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iKliiu January 28th, 2011 19:48

Real Sword M4s?
I saw this video on youtube, wonder if their M4's will be as good as there AKs.

YouTube - Thumpy And REAL SWORD at the 2011 SHOT Show

TokyoSeven January 28th, 2011 20:02

I'm sure real sword will uphold maintain the same quality if not better with their new items.
That type 97 looks interesting.

scurvythepirate January 28th, 2011 20:25

Is it just me or do their GBBR's look WA like?

kullwarrior January 28th, 2011 20:28

Sure it will be higher quality, It will break I can tell you. Parts will wear out, gas efficiency will be low. They copied Magna System design, problems with Magna system will continue to plague them.

Styrak January 28th, 2011 20:42

I wonder if their AR AEG series will be compatible with current AR mags.
Because their AK line kind of....isn't AK-mag compatible right? Or needs specific types and not all fit?

Eeyore January 28th, 2011 20:58

I want a RS M4.

Oh god!!!

Doc January 28th, 2011 21:09


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1397852)
I wonder if their AR AEG series will be compatible with current AR mags.
Because their AK line kind of....isn't AK-mag compatiblr right? Or needs specific types and not all fit?

the type 56 takes standard aeg mags, the most i had to do to them was file down the lip of the mags a bit.

Kid January 29th, 2011 04:09

GBB AKs!!!

I knew it.

R.I.T.Z January 29th, 2011 04:36


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1397852)
I wonder if their AR AEG series will be compatible with current AR mags.
Because their AK line kind of....isn't AK-mag compatible right? Or needs specific types and not all fit?

RS is finicky with mags they like some and not others, recently I have heard that RS do not like RS mags...
sometimes its a fitment issue sometimes its a feeding issue others it just doesn't work

Specs January 29th, 2011 08:20

I had G&P mags and I did have to file them down and they still didn't feed properly. Instead of buying more mags of a different brand I just got some RS ones. They are sexy mags though.

I really hope that the RS AR mags will be more compatible because I have a crapload and I dont need to buy more lol

I will definitely get one for my dad :) he wants an M16. I just hope they hold the same quality as their Typ2 56's

Ninja_En_Short January 29th, 2011 09:36

I hope the Type 97 is a GBB, I found the KJ/TK .22 Carbine really ugly... plus I'm blocking on using somthing supposed to be a .22LR on the field.

And on G&P mags : not RS fault, G&P fault (pretty sure it's specific to their AK body actually), it was a pain in the ass to adapt Long Bong AK47S to work with those.

AS92-RD January 31st, 2011 09:16

I can't wait to get my hands on one of these. I wonder how long it will take to get one of these at a typical type 56 price. You'd think an AR-style real sword would make more of a splash though. I mean, real swords have legendary durability. It's one of those, I just
ran over my AEG with a truck and it still fires, can your PTW do that? situations. PTWs might be able to, but run over a guy's PTW and watch him have a rage stroke.

kolumbo69 January 31st, 2011 17:14

WTF are you talking about no gun RS or not would fair well being run over my a truck sounds like some has an inferiority complex with PTW's....

AS92-RD January 31st, 2011 21:25


Originally Posted by kolumbo69 (Post 1399498)
WTF are you talking about no gun RS or not would fair well being run over my a truck sounds like some has an inferiority complex with PTW's....

Is that so Kolumbo?

YouTube - Part 2 - RS Type 56-1 AEG Crush Test

So, you tell me which is a better option, $2200 BNIB PTW that is fragile and has issues with humidity or the $800 or Less RS that can take one hell of a beating?

To each their own, but I don't think being able to swap springs in seconds isn't worth $1500 extra plus the incompatibility with regular AEG accessories. < looks like there's going to be an official importer.

kolumbo69 February 1st, 2011 01:24

Your kidding me right fragile PTW hey ..... keep playing with your version 2 crap that will chew up pistons,gears,gear boxes and come talk to when you get the trigger response and distance on your unicorn gun.

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