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Hurley895 July 15th, 2010 11:07

Starter gun?

I can get this at the local Canadian Tire is it worth it?
or is there a better starter gun for under $200 that I can get in under 2 weeks. Also it seem to be taking a while for the age verifation stuff to go though who do I talk to?

GBear July 15th, 2010 11:09

So you were AV'd. Be patient. And IMO, no. Go with a TM.

DanoftheDead July 15th, 2010 11:13

sorry to say... well not really sorry but that gun is plastic poo... I'd wait till your AV status takes affect, you'll be glad you did. I predict that crosman won't last a month. any guns at CT are not going to be very good. I'd save my money and buy something that'll last.

GBear July 15th, 2010 11:17

It's a great paperweight though.

TokyoSeven July 15th, 2010 12:02

The listed items quality and performance is not known to be the greatest.

If you are curious about the state of your age verification I would get in contact with your verifier and make sure that your information has been submitted correctly. The only other advice I can offer at this time is to be patient.

Best of luck.

Short Round July 15th, 2010 12:10

AV takes a week or so, depends on the Admins. Just wait, I find it hilarious how some many people want to get into arisoft so quickly when they haven't even bothed searching about a decent gun to get.

I know many people who have been on ASC for over 2 years now without buying a single gun or attending a game till recent, me being one of those people.

Have the thinking that your price range will have $300 or more for a "decent - good" gun. Thats a good starting point.

If you plan on playing in Civis now all the time, maybe re think this again, most players are not fond on civi load clothed players unless it is mislisms or a game with civilians or PMC.

A camo BDU loadout with vest may cost you up to another $200-$300 smackers including a vest, pant and jacket, and assorted pouches.

After all this you can start saving up for sights, scopes, more mags, upgrades, ETC.

The point I'm getting at is don't get into airsoft unless your willing to spend the money.

Pliskin July 15th, 2010 12:20


Originally Posted by Hurley895 (Post 1274878)

I can get this at the local Canadian Tire is it worth it?
or is there a better starter gun for under $200 that I can get in under 2 weeks. Also it seem to be taking a while for the age verifation stuff to go though who do I talk to?

I'll be honest and say that my buddy bought that "Pulse R76" and it's a blast to shoot at each other with when we aren't at a serious game, just in the bush with some crapsoft, but no, it isnt worth it.

M.Garcia July 15th, 2010 13:55


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1274929)
AV takes a week or so, depends on the Admins. Just wait, I find it hilarious how some many people want to get into arisoft so quickly when they haven't even bothed searching about a decent gun to get.

I know many people who have been on ASC for over 2 years now without buying a single gun or attending a game till recent, me being one of those people.

Have the thinking that your price range will have $300 or more for a "decent - good" gun. Thats a good starting point.

If you plan on playing in Civis now all the time, maybe re think this again, most players are not fond on civi load clothed players unless it is mislisms or a game with civilians or PMC.

A camo BDU loadout with vest may cost you up to another $200-$300 smackers including a vest, pant and jacket, and assorted pouches.

After all this you can start saving up for sights, scopes, more mags, upgrades, ETC.

The point I'm getting at is don't get into airsoft unless your willing to spend the money.

Just because "most" players don't wear civi's doesn't mean he can't. You don't need all this gear to start playing. All you need is the basics. You'll find plenty of people don't buy all this "gear". Some people like to play, some like to spend their money making an armory. To start playing you'll need at least this:

- Decent Gun (they'll run you about $350-$450 to start)
- Goggles (i'd say get Paintball goggles, if your going to be playing at Paintball fields they require them due to insurance)
- Good boots (you'll need the ankle support)
- Gloves (i'd suggest a pair of gloves, you can get any really. a pair of slim fitting work gloves, biking gloves, something that will protect you getting shot in the hands)

Short Round July 15th, 2010 14:13


Originally Posted by M.Garcia (Post 1274995)
Just because "most" players don't wear civi's doesn't mean he can't. You don't need all this gear to start playing. All you need is the basics. You'll find plenty of people don't buy all this "gear". Some people like to play, some like to spend their money making an armory. To start playing you'll need at least this:

- Decent Gun (they'll run you about $350-$450 to start)
- Goggles (i'd say get Paintball goggles, if your going to be playing at Paintball fields they require them due to insurance)
- Good boots (you'll need the ankle support)
- Gloves (i'd suggest a pair of gloves, you can get any really. a pair of slim fitting work gloves, biking gloves, something that will protect you getting shot in the hands)

Just saying cause I know some people will complain about civis if that is all you plan on wearing (That was the first question I asked on here). You will in time have to get a BDU but it isn't required right away. I know a couple places that sell good quality BDUs for reasonable prices, and the Classifieds do have some dirty cheap stuff.

M.Garcia July 15th, 2010 14:20


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1275009)
Just saying cause I know some people will complain about civis if that is all you plan on wearing (That was the first question I asked on here). You will in time have to get a BDU but it isn't required right away. I know a couple places that sell good quality BDUs for reasonable prices, and the Classifieds do have some dirty cheap stuff.

Doesn't matter about anyone else except for him. Whatever he wants to do, that is what he'll do.

Short Round July 15th, 2010 15:16


Originally Posted by M.Garcia (Post 1275015)
Doesn't matter about anyone else except for him. Whatever he wants to do, that is what he'll do.

The civis I'm talking about are blue jeans, and a random graphic t-shirt.....

If you have attire that will work well with your field over there (tan, military green coloured, etc. aka earthy colours) then you should be okay. I'd suggest just keeping your attire simple like a black plain long sleeve or t shirt, and a one tone pair of pants. These came be found at any store that sells clothing, so you've got selection. This atleast gives you a good loadout that should blend in pretty well with your surroundings.

M.Garcia July 15th, 2010 15:40


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1275039)
The civis I'm talking about are blue jeans, and a random graphic t-shirt.....

If you have attire that will work well with your field over there (tan, military green coloured, etc. aka earthy colours) then you should be okay. I'd suggest just keeping your attire simple like a black plain long sleeve or t shirt, and a one tone pair of pants. These came be found at any store that sells clothing, so you've got selection. This atleast gives you a good loadout that should blend in pretty well with your surroundings.

I know players who wear jeans and whatever t-shirt they want. You aren't restricted to what you can wear. Everyone prefers something over someone else.

Brian McIlmoyle July 15th, 2010 16:01

Some hosts will require you to conform with gear and loadout requirements ..

but when just starting out you want to put you $ into a good reliable gun .. the other stuff can come later once you get out to a few games and see what people have.

don't be deterred by people saying you need this or that..

You need the will to learn , and desire for fair play , to be successful.. everything else is just money and time

Butt486 July 15th, 2010 16:11

This isn't a thread about what he should wear, or not wear. This is about CT crapsoft guns! Hurley, wait out until you have your AV status and see what the classifieds has to offer, it is well worth it! Until then if you're playing any of the games, ask around and see if yon can find a rental or a loaner.

edit: silly typo's**

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