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Deus Ex June 19th, 2011 23:24

SMG Loadout Thread
People who run Submachine Guns in game let me see your loadouts, give me the best you got

Scoots June 20th, 2011 15:29

Don't have a pic but here is what I carry:

MP5 with single point sling and other bling blang on it

UTG cross draw vest w/3 place rifle mag pouch in place instead of the holster
(6 rifle mag pouches which can hold up to 3 mp5 mags in each). Camelbak attached to MOLLE webbing on the back.

Drop leg for my 93R

A dump pouch is next on my list

Adikus June 20th, 2011 15:39

I'll have to get a pic yet...

TM P90 with small piece of paracord through the rear sling hole to attach carabiner to.

Condor Elite Tactical Vest with three P90 mag pouches attached to webbing on the back facing down.

Like Scoots, a dump pouch is high on the need list right now.

camerashot June 20th, 2011 15:56

TM P90
Drop Leg left leg with 4 mag pouches.
I wear a hydration pack on my back and thats it!
On my head I wear my gopro camera over my hat!

With summer here, I really try to limit the gear i carry for an entire day!

sarosh June 20th, 2011 16:59

mp5, condor micro chest rig with a triple m4 pouch, can hold 6 mags, pistol on drop leg and pistol mags on belt.

i will be switching to a condor battle belt soon however and if i need more room i can always where the chest rig on top

ShelledPants June 20th, 2011 17:10

I've been running a TM P90 recently, and I've built a small kydex insert for M4 pouches. So I wear my regular Eagle chest rig with the inserts and get 2 P90 mags per pouch. :) I also run a paracord sling loop for the attachment of a single point sling.

Scouser June 20th, 2011 17:11

used to have a p90 with 6 mags in pouches across my chest, just had them hanging on a lightweight vest

FOX_111 June 20th, 2011 17:32
I'm on the left.

lonesniper June 20th, 2011 18:31

Fox, How is pulling mags out of the pouches in the bottom pic? It looks like it would be slightly difficult :\

FOX_111 June 21st, 2011 10:42

It's a bit difficult. I developed a technique but it's really not high speed low drag.
These pouchs are not designed for CQB battle I'd say.

On the other hand, the pouches on the top picture are easyer to use, as the mag is more exposed and more loose in the pouche.

But I'd also add that the P90 is a poor CQB weapon because of it's long mags. It's great for police work, because they don't shoot more than 50 rounds though.

camerashot June 21st, 2011 11:01

I inverted my mag pouches for when im wearing a vest. Makes switching mags so much easier! Mostly though, I use a drop leg!
yeah the mags are long, but I find it great for CQB, allows me to play both left and right handed with ease.

FOX_111 June 21st, 2011 12:05

reload time is too long, spent mags don't fit in dump pouches and carrying lots of mag is bulky. I can carry 4 on my chest, 2-4 in drop leg and 1 in weapon.

I don't like the drop leg as it can only be used with one hand. It's slow and only a source of fresh mags to rotate the spents one held on my chest.

I put the spent mags in my magpouchs, feed lips to the front, so I know the one that are full and those that are empty by feel. Since the mags won't fit upside down.

For all those reasons, it's a poor CQB weapon. I can reload an MP5 or M4 twice as fast as my P90. Not to mention the ammo capacity.

lonesniper June 21st, 2011 13:02

What about making it to where the mag pouch opens up to your left instead of it being Up or down? Instead of awkwardly fumbling with pulling the mag up and into your upper chest/neck region, all you would have to do is pull it from the side. Only problem would be figuring out a solution for a 90 degree adapter that is big enough for those pouches.

Spike June 21st, 2011 13:17

Or you could mount them upside down!

lonesniper June 21st, 2011 13:46

well if he does that, hes gotta pull the mags into his pen15 area.

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