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cbcsteve August 3rd, 2009 18:37

Brass Guard - Airsoft Protective Mask
I was parousing Youtube for some music and ended stumbling on this

Brass Guard - Airsoft Mask

All the way from Russia

Interesting design, never seen something like that before
That is there english site, but perhaps those who know Russian can broker a good deal to bring them over.

YouTube - airsoft mask

And to keep up with their innovation they even made this

YouTube - airsoft mask. multicam

They have half masks as well

You can also be a Multi-Cam Ninja

ShelledPants August 3rd, 2009 18:39

It's a modified fencing mask. Also a repost. Good compilation of all the vids though.

EDIT: Also good for fans of Mortal Kombat.

ALSO: For the full face mask it's 95USD + DHL top price for shipping = 64 USD. shipping time 5 day = $150USD OUCH.

lemegacool August 3rd, 2009 18:45

the half mask is freaking interesting!!! to use with regular ess goggles instead of mesh!!

Nacchi August 3rd, 2009 19:04

Definitely interested in the half mask as I never play without full face protection. It looks like you can get a better cheek contact with the stock as well. I would not mind the $95 but the shipping is just too much.

Styrak August 3rd, 2009 19:06

Still a mesh mask...

pusangani August 3rd, 2009 19:08

i like these, not so much the price tho

Death March August 3rd, 2009 19:39

The half one is a great idea! Hmmm need one lol

Silverthorn August 5th, 2009 10:40

The half-mask is awesome. Just sucks that shipping is such a racket... I can't believe they charge 43US$ for basic shipping. Incredible.

I'd buy that in a minute otherwise.

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 11:07

Group purchase could reduce shipping?

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 11:09

Also, from the site:

How to use BGE PMs:
2. DO NOT use this mask for protection if munitions another then bbs cal. 6 mm weight 0.12 - 0.28 g and velocity above 150 m/s is used. 2. Minimum safe firing range is 5 meters.3. DO NOT use this mask in hardball-type games when metallic munitions is used.
4. KEEP THIS PRODUCT AWAY from water and harmful substances. DO NOT keep it wet more then 2 hours.
5. DO NOT warm it up above 40C (70F)
6. DO NOT shoot in mask from AEGs above 150 fps tuning.

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 11:12

id sell one of my guns to be able to afford those if somebody else would order with me to reduce the shipping

Silverthorn August 5th, 2009 11:14


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1039053)
Also, from the site:

150 fps tuning.

Just on the line before they say 150 m/s so might be just a typo. Also this mesh mask is better then wearing nothing at all!

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 11:19

I agree, but eye wise, is it as good as a Molle T800 glass? (if you order the full facemask)

Silverthorn August 5th, 2009 11:26


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1039060)
I agree, but eye wise, is it as good as a Molle T800 glass? (if you order the full facemask)

I wouldn't trust a mesh mask over my eyes even if it is very resistant (BBs can break and shards can go in the eyes).

The half-mask would be my way to go.

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 11:41


Originally Posted by Silverthorn (Post 1039066)
I wouldn't trust a mesh mask over my eyes even if it is very resistant (BBs can break and shards can go in the eyes).

The half-mask would be my way to go.

Brian McIlmoyle August 5th, 2009 11:47


Originally Posted by Silverthorn (Post 1039066)
I wouldn't trust a mesh mask over my eyes even if it is very resistant (BBs can break and shards can go in the eyes).

The half-mask would be my way to go.

Note the fellow in the demo had ballistic glasses on under the mask.

I like the idea of the mesh half mask..

One of the issues with mesh is in bright sun.. it can be hard to see out of due to reflective scattering.. and they are useless in low light as your eye wants to focus on the mask ...

Styrak August 5th, 2009 12:08

Talk about gouging for shipping. $43 for EMS and it takes 1 month?

EMS should be cheaper AND it should take like 3-5 days.

aZn_triXta07 August 5th, 2009 12:10

I'd be down for a group order for the half mesh masks, I wonder if it's possible to reshape the meshing for a better cheek weld or for other players who may have larger/smaller cheek bones/face etc.

On the other hand, I've been using this for Indoor CQB yeah I've been called Darth Vader or whatever but I can enjoy myself without worrying about coming home with welts on my neck/face.

Here's what I use: Oh and it's Canadian, head office is in Ottawa I believe.

Remember, safety first.


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1039090)
Talk about gouging for shipping. $43 for EMS and it takes 1 month?

EMS should be cheaper AND it should take like 3-5 days.

It's probably coming from the heart of the motherland!! Plus it'll probably cost a little $$ to bribe the folks in the post office to not carelessly 'lose' packages.


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1039055)
id sell one of my guns to be able to afford those if somebody else would order with me to reduce the shipping

tehnooblord we're all seriously tired of you bickering about not being able to afford anything.

STFU already, everybody has financial problems but we all make ends meets when it comes to this hobby. Airsoft isn't even considered EXPENSIVE compared to some of the other hobbies out there.

As for money issues, it's usually because you don't keep track of your expenses/income very well, maybe you should start writing down what you spend each day and what you make and then start figuring out what you can and can't spend your $$ on after you've set priorities.

Silverthorn August 5th, 2009 13:08


Now let's get back on topic shall we?

Protective mask from Russia. Yes, that's it! ;)

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 13:09

group order?

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 13:10


Group order of 4 reduce the unit price to 51 USD per unit, not bad


Originally Posted by Silverthorn (Post 1039142)

Now let's get back on topic shall we?

Protective mask from Russia. Yes, that's it! ;)

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 13:13


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1039144)

Group order of 4 reduce the unit price to 51 USD per unit, not bad

not bad, gimme a few days and im in for an order, anybody else?

oh by the way, is that for the full mask or the half mask?

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 13:20

Half one

Long_Bong August 5th, 2009 13:21

Full mask make no sense to me, as silver pointed, you would have to put some goggle underneath to protect from bb shard when they impact on the mesh...

chronic August 5th, 2009 13:24

Apologies if you guys have been through this before....
But what about simply stitching the light wire mesh (ala home depot) in between layers of a cloth half mask or neoprene? I mean it would give the same protection and would cost basically nothing...

Although it would be pretty hot underneath it, you can go to thin cloth instead of neoprene.

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 13:28

being homemade, i wouldnt bet on it stopping BBs, and it would also probable be pretty uncomfortable, because... well...i just get this image of a piece of chicken wire strapped to my face

Id personally prefer the full mech, but thats maybe just me, cause i already wear glasses under it anyways, if its just the half mask, i dont see why you wouldnt just get goggles with the face mask built in

surebet August 5th, 2009 13:32

Wait, what? this

Could someone define what the hell "drilled goggles" are, I'm hoping it's not what I think it means...

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 13:34

i drilled some small holes around the outer rim to aid ventilation, and whats that got to do with this thread?

ujiro August 5th, 2009 13:40

Wow.. That should have been brought to PMs a long time ago. GTFO this thread with those comments.

This looks kind of cool, especially the half mask since it would offer protection, but without fogging up goggles like wearing a neoprene half mask does. But so expensive, I just don't see it as worth that much. I like the idea of home made half mask.

surebet August 5th, 2009 13:47


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1039160)
i drilled some small holes around the outer rim to aid ventilation, and whats that got to do with this thread?

Curiosity, and I prefered not to post in the game thread.

I'll pass on commenting the wisdom in drilling hole in protective equipment.

As for your... issues, you ganked us with that. The original point stands, this isn't MSN, and advertising guns for sale (even passively like in your comment) goes against the TOS here.

Silverthorn August 5th, 2009 14:26


Originally Posted by chronic (Post 1039153)
But what about simply stitching the light wire mesh (ala home depot) in between layers of a cloth half mask or neoprene?

The goal of this is specifically NOT to have cloth or neoprone over your face while having a strong breathable mask.

Amos August 5th, 2009 16:59

It would be nice for a RETAILER (Some one with successful pre-order experience) to organize getting these things :)

Thenooblord August 5th, 2009 18:24

yea, i guess id be in for either half or full mask

Bandit August 5th, 2009 22:58

I would have just bought a half mask, if their ordering system was all soviet and crackity. If someone learns how to navigate WebMoney and manages to get one shipped, please tell me your arcane secrets.

Doombringer August 5th, 2009 23:17

english version:

Or, You can hit the en/ru button on top right of the Webmoney's website.

Bandit August 6th, 2009 01:24


Originally Posted by Doombringer (Post 1039456)
english version:

Or, You can hit the en/ru button on top right of the Webmoney's website.

Don't worry, I made it past that part.

Styrak August 6th, 2009 03:44


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1039266)
It would be nice for a RETAILER (Some one with successful pre-order experience) to organize getting these things :)

Only one problem with that:

"The total price should NOT be above 323 USD and delivery should contain NOT more than 4 items of one type. "

Ayashifx55 August 6th, 2009 14:29

someone china mass production it please ;)

Chingyul January 15th, 2010 20:36

Just a bump. There's now a EU dealer on Arnies.

US shipping (what was posted):
0 - 2 kg EUR 24,10
2 - 5 kg EUR 34,20
5 - 10 kg EUR 57,10

Stalker 'Black' or 'OD' - Euro 26/each (US$37.71)
Stalker 'Multicam' - Euro 36/each (US$52.22) (All other colors are also available but with minimum quantity of 5 pieces)
Praetorian - Euro 71/each (US$103) (All other colors are also available but with minimum quantity of 5 pieces)

Still pretty expensive, but if a big group order was done, it would bring down the price. I'd be interested in a Stalker mask in Coyote.

StrikeFreedom January 15th, 2010 23:19

Why can't they make the same thing with transparent plastic instead?

Jimski January 15th, 2010 23:35

that surface would be very expensive; and the fog....

KND January 15th, 2010 23:40

I would be in for the Stalker OD though if people decide for a group order.

Solidsnake25 January 17th, 2010 01:34


Originally Posted by KND (Post 1143114)
I would be in for the Stalker OD though if people decide for a group order.

id be interested a group order

theguy January 17th, 2010 02:08

I would be down for a stalker in multicam for suure!

theguy January 17th, 2010 02:29

On Arnies:


Soon there will be a 3rd mask which will not only protect your teeth, but also your ears. It is for really CQB and high FPS type of games.

I would buy that in Multicam SOO fast

zone 69 January 17th, 2010 04:51

I would be interested in a Stalker 'CB' hafe mask pending the price shipped to me.

Gonzo Sleeper January 17th, 2010 07:20

If cost isn't too bad I would be in for a half mask in od. There is a guy on JOC in Calgary who is currently putting something similar together. Seen him wear one during indoor and don't look bad.

Kusco February 6th, 2010 15:11

will there ever be a group order for this?

hadur February 12th, 2010 00:07

depending on pricing id be up for a half mask

szetor February 12th, 2010 00:20

if anyone is doing a group order i would like a CB half mask (stalker) aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chingyul February 12th, 2010 00:40

There's a made in Canada product coming soon. So maybe wait and see on that first.

theguy February 12th, 2010 16:14


Originally Posted by Chingyul (Post 1162797)
There's a made in Canada product coming soon. So maybe wait and see on that first.


Is it being made by you?

Spawn28 February 12th, 2010 16:48

All i know is that for 150$US i could make at least 5 of em......the half masks i mean

think i found a new project.


Gonzo Sleeper February 12th, 2010 16:51

If you were to read 4 posts above his you would have your answer. He is on JOC out of Calgary

theguy February 12th, 2010 16:53


Originally Posted by Gonzo Sleeper (Post 1163218)
If you were to read 4 posts above his you would have your answer. He is on JOC out of Calgary

Oh, shit, missed that.


skalnok February 12th, 2010 20:07

i would be in for one bat mask ( after march) though if calgary dude is better id buy one of his lol

submarineman February 14th, 2010 17:25

Really interesting, I would be in for one as well.

magnum703 February 14th, 2010 21:02

Hmmm looks cool, but i'm ordering the DYE i4 instead lol

Gonzo Sleeper February 14th, 2010 21:23

Here is a link to the thread..there are few pages of everyone wanting the Russian dealie but after that there is info about Clerics creations..I have my name down for the "chops"

cbcsteve February 14th, 2010 22:32

Also found this custom mask maker in Russia

At least 10 orders must be placed if you get a custom mask and each mask runs from 65 usd - 100 usd depending on the dimensions

Great for teams I guess who want to have one specific mask

There is also Bitter End Airsoft Mesh Mask

By the looks of it, it looks a handy man from Canada could actually do something like this if they have the necessary tools

Dynamo February 15th, 2010 00:07

i would stay away from stamped steel for a mask. that stuff may look and feel tough, but it doesnt handle impacts very well.
brass mesh isnt much better, it is far too soft. stainless steel heavy gauge woven mesh is by far the best material. you can heat to to make it malleable, then temper it to make it super hard and flexible.

there is a company here in Toronto that sells different kinds of wire mesh. im going to get some stainless steel mesh in different gauges to see which would be best for airsoft.

Mikhail February 15th, 2010 01:40

Here is another provider of half masks...and having just received (birthday) their goggles, can say these are quite impressive.

There is NO way you will ever penetrate this mesh...not with AS.

skalnok February 15th, 2010 02:48


Originally Posted by Gonzo Sleeper (Post 1164723)

Here is a link to the thread..there are few pages of everyone wanting the Russian dealie but after that there is info about Clerics creations..I have my name down for the "chops"

i just signed up but am unable to view the thread. it says it does not exist or i am not privileged to view it

MartyK2500 February 20th, 2010 15:44

hey mikhail got a link as to where i could buy these mesh half~masks.very interesting...

Daiviet February 20th, 2010 15:49

yea, looks nice Mikhail, you got a link on where to purchase it?

The Chad February 20th, 2010 15:53

Still not as safe as lens masks. Harder to see through and BBs DO shatter on impact if close enough, I don't trust mesh masks.

Plus most of the local fields want Painball approved goggles :( which makes my CA tac goggles useless. At least they look nice

Gonzo Sleeper February 20th, 2010 16:03

The thread is in the general boards so should be able to see it..anyone else having this problem?

MartyK2500 February 20th, 2010 17:02

i will have paintball goggles,i want the lower half mask.i see the link,the pics but cant buy.

MMatersk February 20th, 2010 19:06

I clicked the link and everything works fine? go to contact us and there you go.

MartyK2500 February 22nd, 2010 07:00

Alright the way the site works,you got to send a msg in contacts then sellers emails you his paypal account.Just ordered a lower face mask,colour : black.Ill let you guys know about the comfort of wearing this...havent played yet but comfort should be obvious.

[SIK] Piér February 22nd, 2010 18:33


Originally Posted by MartyK2500 (Post 1169763)
Alright the way the site works,you got to send a msg in contacts then sellers emails you his paypal account.Just ordered a lower face mask,colour : black.Ill let you guys know about the comfort of wearing this...havent played yet but comfort should be obvious.


I'll be waiting for your review buddy.

Mikhail February 23rd, 2010 00:08


Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby (Post 1168597)
Still not as safe as lens masks. Harder to see through and BBs DO shatter on impact if close enough, I don't trust mesh masks.

Plus most of the local fields want Paintball approved goggles :( which makes my CA tac goggles useless. At least they look nice

Hmm...ya I don't know about not as safe. Seen paintball lenses punched through (age of lens maybe, sure). I don't trust PAINTBALL masks that I have to wear for AIRSOFT because of a fields insurance needs. Not exactly putting my safety first. And there are lots of excellent fields here which are not insured as paintball fields.

These are also been approved for several LARGE venue ops down south.

And fogged lenses that I can not see through, stumbling around in the bush is a concern both visibility-wise and safety-wise.

Just email the Bitter-end fellow, tell him which product you like, and he will respond right away with a shipping quote. Mine (and my wifes) were shipped in days.

Mines painted up MC, and I find that the mesh sits before my focal range...I think I am losing maybe 5% of my light, but zero vision. In fact, I think my vision has sharpened up a bit via pinhole effect....

.....hold it...forget everything I just said....NO I am now quite blind!...cant see anything...come closer.:cool:

MartyK2500 March 6th, 2010 11:02

hey guys,i received 3 lower face bitter end face masks.
I have to say they are very well crafted,very comfortable and will definatly protect teeth/nose area.They fit good with my PB jt goggles (rest of mask torn off).
No problem whatsoever looking down the iron sights.I dont regret dealing with them and definitly will deal with them again.
The only downside is,being a metal mask,it if much more comfortable if wearing a balaclave.So i will get hot on thoses summer days.
(please dont flame my english i am trying my best)

CJay March 6th, 2010 11:25

just got my samples of the russian masks today and have to say they are both awesome - all of the others are fairly flat in comparison - these ones are far more contoured to your face and the mesh i bombproof. it's also not fixed mesh - tightweave mesh which means it flexes slightly at higher velocity resulting in the BB bouncing and not shattering - tested on VSR10 with 0.2g 0.28 0.35 BB's shooting 460 with 0.2's. well worth the wait IMHO

SHÖCK March 6th, 2010 17:20


Originally Posted by CJay (Post 1180187)
just got my samples of the russian masks today and have to say they are both awesome - all of the others are fairly flat in comparison - these ones are far more contoured to your face and the mesh i bombproof. it's also not fixed mesh - tightweave mesh which means it flexes slightly at higher velocity resulting in the BB bouncing and not shattering - tested on VSR10 with 0.2g 0.28 0.35 BB's shooting 460 with 0.2's. well worth the wait IMHO

Cjay, where did you order your Russian masks from? You saw Cleric's masks at the swap meet right? How would they compare? I would love to check our your masks at some point so see how they do with ESS Turbofan goggles and cheek weld.

CJay March 7th, 2010 20:05

I still gots some contacts from the UK airsoft scene so there was alot of fast talking to get some free samples lol - in short I canny really say just now but if all goes well then i can defo put in some bulk orders for peeps. in comparison to cleric's I'd imagine they are pretty similar - mesh is slightly heavier I believe but not by much at all - as I said they are more contoured so I recon they would fit goggles better out the box for sure but it's not rocket science to bend any other mesh masks to work just as well :D Like I said i recon they are awesome but I can't really test them right now - bailed rather spectacularly on Nikiska today (one guy thought i ragdolled pretty well lol) so my ankles pretty badly mulched just now so tomorrow nights game looks like a no-go...sniff :( if u fancy giving it a try just lemmi know

Gonzo Sleeper March 7th, 2010 20:15

Ill be interested in taking part in a bulk order..keep me posted!

[SIK] Piér March 7th, 2010 23:14


Originally Posted by Gonzo Sleeper (Post 1181239)
Ill be interested in taking part in a bulk order..keep me posted!


skalnok March 8th, 2010 00:30

i would def be in for bulk order but only once the bat mask is in production.

dontask March 15th, 2010 10:53


Originally Posted by Gonzo Sleeper (Post 1181239)
Ill be interested in taking part in a bulk order..keep me posted!

+1 as well.

Any updates on this?

Schlyder March 20th, 2010 04:27

I'd be in for one of the Russian style masks in a group order. I saw photos of the stalker, batmask and the full mask on Arnie'sairsoft. They look really good.
In lots of 5 or more you can get custom colors.
If I recall correctly, a Dutch guy is doing some retailing of them. And they are just becoming available.

edit.. found the thread and have a link to the website where these are available.

kaiu March 31st, 2010 19:36

So um anyone planning on doing a mass order? :D

I would be in for a bat mask too... Probably Woodland or OD lol...

bountykilla April 3rd, 2010 01:50

if a group order gos down im in for a bat mask as well

ApacheDragonFly April 3rd, 2010 03:48

Please keep me posted as well...

I like my face the way it curently is.... lol

I want at least two of them.... stalker & Bat.

submarineman April 3rd, 2010 07:58

I got mine the other day. I LOVE IT, it feels great on my face and i think worth every penney. I like my teeth and want to keep them

Gato April 3rd, 2010 13:05


Originally Posted by dontask (Post 1186571)
+1 as well.

Any updates on this?


LyquidFyre April 15th, 2010 13:08

Any word at all about availability or someone doing a group order for these?

Bandit April 15th, 2010 13:50

I received my order of 3 Stalker masks a couple of weeks ago, from It took some time to get them, and when talking with the retailer he indicated that there are problems supplying more. Brassguard seem to be the current must-have airsoft item.

Another option is Cleric here in Calgary from the JOC boards. He has made a very nice facsimile which he is selling locally.

[SIK] Piér April 15th, 2010 17:07

Yep, they told me (last week) that they were not taking any orders (nor pre-orders) until further notice...


Gonzo Sleeper April 15th, 2010 19:35

I have Cleric's TIMM. Does the trick nicely. No padding but as long as you dont tighten it too much its ok.

xplan303ex April 21st, 2010 11:55

Brass Guard just started a discounted bulk order offer. How about we organize one? Although I would need someone in Vancouver to give mine to a friend that comes to Seattle regularly.

Details here:

kaiu April 21st, 2010 15:35


Originally Posted by submarineman (Post 1202087)
I got mine the other day. I LOVE IT, it feels great on my face and i think worth every penney. I like my teeth and want to keep them

does it bend in alot from a point blank 300 fps shot?

101jinx101 April 21st, 2010 22:43


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1216917)
does it bend in alot from a point blank 300 fps shot?

No, I've seen one that's been full auto'd at point blank, they just bounce off.. apparently great masks though, everyone I've seen using them can't shut up about them, lol. Makes me want one.

[SIK] Piér April 21st, 2010 23:04


Originally Posted by xplan303ex (Post 1216757)
Brass Guard just started a discounted bulk order offer. How about we organize one? Although I would need someone in Vancouver to give mine to a friend that comes to Seattle regularly.

Details here:

Yo man, they want us to order at lest 20 masks (that is if you want to have stalker masks.

That's alot of fucking masks lol. And if we try to do this, you have to realise that the shipping will be robbery.

Ex : I do the group order for 20 masks. After they arrive to my home, they still have to be shipped to everybody's door. 1 in Vancouver, the other one in Calgary, etc etc.

All that to say that unless you are either willing to pay great shipping fees, OR, if you manage to find 20 persons that want a mask like this AND that lives "nearby" to you... Idk BrassGuard is pissing me off atm lol.

xplan303ex April 22nd, 2010 00:55


Originally Posted by [SIK] Piér (Post 1217362)
Yo man, they want us to order at lest 20 masks (that is if you want to have stalker masks.

That's alot of fucking masks lol. And if we try to do this, you have to realise that the shipping will be robbery.

Ex : I do the group order for 20 masks. After they arrive to my home, they still have to be shipped to everybody's door. 1 in Vancouver, the other one in Calgary, etc etc.

All that to say that unless you are either willing to pay great shipping fees, OR, if you manage to find 20 persons that want a mask like this AND that lives "nearby" to you... Idk BrassGuard is pissing me off atm lol.

I already had an email exchange with them, the total of the order, SHIPPED is $633 USD, that's about $32 USD per mask already here. I understand that then it's kind of a pain to have to ship it to another city from whoever receives the total order, but it is way cheaper than trying to buy a single one for yourself, since the bulk order and the single order shipping costs almost the same (they are discounting it for the bulk).

kaiu April 22nd, 2010 12:14

32 usd isnt bad if its nice quality, how much shipping to toronto? From ur place

skalnok April 22nd, 2010 16:18

the website says dont shoot at over 150fps with .2grams..... anyone use these at higher velocities?

baker_Jeff April 22nd, 2010 16:20


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 1217911)
the website says dont shoot at over 150fps with .2grams..... anyone use these at higher velocities?

That's probably just to cover their ass.


cloves April 22nd, 2010 16:25

i'd pay 32 bucks for say another 10 for shipping. no higher though

Wilson April 22nd, 2010 17:45

You guys should try playing with just eye protection one of these days. It's not that bad.

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