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Schlyder March 23rd, 2010 20:29

Protech Dent Mouthguard

I just got this Protech/Dent mouthguard. It is very comfortable, thin, and the best part is talking, breathing, or drinking, is a breeze.
Also you can smoke with it in. It's almost like not having a mouthguard in.
It is very easy to mold, and is also remoldable. (hot water to soften) they are about $40 shipped for 2.

They are supposed to absorb 30% more impact force over standard mouthguards.

I am really impressed with it so far. And I've hated wearing a mouthguard in the past. I am not going to have a problem with wearing this mouthguard at all.
It really is the closest thing to not having a mouthguard in as I could imagine. Expectation exceded.

zeshil March 23rd, 2010 20:47

Why not get a custom one from the dentist? I know down in Sask but here in Toronto most if not all dentist make them.

They are custom fit to your mouth teeth and all the inbetweens plus they have various levels of thickness.

Now dont hold me on this but from what I have heared that the remolded isnt all that good for them. I have yet to confirm this(dont plan on it)

I have countless mouthguards from the Sportchek ones to CT and the best b far is the custom one, it doesnt move even when

It was only $80 for a custom fitted which I can drink, talk and breath with no problems. I can even do BP,Field,Lift and gosh knows what else with it.

But thats just me, if yours works thats equally awesome aswell

TokyoSeven March 23rd, 2010 21:34

I had a custom one done at my dentist for only cost my 60 dollars. However this custom fit mouth guard didn't seem much thicker or any more protective than the material found in a pair of invisiline braces. Dont get me wrong it offers suitable amount of protection however I would still like to give these a try. Ive been meaning to order some of these but never got around to do it yet. Ive been meaning to do a lot of things that I havent gotten to yet. Getting one of these is still on the top of my to do because it will have a dual use for airsoft and kickboxing.

Con Murder March 23rd, 2010 22:36

Sunday had me spitting bbs, I had told myself I wanted to get oneand was ten out of ten ticked off that I didn't. Now ASC has given me the reason why I had to wait and deal with the pain!

kullwarrior March 23rd, 2010 22:38

I got these as well and although it says Not for braces which I have right now (sadly) I still give it a try, It works. Kinda hard to remove with braces on but still possible.

These are really good. some retailer SHOULD order a big one...they give discount to big order. And the shipping to here is like...nothing Its not big nor heavy. Airsoftparts....Hint hint....Capitalairsoft....Hint hint

Boyso March 28th, 2010 22:25

Sorry for the newbie question here, as I never wore a mouthguard, but could it be molded to the lower teeth too?

TechSeller March 28th, 2010 22:40

There was talk of a group order before on these. I would be in if it happens.

Schlyder March 28th, 2010 22:43

They come in packages of 2, and in the literature that came with them, it says they can be used on the bottom teeth as well.

Boyso March 28th, 2010 23:10


Originally Posted by Schlyder (Post 1197529)
They come in packages of 2, and in the literature that came with them, it says they can be used on the bottom teeth as well.

Perfect. Somehow, they don't want to accept my CC, gotta wait until we get a canadian distributor...

Schlyder March 28th, 2010 23:21

Hmmm I never had a problem with my CC. Maybe try during the weekday

Boyso March 28th, 2010 23:41

Yeah somehow they tell me my adress don't match with the one I have on file on my CC. I thought I knew where I lived eh. I'll just call my creditor tomorrow.

Yannos March 28th, 2010 23:48

Thanks for bringing that up.
I forgot about those and I wanted to get some lol.

Barbie March 29th, 2010 00:40

i have ordered it last friday!!!! I am waiting for mines.... I have been playing with mouthguards for the last 2 years, and well, sure hope those are more coomfy.... i doubt it can be worse anyways... lol

oOMuDOo March 29th, 2010 03:06


YouTube- A thin, easy to use mouthguard that protects your smile and your teeth

YouTube- Protech Dentâ„¢ Mouth Guard The New Smart Mouth Guard presented on Fox News WJBK 090909

Barbie August 27th, 2010 05:06

Btw, i have received mine.... played it a lot... even got shot on my teeth with it... they are still intact... its super comfy, barely feel it, and dont make you sound like a drooling retard when you have it on.... i recommend it all the way!!!! I am about to order the pink ones, to, you know, live up to my name!!!! here is a pic with me wearing it.... lol i just love that new mouthguard... SOLD!!!!

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