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Love September 21st, 2009 16:55

An idea. Sorta like an SVD meets PKM.
Hey guys. I have a pretty weird idea.

I like the design of the SVD/Dragunov, as its a beautiful sniper rifle. But unfortunately, I am not a "sniper" type of person.

Now with that said, I am also a fan of the PKM light machine gun. Its nice, but not my type of gun either but I'm into Assault Rifles, that have decent accuracy. ;)

Now, heres where my idea comes into.

What if you were to make a cross breed. Like an SVD with a shorter barrel, bigger magezine, and full automatic capabilities. That'd strike my fancy.

I have a Aftermath Kraken which I like, but I feel that I could do so much more with it. (In terms of custom modifications.)

I was thinking of something like, an AK47 base, with a SVD Stock (or the default AK47 stock if I dont want to house a stick type battery inside the gun), with a barrel extension (Like silencer or something that screws on the end of the barrel to make it longer), with a box magezine. (Or a barrel magezine or the default magezine that a Ak47 uses.). I'd use keep the same foregrip thats on the Ak47. I like it much more than the long foregrip thats on the SVD.

How that sound? Probably sounds pretty ugly or useless.

In the end, imagine an Ak47 with or without a modified stock, longer barrel, and 4x scope.

Heres where my noobie questions come in.

1) Since the internals of the gun, would probably stay unmodified, is there any certain length of barrel extension that you guys suggest? (Like, after a certain length, does accuracy not increase anymore? Which means anymore than that length would be for looks only.)

2) Would 4x scope be reasonable for airsoft? 4x scopes are only like $15 on .

3) Theres a type of scope mount that comes from the side of the gun, rather than being attached to a rail. Whats that called, and where can I buy them?

Thanks guys.

Kingsix September 21st, 2009 17:08

Like a JG SVD
Well it's not really going to be an SVD because of the receiver. It's just going to be an AK-47 with SVD Furniture.
So it's more of a Egyptian Maadi long barreled RML

Get a Russian Side mount and use a Russian Scope like a PSO-1 scope.

Love September 21st, 2009 17:11

Thanks man! Thats like almost exactly what I was thinking for mine to look like.

(Just a bigger mag, and a slightly different barrel extension. Like a madbull one from ehobbyasia or ebaybanned, IF its possible to get those through the border.)

Also, anyone else think this is a cool stock thats on this RML/AK which is pictured on the link below?

Forever_kaos September 21st, 2009 17:24

It's not exactly what you are looking for, but it's an idea.

Tabuk sniper rifle, there are some better pictures on Google.

MoreToasties September 21st, 2009 17:27


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1069529)

My god, that is nice.

Except the mag reminds me of an amputee.

Love September 21st, 2009 17:33

Wow, the tabuk is like exactly what I want. (Just no hollow stock, and a slightly different barrel.). Awesome.

EDIT: Theres 3 cheap scopes that I am looking at currently. They're all 4x scopes. For around $20. One is crosman (CRAP. EW EW), one is Tasco (Which seems to be pretty decent.) and one is NcStar.

All 3 of them, say they go on a 3/8 dovetail rail. From reading on ASC, I will need to get a weaver rail adapter that would fit the scope from a local "walmart".

Kingsix September 21st, 2009 23:03

if it's going to be a russian gun SVD\ PKM its going to need russian scopes no rails :D

Love September 21st, 2009 23:08

I know that.

I'm just checking the possibilities. I can get a russian style side mount for scopes, that has a rail on top. I just have to check if that rail is a weaver rail. (As, the current scope thats I'm looking at has a dovetail rail, but there are posts saying that I can get a weaver rail adapter for the scope.)

Assault Pioneer September 21st, 2009 23:10

get a russion bipod for it too, (should mount directly onto barrel) bevlieve me, I've hefted around a dragunov for quite awhile, and they take a long time to swing around, all the extra weight forward on the gun is gonna change how it feels aswell,it'll be like packing around a real long 2x4, by your profile pic you dont look too old and no offence it comes with age, not that strong, their not something your going to be running around with. you'll be stationary mostly, this means a change in tactics aswell.

aznpos531 September 21st, 2009 23:11


Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer (Post 1069838)
by your profile pic you dont look too old and no offence it comes with age, not that strong...

Heh...I don't think that's him. :p

Love September 21st, 2009 23:17

haha, I should change that pic. Thats from a funny article in the Toronto Sun, saying that the kid is playing "airsoft". No hes not. Damn crappy clearsoft.

Im 18 by the way.

Seems like I will need:

Russian Style Side Mount for Scopes:

Plus a silencer/barrel extension.

I've been looking at cheap rimfire scopes for $20 that have a dovetail attachment. Now if I can find a set of scope rings that will fit one of those scopes (Like this one, I believe as its 1 inch:,

OR a cheap scope with a 20mm weaver attachment, I would be set.

Styrak September 22nd, 2009 00:59


Originally Posted by Lythinca (Post 1069520)
with a box magezine.

Hunh? Sniper rifle with a box mag?

Ronan September 22nd, 2009 03:01

A good scope is around $100-$150 (for airsoft). Anything else and the eye releif is horrible, everything is blurry and/or the thing falls apart.

pusangani September 22nd, 2009 03:05


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1069907)
Hunh? Sniper rifle with a box mag?

Every noob's wet dream

Kingsix September 22nd, 2009 09:27

what scoped RPK?

KNIVEZS September 22nd, 2009 09:34

Love September 22nd, 2009 09:44

mmmm sexy.

Thanks for the tips on the scopes guys. I knew nothing about them in terms of quality and such. :) Ya'll so helpful. <3

Do any of you know a retailer in canada that sells Russian Style AK47 side mounts for scopes?
(I cant access the classifieds, so thats out of the option till I get AV'ed)

If so, then I'll be able to get everything in country.

EDIT: I also figured out a gun that would look damn near identical to my idea. A Yugoslavian Zastava M-76. (Theres many variants of this gun, when it comes to barrel, scope, and stock.)

Kingsix September 22nd, 2009 15:46

Capital airsoft does if I recall

Love September 22nd, 2009 16:30

Is there any place in canada that sells them cheaper? The one on capital airsoft is almost $50 after shipping. (Ebairsoft has one for $18 US, with no shipping cost. But I'd prefer in Canada due to shipping times.)

( has one rail for the AK, but it isnt a side mounted one. It actually goes over the sight. Its here: Unfortunatly its way too short for my usage.)

Also, does ebairsoft/ebaybanned have free shipping? Everything I click on doesnt give me a shipping price, even when I'm finalizing the transaction. The total I pay is the same price as the item, suggesting that shipping is free.

EDIT: I checked out velocity arms. They have one here for $35 with free shipping. Sounds good to me.
Yet its rail looks a little different than ones that I have seen. :S )

Jayne Finch September 22nd, 2009 22:01

i'll bet that is designed to be used with an ak74 side mount system. good luck getting that on your plastic kraken.

Love September 23rd, 2009 00:42

Website says: attaches around your standard AK47 body and provides a platform for you to mount your scopes or sights on top of your AK!

Any confirmations of this?

Styrak September 23rd, 2009 01:10

Won't work very well with a plastic body.

Love September 23rd, 2009 09:23

Why not? Do I need to screw it in somewhere or something?

Could someone post one that is compatible with a plastic kraken body? (I'd hate to spend a fortune, or buy overseas. Velocity Arms has that one for a good price. Maybe theres some similar ones out here in Canada.)

It also seems the most popular one is the mount that attaches on the bottom of the body, and comes up along the side to the top of the body. Like this:

The one on airsoftparts is similar to that but it looks shorter. Plus I'm trying to find one that connects at the body of the gun, like the mounts in the pictures at the top of this page.

airsoft newbie September 23rd, 2009 09:31


Originally Posted by Lythinca (Post 1070724)
Velocity Arms has that one for a good price. Maybe theres some similar ones out here in Canada.)

Well I bought my AK47, some bbs, mask from Frank at Velocity Arms and he is great to deal with. Why don't you try emailing or calling him?

Love September 23rd, 2009 09:42

I could do that. I dont know much about the retailer, but do you think he would know if that metal peice could fit on my plastic body? I wouldnt want to waste his time.

airsoft newbie September 23rd, 2009 09:52

I think it should because I asked him about there being no rails on the gun, and he told me about the rails they have now for the AKs. I don't think you should have any problems with scratching either.

Btw, love your idea, show some pictures of it done please! :)

Love September 23rd, 2009 09:53

Thanks. I'll drop him an email.

AngelusNex September 23rd, 2009 09:55

that one attaches to the screw holes at the bottom but with that, the scope will be too far forward to use. That rail system is for reflex sights.

the one for scopes attaches to the side via a sorta rail system on the body. which would break plastic bodies.

airsoft newbie September 23rd, 2009 09:58

Interesting... I was thinking about getting those rails as well to fit my tasco scope collecting dust with my back up shotgun :P

Love September 23rd, 2009 10:00

Hmm, keeping in mind that I'm stuck with my plastic body..

Is there any rail system that would fit on?

I like the ones in the pictures at the top of this page, but I cant seem to find them anywhere. Would the one in this link be good for a scope?

pusangani September 23rd, 2009 14:11

Just get the one from ebay, the 2 body screws forward of the magwell are where it attaches it'll fit fine

oh and your avatar is fail

Love September 23rd, 2009 15:05

And this one will be close enough for a scope?

(I'll check around more if the same one on ebaybanned/ebairsoft is availiable from a retailer in Canada. Like I said, I'd prefer to buy in country. But if its not availiable from any retailer in Canada, then looks like I'll have to go with overseas.)

EDIT: Like I asked before, does ebairsoft/ebaybanned have free shipping? When checking out, it doesnt show any shipping cost.

pusangani September 23rd, 2009 19:53

Pretty much everything on ebb is free shipping, send them an email to confirm

Love September 23rd, 2009 20:02

Thanks. Will do.

Hopefully this rail will be far enough back, that I can easily use a scope. I'll be taking a risk, but isnt that what life is about?

Styrak September 24th, 2009 03:47


Originally Posted by Lythinca (Post 1071091)
Thanks. Will do.

Hopefully this rail will be far enough back, that I can easily use a scope. I'll be taking a risk, but isnt that what life is about?

That rail is very far forward.

Love September 24th, 2009 08:00

So, I shouldn't buy it then? (By the looks of it in the demonstration picture on ebairsoft, the rail ends at above the side of the magwell thats closest to the stock. Presumably, if I have a long scope, I could just attach the scope to the very end, and hope the scope is long enough to reach to my eye. That may bring up some issues for stability though.)

I guess I'll have to keep searching for a longer rail. Or for a long enough scope attachment that fits on the side of a plastic bodied AK. Anyone wanna help?

airsoft newbie September 24th, 2009 16:12

I found a rail mount today on and it has a picture of it with a sniper scope. It also shows where it clamps on to the rifle.



Love September 24th, 2009 19:50

Thats the same one thats on ebairsoft. Luckily, buyairsoft is canadian. I totally forgot to look at their website for this item. I'll probably buy it from them. Too bad theres no place (that I can find) that has sniper mounts that are like the ones in the pictures of guns on page 2.

I could also get the one from airsoft parts. Even though its far up, the scope I'm looking at is like 11 inches long, which means that it will easily be long enough for me to use. Hmm. (I'm a little confused on how the one from airsoft parts attaches.)

This one should work out, as the scope I'm looking at is like 11 inches long.

EDIT: A 4x15 scope would be good enough, right?

Probably gonna go with the one from buyairsoft. As, the one from airsoft parts doesnt look like it will fit on my kraken. Its a kings arms ak scope mount base, but it attaches weird.

Everything I need should come to just over $100. (25cm Barrel Attachment, Scope, Weaver Rings, AK Rail, + shipping.)

Kingsix September 24th, 2009 23:07

buyairsoft got bought out by CAS or possibly CAS is owned by buyairsoft not sure if the buyairsoft site works or not.

Erennert September 24th, 2009 23:38

Why would it not work? It's not like they'd buy it, then just ditch it.

Love September 24th, 2009 23:48

Yea. It should work. :S

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