DoctorBadVibez |
November 28th, 2010 19:08 |
Originally Posted by scanz
(Post 1358487)
Ya I know about the age verification process, I just signed up to the site today and need to get that done, thanks for all your help guys, one last thing... Do they carry Tokyo Marui here in Canada, or more so Ontario?(I'm new to the whole airsoft thing if you haven't noticed)
Trust me, you have no idea how helpful this site can be once you're age verified. Tokyo Marui is alive and well in EVERY province, especially Ontario.
The following worked for me: I have to co-exist with my wife, who used to HATE guns, but now my Tokyo Marui SR16 (yes, full metal) lies in plain sight of her and she doesn't mind at all.
Once you're AV'd prepare your wallet, have a long talk with your significant other (or room-mate), buy her shoes (blood splatter heels are available at Hot Topic) (or CoD for your room-mate), and a nice romantic dinner (in case of your room-mate get him a pizza), bring it up after sexy time (or if you live with someone.. bring it up during your room-mates pwn fest during CoD).. and voila if you have a lady, she will be too happy with your performance bedside and the hotness of the blood splattered heels (or if you have a roomie, he will be too busy playing CoD and be taken back by your threatening to leave your airsoft alone or you might shoot his balls)...
It doesn't matter whether you like your Armalites, your AKs, your Glocks, your 1911s, your H&Ks, its all here...
But seriously, DO NOT subject people to the shock of ANYTHING airsoft right in their faces, talk to the people that live with you, your wife, etc... make sure that they are all aware that your airsoft guns cannot kill, but will maim if misused and that you are conscientious towards ensuring that the public eye (which can be a VERY BAD THING) does not see you act crazy (this includes racking your pistol in your bedroom with the window open and your neighbours can see)...
and yeah, welcome...