will lend you my ICS for a game day if you want, and I am sure the rest of the guys would help out someway or form.

jameskersten May 23rd, 2008 09:47


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 724442)
Course... you don't need a functional PTW to knock over the local Mac's or Short Stop do you?

Anywho, +whatever number it's at now for going door to door in the building, canvas the area, maybe the neighbouring buildings. Someone may have seen a truck or car pull up and park for a time. If there's security cameras on premisis that could help. Put up flyers in the area (minus gun pictures, if anything else was taken...). If someone did see a car or truck parked put the description on the flyer.

Definatly call the cops. Since there's realistic toy guns out there, the cops should definatly get a heads up just in case there's a weapons related robbery in the next few days/weeks.

Hopefully you get lucky and get your stuff back.

On the insurance topic, does anyone have any experiance with apartment insurance? Which companies are helpful/nice/cheap etc.? I've been thinking for a while I should get myself insured, and everytime I see a thread like this I'm reminded all over again.

I cant speak for your area but my local bank offers content insurance (which in apartment here thats all you need cause the buildings insurance covers everything else and I could care less to insure someone elses stuff) but its $20/month for $35000 coverage. I pay $25/month for my insurance on my condo which covers me up to $100,000.

cndzn May 23rd, 2008 09:59

Ryan that sux.......big time. As local airsofters lets keep a lookout for a PTW and associated airsoft gear for sale.
My gut feeling is telling me its been stolen by someone who knows what you have.
Were any other apartments broken into or just yours?? Was this random??

As JK has said, between us all we have more than enuff guns and gear to loan out to you when you decide to come out next.


Invasian May 23rd, 2008 10:09

dude....i'm really sorry to hear that.....i hope the cops can help recover it....if it was someone who knew you, you would be best to tell everyone you know, I did that when i got my 1200's turntables stolen, and sure enough within 2 weeks, one of my friends told me that someone he knew was trying to buy them from someone else,...don't underestimate the power of word of mouth...

best of luck bud

Brian McIlmoyle May 23rd, 2008 10:10

Stuff stolen
Having stuff stolen from you sux..

but there is a lesson here for everyone else. not advertise your collection.. you may think its cool to show off to your on line pals how many cool guns you have.. but this forum is full of strangers and many more people cruise these forums than are registered users. ( no evidence you did this )

2. Proper lock up. store your guns properly in a locked room or in a locked cabinet, or even better in a gun safe. If nothing else don't leave them in plain sight. Most home break ins are smash and grab affairs, they will take what they can get their hands on in 30 seconds and be out the door. If your "sensitive" stuff is in the back of your closet it will still be there after the thieves are gone. This will save you the explainaton to the police as to exactly why it is that crack head theives are now in possession of your assault rifle replicas.

3. leave no obvious sign that there are guns in the house ( piles of mags, parts, whatever ) Store it all properly.

4. Keep a current record in photographic Video or written form of your inventory

5. buy insurance, literally for less than the cost of a Timmies Coffee a day you can have top end comprehensive coverage including third party liability coverage, For the most part you can buy such coverage on line these days.
Do it.

Many people think they can't afford insurance .. or don't see the benefit balanced against the cost. Fact is no one can afford to be without insurance. Buy it, keep it , hope you never need it.

Skruface May 23rd, 2008 10:10

I don't want to sound like a jerk, but when you have $5K worth of guns, a $500 investment in a proper gun safe is not that much money:

At 200+ pounds, being the size it is, and bolted into the wall studs in your closet, any thief is going to have to make a hell of a racket to bust it open and/or move it.

This is a good lesson for all you new players, too: you're expected to treat your airsoft guns like real firearms at the field, so why not treat them like real firearms at home, too? Buy a gun safe, and use trigger locks.

Rukus May 23rd, 2008 10:18

Well seeing as I'm in the Vic area if I hear or see anything I'll let you know. But that really sucks balls.

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 10:24


Originally Posted by jameskersten (Post 724501)
Sorry to hear Ryan, do you live in an apartment or a basement suite? If its an apartment then maybe find out how someone got into the building? Or maybe it was someone in your building? Either way, check with management about seeing the video tape of your front door? I know at my condo we have a camera at every main exit and same with at my old apartment. Its worth a try to maybe catch who may have your stuff.

And not to rub too much salt in the wound, for future reference, rental insurance (content insurance) for an apartment in your area is $20/month.

If you want to play still, we have guns at the field you can use, so your not entirely out of the game. I will lend you my ICS for a game day if you want, and I am sure the rest of the guys would help out someway or form.

I live in a lower suite of a house.

I should have gotten insurance, and I will now. I moved out 3 months ago and honestly not something I have ever thought about...

let this be a lesson to everyone out there, don't let this happen to you! it sucks...big time.


Originally Posted by cndzn (Post 724512)
Ryan that sux.......big time. As local airsofters lets keep a lookout for a PTW and associated airsoft gear for sale.
My gut feeling is telling me its been stolen by someone who knows what you have.
Were any other apartments broken into or just yours?? Was this random??

As JK has said, between us all we have more than enuff guns and gear to loan out to you when you decide to come out next.


My first reaction was that as well, I have shown some buddies them, but none of them drive or live even close to me...i think it was just a random break in...whoever was in my place was going for my xbox first as all the cables were unplugged but found the guns and took those instead...they went through all my cubboards and food too.

police are going to do forensics today, hopefully something will come from that.

i'll definetly take you guys up on that at some point...probably not till june.

i'm not going to be able to buy new kit or a gun for a long while, i'm on my own and don't make that much money...bought most of this stuff while living with parents with money to burn. :(

Azathoth May 23rd, 2008 10:24

Sorry to hear that you were burgled.

I don't want to be an ass but this is certainly a lesson to everyone. I can't count how many times I see pictures of people's "Display wall" where the leave their guns on a shelf, unlocked.

Invasian May 23rd, 2008 10:46

On top of being locked inside a custom made airsoft cabinet, I just renewed my $7000 coverage specifically for "Firearms" as they classified under my insurance umbrella, best $450 i spend every year...

i live in an apartment building so I don't chances with what I consider akin to having kids....

jameskersten May 23rd, 2008 11:18

My old apartment was in the same area, sketchy is a pretty good word for the area. I had a ground floor apartment and I was always worried about having my stuff there and worst having it stolen. It wasn't uncommon in the apartment complex to hear about a break in, somehow I was never a victim. Now that I live on the 3rd floor in a almost new building with everyone owning their unit I do feel a lot safer but this could happen anywhere. I will be looking into a safe of some degree. I do put my guns in a fairly safe place now but they are not locked which may happen now.

BoB May 23rd, 2008 11:19

Sounds like it could have been someone you know?

Lakonian May 23rd, 2008 12:18


Originally Posted by BoB (Post 724565)
Sounds like it could have been someone you know?


Kinda seems strange that the AS was targeted as it was.

Hopefully you get the stuff back. :(

NickPoole May 23rd, 2008 13:06

So shitty man, sorry to hear.

Drache May 23rd, 2008 13:06

I still think someone went for the airsoft specifically! The Xbox might have been a "roose" or whatever you call it to make you think that they were just random. I mean, why steal your GEAR?!

Aquamarine May 23rd, 2008 14:44

How do you not have insurance?

Do folks in BC not have standard home-owners insurance out there? GOod christ that's terrible... well at least we know they are out there.

Brian McIlmoyle May 23rd, 2008 14:47


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 724660)
How do you not have insurance?

Do folks in BC not have standard home-owners insurance out there? GOod christ that's terrible... well at least we know they are out there.

more than half of people who live in rented dwellings do not carry insurance.

jameskersten May 23rd, 2008 15:02


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 724660)
How do you not have insurance?

Do folks in BC not have standard home-owners insurance out there? GOod christ that's terrible... well at least we know they are out there.

We do, I thought it was standard practice to have house/home/content insurance but after talking to a few co-workers 50% of them didn't have any insurance either. Scary! I know at my condo complex you must have insurance (atleast liabilty to $1000000)

L473ncy May 23rd, 2008 19:16

I'll try to watch out in Vancouver (if they try taking it over the ferry to pawn off), sorry man but that's the best I can do.

Anyways hope you get your stuff back. I can look around.

What did you say it was BTW? Do you have descriptions, distinct markings or scratches that are obvious?

Make sure you check out kijiji, buy/sell, and craigslist if they're stupid they might try to pawn it off there. I'm going to take a random guess and probably say that their still school kids (like that other guy who's neighbours stole his stuff)

For me when I get my own place it's going to have a gun safe. I've seen too many "stolen" threads recently.

~JARSH~ May 23rd, 2008 21:09

well time to buy a real gun and hunts some stupid pricks!

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 21:27


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 724614)
I still think someone went for the airsoft specifically! The Xbox might have been a "roose" or whatever you call it to make you think that they were just random. I mean, why steal your GEAR?!

i had some fairly expensive items in my gear bag (radio, SERPA holster, blackhawk hydrastorm etc etc), they obviously went through it and discovered this as they took out and left my muddy boots.

My first thought was maybe it was someone I knew, most people I know don't live anywhere near where I do and most don't have vehicles...maybe someone I know that knows about my AS told some unsavory people...that's a possibility.

The cops think it was two people, and one was going for my xbox/dvds/nintendo, and other looking through my bedroom...once they found my AS stuff they just went after that...they say they just grab what they can grab and leave. Cops think it was drug addicts since the first thing they did was go through my food.

jtjcheng May 23rd, 2008 21:41

if this was solely about airsoft, could that be underaged kids who don't have access to gun sales and are desperate to have guns in their hands, for any possible reasons?

six4 May 24th, 2008 03:49

really crappy news,,,sorry to hear it. i respnded to your post on the bcac forum already but how about posting pics of your gear so we spread the word.


HGI May 24th, 2008 09:51

I'll keep my ears open if I hear/see any thing that links to this in ukee/tofino port Alberti and nanaimo. If I were you I'd contact rick or Tyler from CIA (centrial island airsoft), don't know their website off hand but send them photos cause they could show up to a game on the island or even on the mainland. Sorry to hear about this happening, getting anything you worked for stolen sucks, even girls.

jameskersten May 24th, 2008 17:26

Hey Ryan,. I was just thinking. have you spoken with your landlord yet? I assume they have insurance, maybe ask if you can pay their deductible and they help you out? I am not sure if they would go for it but it maybe worth a shot specially since you are just technically living in their basement and I assume they are going to filing a claim anyways for the damge to the door.etc/

BloodSport May 24th, 2008 17:30


Originally Posted by Mizfit (Post 724438)
I've posted it once and I will post it again here....everyone needs to be very selective on what they post about their gear. You may be advertising a shopping list for someone. I have read other posts where guys have listed a total inventory of their guns and gear.

Not saying this is the case here and I really hope you recover some of the gear you lost. I would seriously start hunting the pawn shops and online sales on a daily basis.

Anyhow, just a friendly reminder to be selective on what you post.

Hence why I have dogs, females weigh 150lbs+ and the males average 220lbs+

And if they get past the dogs, they still have to get past the padlocks, and locks on the cabinet.

Armyissue May 24th, 2008 17:36


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 725346)
Hence why I have dogs, females weigh 150lbs+ and the males average 220lbs+

And if they get past the dogs, they still have to get past the padlocks, and locks on the cabinet.

Virtual dogs, steer away from the laptop and you'll be fine! lolz

In the first few months after you move into an apt is the most likely time you'll get jacked. Old tenants and old tenants friends are more familiar with your home than you are, and you just put most of your stuff on parade between the back of the truck the front door. Still sux, but now you've got more info to protect your sh8t.

kullwarrior May 24th, 2008 18:05


Originally Posted by jtjcheng (Post 724926)
if this was solely about airsoft, could that be underaged kids who don't have access to gun sales and are desperate to have guns in their hands, for any possible reasons?

One question I had in mind, is there anything else stolen? Read couple of cases where people who were victim of random break in took the guns, thought it would be real steel and tried to sell it to gun dealer. See if it's about airsoft, then you best start to trace people in your area knows that you play airsoft. Makes it considered planned.
However, if it was a random break in, it could be the person thought its real steel. Since theres multiple AR-15 brands, the person could think it is an real steel AR-15.

Sad to hear these cases.

WarHawk109 May 24th, 2008 22:49


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 725366)
One question I had in mind, is there anything else stolen? Read couple of cases where people who were victim of random break in took the guns, thought it would be real steel and tried to sell it to gun dealer. See if it's about airsoft, then you best start to trace people in your area knows that you play airsoft. Makes it considered planned.
However, if it was a random break in, it could be the person thought its real steel. Since theres multiple AR-15 brands, the person could think it is an real steel AR-15.

Sad to hear these cases.

I think it was random...they took my ipod and were going for my xbox and movies, but never took 'em.


Originally Posted by jameskersten (Post 725342)
Hey Ryan,. I was just thinking. have you spoken with your landlord yet? I assume they have insurance, maybe ask if you can pay their deductible and they help you out? I am not sure if they would go for it but it maybe worth a shot specially since you are just technically living in their basement and I assume they are going to filing a claim anyways for the damge to the door.etc/

My landlady is away in England, she doesn't get back till that legal?

Lisa May 25th, 2008 00:14

The land lady probably doesn't want the higher rates. and how can you have multiple thousands of dollars worth of gear and not spend a few hundred on insurance?

jameskersten May 25th, 2008 00:42


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 725493)

My landlady is away in England, she doesn't get back till that legal?

Honestly I don't know but I can't see how it would be illegal. Your living under her roof technically so it might be worth asking her. she might tell you to pound sand for the reason Lisa said but she may feel bad and look into it. I am not sure how much it would effect her premiums anyways I am sure she could tell you.

WarHawk109 May 25th, 2008 00:59


Originally Posted by Lisa (Post 725531)
The land lady probably doesn't want the higher rates. and how can you have multiple thousands of dollars worth of gear and not spend a few hundred on insurance?

yep...rub it in


Dracheous May 25th, 2008 01:27


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 725554)
yep...rub it in


Not so much a rub in bud, just a friendly slap on the back of the head; Kinda like
Foreman from 70's Show with his "Dumb ass" comments :P.

Hard way to learn when insurance is a good idea, but its the way ya did take. Hopefully with a little friendly razzing you won't forget next time ;).

Also, not illegal for landlady to be away on vacation, although she SHOULD have a verified contact rep while she's away to deal with matters such as these. Probably a lawyer of some sort, but also not required if I recall correctly on the matter, then again I'd be going by Ontario rules.

Army-Kill May 25th, 2008 23:32

Someone here should make a donation thing for you I would donate 25 bucks to help you get your guns.

DC_ACU May 25th, 2008 23:38


Originally Posted by Army-Kill (Post 726179)
Someone here should make a donation thing for you I would donate 25 bucks to help you get your guns.

ya kuz a donation thing will get his stuff back.

demco11 May 25th, 2008 23:40


Local airsoft forums
Friends / fellow airsofters
Pawn shops

Check kijiji , craigslist, buy & sell etc...

Good luck

coghlan May 26th, 2008 10:00

Insurance is good, but so is a local burglar alarm, just as a deterrent - even if not monitored.

CDN_Stalker May 26th, 2008 10:20


Originally Posted by ex-royal (Post 724440)
+1 and buy a gun locker..shit they are 100 bucks at lebarons. Sorry for your loss though mate. Good luck.

Ya, make it prepackaged, easier for thieves to take out (one shot as opposed to repeated trips with gun cases). Lol, the small long ones (7 rifles) cost about $130, and aren't very heavy at all. I'm looking at getting one when I can afford the $350, the same dual door one that Apoc has. Even that one is only 117lbs, but is a big brute.

Lisa May 26th, 2008 10:28


Originally Posted by coghlan (Post 726339)
Insurance is good, but so is a local burglar alarm, just as a deterrent - even if not monitored.

Who's going to come when the alarm goes off? Thieves know they have 15 minutes to grab and go.

When my folks got burgled my mom asked if an alarm would have helped, the insurance adjuster said buy a loud dog.

Silent_Angel May 26th, 2008 11:12

Sorry about your loss.... dam everything was taken? including your gears as well?!!! That kind of loss would put me out of AS for a good 4+ years.... Sorry about your loss, hope they will find those thiefs. I had a brake in before and its not a pleasent feeling even if its a little loss.

Now I need a gun safe, I was wondering where can I get those things, I know Canadian tire sells them, but not too sure of their quality. Can someone in Calgary let my know where to get a good pistal safe, and rifle safe (houses at least 3-4 guns). Don't know too much realsteel shops except Shooting Edge.


Millhouse May 26th, 2008 11:31

I found some at the outdoors place in deerfoot meadows. (the name of it escapes me at the moment. you'll find them in the rear of the store on the right side.

Memory serves the prices (and quality) fits all budgets.

zener May 26th, 2008 20:52


Originally Posted by Millhouse (Post 726397)
I found some at the outdoors place in deerfoot meadows. (the name of it escapes me at the moment. you'll find them in the rear of the store on the right side.

Memory serves the prices (and quality) fits all budgets.

Its "Wholesale Sports", good for us Calgary guys, not good for the OP as he is in BC.

WarHawk109 May 26th, 2008 21:19

definetly getting a gun locker when I scrape some money together, something I can bolt to the wall.

once i get that, get a PAL and a handgun so I can REALLY defend my home from intruders.

CDN_Stalker May 26th, 2008 21:36


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 726928)
definetly getting a gun locker when I scrape some money together, something I can bolt to the wall.

once i get that, get a PAL and a handgun so I can REALLY defend my home from intruders.

Cool, shotgun boobie trap for when you aren't around.

jesster202 May 26th, 2008 23:13


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 726947)
Cool, shotgun boobie trap for when you aren't around.

lol also sorry about your loss

oicurpn May 27th, 2008 00:58

i posted a response on bcac sorry to here this has happened to you. do you have one or two hydro meters on the house Ryan? if there is only one then she should be willing to make a claim as the suite is not a legal suite in Victoria, if she is collecting revenue from renting the suite to you she is also responsible for all contents under her insurance. (assuming she has insurance) just a FYI.

PvtSpartykus May 27th, 2008 02:25

I'm so sorry to that your gear and weapons were stolen. How horrible and unfortunate given the investment you have contributed to your passtime. MY sincerest condolences to you. I hnestly hope that this works out for you. Have the police released any informaton on leads in the case or are they even going to bother looking in to it in depth (one of my friends had a robbery in his house and apparently the police only pretended to listen because they got the report completely wrong, so they went private and manage to find the culprits it turned out to be someone on the neighbouring street)?Oh no! a Classic Army SLR 105 that's a really nice gun, I wanted to purchase that myself,but then I realized the G36 models were more appealing to me for some reason. Still though, I'm sorry for your loss. I'd most likely cry if I were you (or pull my hair out) but then again I'm a woosy when it comes to things similar to this so... :'(

The worst part is that now you won't get to play, hopefully you'll be able to borrow a friend's gun and play a game once in a while, keep your morale up.

Warmth and best of luck, my sincere appologies,




At 200+ pounds, being the size it is, and bolted into the wall studs in your closet, any thief is going to have to make a hell of a racket to bust it open and/or move it.

This is a good lesson for all you new players, too: you're expected to treat your airsoft guns like real firearms at the field, so why not treat them like real firearms at home, too? Buy a gun safe, and use trigger locks.
duely noted and agreed upon, I actually had no idea one could aquire a safe to carry guns. To be frank, I hadn't considered the option.

Schwag May 27th, 2008 10:26

Third one I've heard about in a year. Happened to a buddy of mine in Barrie too.
Fucking savages.

Brian McIlmoyle May 27th, 2008 12:39


Originally Posted by oicurpn (Post 727151)
i posted a response on bcac sorry to here this has happened to you. do you have one or two hydro meters on the house Ryan? if there is only one then she should be willing to make a claim as the suite is not a legal suite in Victoria, if she is collecting revenue from renting the suite to you she is also responsible for all contents under her insurance. (assuming she has insurance) just a FYI.

This is not true.. the home owner is not responsible for coverage to third party contents.

She did not suffer any loss so she is not entitled to be indemnified .. no loss no claim.

She could make a claim for a person who is related to her under her policy, but the contents of an Unrelated tenant or Boarder is typically not insurable.

Policy wordings do change from time to time and different companies do offer different coverages.. but the principle of indemnification for loss is universal.

She must prove her loss to claim.. she suffered no loss.. so no claim provable.

coghlan May 28th, 2008 10:47


Originally Posted by Lisa (Post 726354)
Who's going to come when the alarm goes off? Thieves know they have 15 minutes to grab and go.

When my folks got burgled my mom asked if an alarm would have helped, the insurance adjuster said buy a loud dog.

A pro on a secluded street might stick around, but no amatuer is going to stick around once an exterior siren starts howling.

PvtSpartykus May 28th, 2008 22:29



Originally Posted by Lisa
Who's going to come when the alarm goes off? Thieves know they have 15 minutes to grab and go.

When my folks got burgled my mom asked if an alarm would have helped, the insurance adjuster said buy a loud dog.
Originally posted by coghlan
A pro on a secluded street might stick around, but no amatuer is going to stick around once an exterior siren starts howling.
I disagree, similar to Lisa, I've had an encouter where the crooks stole what they could before the police arrived. Also, when choosing insurances, you get the option of which force is sent to most immediately: private police (supplied by the insurance agency; essentially the insurace company's 'police' force), The municipa police force or the emergency services such as ambulance and firefighters. According to my X-English teacher with whom I used to speak avidly about a plethora of subjects (yes, I used plethora in a post!) and who had previousy been employed by the Ottawa police warden to evaluate the police men entering the police force through the program offered at Carleton university, the candidates that 'didn't make the cut' when asked the essay question "why do you want to be a law enforcer" went in to private home security. The candidates in question would answer the question with statements such as: "I really want those cool looking glasses", " I want to shoot someone", "I want to hold a real gun" and even "I want to night-stick someone so they learn to respect the law". If that kind of a person was to be the firt person on the scene, not only would I be doubtful tat they would catch the culprit, I ask myself the question: would he really care at all?

again, I'm sorry for your loss and I am not joking when I say that it was tradgic!



Lisa May 28th, 2008 22:45


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 726928)
definetly getting a gun locker when I scrape some money together, something I can bolt to the wall.

once i get that, get a PAL and a handgun so I can REALLY defend my home from intruders.

So far you've only had intruders come when you weren't home. You think having a PAL and a hand gun will help when you aren't home? With the restrictions required for a hand gun you wouldn't have time to grab it, unlock it, load it (and i forget if the ammo has to be locked up or just kept seperate and i'm too lazy to double check). by the time you knew you were being intruded you would either be subdued (ie some one came to the door and you answered) or you would be having your gun used against you. And if you used said gun against a burglar our laws would be against you. having a gun wouldn't be a deterent since most people don't have them, particularly in cities, and if you advertised that you had a gun it might actually make you a target. plus with the required club fees to own a pistol (what? did you think you could just buy one with a pal? you need an RPal and membership in a gun club to own one), it would be cheaper to own a big dog and have an alarm system. gun ownership isn't cheap.

Do get a gun locker for your airsoft, it won't stop a thief but it will slow them down and make them move onto easier targets like your iPod and laptop. Locks don't stop thieves but they slow them down.

Also rereading your original post, if it was just your airsoft that was gone you were robbed by some one you know.

Lorden May 28th, 2008 22:46

Yeah I got half my appartment stolen 6 months ago -- Lost about 3k worth of stuff. Then one day at around 1pm while I was sleeping, the guy broke in AGAIN. Woke up, grabbed my hunting knife and caught the guy with my brand new PS3 in his hands. He was real careful with it with 8 inches of steel at his throat. Then I kicked him out. I was so hyped up on adrenaline it took me 40 minutes to calm down enough to call the cops. God knows what would have happened if he's tried to make a move...any move other than the peaceful way he left the house that day.

Lisa -- You're right about the laws being against us in Canada. In the States they have a 'Castle' clause that states that you can get away with murder in your own home if you're invaded and it's in self-defense. In Canada if a guy breaks in your house and falls down your stairs through his own bad luck, he can sue you (civil courts) for the medical bills.

kalnaren May 28th, 2008 23:08


Originally Posted by Lorden (Post 729269)
Yeah I got half my appartment stolen 6 months ago -- Lost about 3k worth of stuff. Then one day at around 1pm while I was sleeping, the guy broke in AGAIN. Woke up, grabbed my hunting knife and caught the guy with my brand new PS3 in his hands. He was real careful with it with 8 inches of steel at his throat. Then I kicked him out. I was so hyped up on adrenaline it took me 40 minutes to calm down enough to call the cops. God knows what would have happened if he's tried to make a move...any move other than the peaceful way he left the house that day.

Lisa -- You're right about the laws being against us in Canada. In the States they have a 'Castle' clause that states that you can get away with murder in your own home if you're invaded and it's in self-defense. In Canada if a guy breaks in your house and falls down your stairs through his own bad luck, he can sue you (civil courts) for the medical bills.

The Castle law doesn't actually apply in every state. IIRC, it actually only applies in a minority of them.

jameskersten May 28th, 2008 23:30


Originally Posted by Lisa (Post 729266)
plus with the required club fees to own a pistol (what? did you think you could just buy one with a pal? you need an RPal and membership in a gun club to own one), it would be cheaper to own a big dog and have an alarm system. gun ownership isn't cheap.


Not that this trying to take anything away from your point cause I agree that his post is not the answer infact I think here was more talking out of bitterness to the situation cause knowing Warhawk109 I don't think he meant that seriously. Anyways our airsoft field here in Victoria is on a gun range with a membership to the gun club included in our annaul fee's infact our field fee's for a year are $90, for us that part isn't expensive. I consider us lucky :)

kalnaren May 29th, 2008 08:01


Originally Posted by Lisa (Post 729266)
... it would be cheaper to own a big dog ...

Dogs are actually the most effective way to deter breakins. At least in Canada.

L473ncy May 29th, 2008 20:31

A Siberian Husky might be a good buy, they're really good if you like outdoors and you can have lots of fun.

That being said getting a dog is also a huge responsibility, and you shouldn't get one for the sake of getting one to deter crime.

JCYC5 June 1st, 2008 04:15

Huskies are too friendly to be good guard dogs

kalnaren June 1st, 2008 16:57


Originally Posted by JCYC5 (Post 731967)
Huskies are too friendly to be good guard dogs

Yea... I want a pitbull with a fricken laser beam on its head.

Point_Man June 1st, 2008 22:28

Someone said that right after you move in is when you're most vulnerable because 1) the old owner is familiar with the place; more so then even you are and 2) because you've paraded all of your belongings between the back of the truck and the house.

I want to restate that because it's very important, and also add that when you buy stuff such as a brand new TV and you put the box at the curb you have just invited the world's creeps to rob you of your new LCD. I read one story of a guy who got all new toys (tv, stereo, etc) and it all got stolen- his insurance covered it and they got all new stuff AGAIN and once more they put the boxes at the road, they got broken into again. No big surprise.

Cut up your boxes or reuse them for shipping/etc.

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