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lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 19:56

Most embrassing thing you have done?
So guys :) what is the most embrassing thing you have done in airsoft? Two things come to mind for me was. My first ever day of playing airsoft, I started taking fire and couldn't make it over the bridge. I decided to try and jump a river yep i didn't make it and it was more mud than water. My second one was, We finally got our whole team to make a charge and cover more ground (roughly 40 players on each side) And i was known for my throwing arm. I was given 2 "flashbang grenades" and 1 smoke grenade, The final flash was the signal to attack, So i threw the first flash and the smoke, But when i went to throw the last one, It hit a tree very close to us, landed near 10 of us and went off ): the attack didn't go well.

Spawn28 October 29th, 2010 20:18

I was shot right in the tip of the dick by a sniper at the LZ walking in the wide open Hurt like a MFer after 5 mins of yelling for a medic i went over to his general direction as to not give his position away and yelled nice shot thanks for not shooting me in the face!

But yeah unfortunatly about 5 people saw me get hit

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 20:30

Lol ;D that sucks. I've never been hit there before. My time will come. I think another embrassing one for me is charging fowards to a small bunker reaching it and finding out my last full mag had fallen out my gun and i had no pistol );

Barbie October 29th, 2010 20:54

My first game with an AEG, in CQB!!! I was firing at this guy... i had a mp5 full auto, he had a pistol... we shot back and forth, and somehow, the bugger was not calling his hits... While i'm shooting at him, he popped out the doorway and shot me right in the chest.... i was really mad, called my hit and went to spawn... man people are cheaters... then, a few min after, he walks up to me at the spawn and tell me my gun aint firing... For sure it is... Oh... nothing... how come??? Oh yah... *wynd* *wynd* damn hicaps....

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 21:05

Haha. we've all done that! Worst thing to happen is when a newbie tells you );

Pinard October 29th, 2010 21:13

one of my first game with my team...I was looking for some tangos to shoot at...them some one came in my sight. The only thing I did was: hey at noon, 25m away. got an answer: good, then I asked: permission to open fire (noob call) they answered back: well...just shoot him dude thats your fking goal ! me: ah...yeah...(...) tango down

so yeah...I asked permission to shoot when it was totally obvious...meh

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 21:18

That's quite a big fail. I have to say i've never asked permission to fire i just lit them up :)

Diabolic Tyrant October 29th, 2010 21:24


Originally Posted by Contractor 6-8 (Post 1340830)
one of my first game with my team...I was looking for some tangos to shoot at...them some one came in my sight. The only thing I did was: hey at noon, 25m away. got an answer: good, then I asked: permission to open fire (noob call) they answered back: well...just shoot him dude thats your fking goal ! me: ah...yeah...(...) tango down

so yeah...I asked permission to shoot when it was totally obvious...meh

You realize that airsoft is a GAME right? This isn't Afghanistan :P

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 21:27

Maybe he thought he was in afghan :P Still a pretty big fail though. But not the worst ;D keep them coming lads. At 2:27am this is pretty funny ;D

Evans October 29th, 2010 21:30

I was playing in Laser Trek (the indoor arena here in Calgary) and my team had split into two spearheads and we were attacking on the far sides of the arena. My job was to run over to the other team and tell them we were going to attack when somebody screamed out the codeword.

So I was running over there in a u-fashion and it turns out that SOMEHOW an enemy had snuck past our offensive teams and was waiting at a chokepoint. He heard me coming (god damned high caps) and hid on a tight corner. I came running around the corner. There he was, crouched, poking his knife in my general direction. Unlucky for me, I am tall. He stabbed me directly in the crotch with his rubber knife. Oh boy. We were laughing about it a couple minutes after the pain stopped.

chickenman October 29th, 2010 21:32

I was peeing in the woods in a safe zone and got a .30 from a sniper on my dick...he thought I was reloading and that I was in the game zone...yelled to death...I never pissed in a game after that

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 21:45

What is it with canadians with getting hit in the man jewels!? but ouch to both of you. And chickenman he musta beena good shooter to hit a target so small ;) Muahah :3

chickenman October 29th, 2010 21:46


Originally Posted by lukeseandavies (Post 1340863)
What is it with canadians are getting hit in the man jewels!? but ouch to both of you. And chickenman he musta beena good shooter to hit a target so small ;) Muahah :3

he didn't have a scope! :rolleyes: in fact, his own scope got broken by one of my teamates firing at him
and it's true! I still want to kill that guy anytime!

lukeseandavies October 29th, 2010 21:49

:') good shot though i would have at least gave him a high five :D

chickenman October 29th, 2010 21:50


Originally Posted by lukeseandavies (Post 1340866)
:') good shot though i would have at least gave him a high five :D

in the face or in the nuts? :D

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