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ajtrickster July 23rd, 2011 22:17

KJW 1911 vs KWA 1911
Hey! can someone help me with this decision, i don't know which pistol to purchase as a secondary , the KJW 1911 or the KWA 1911, thanks

George Burdell July 23rd, 2011 22:33

KWA guns are better than KJW guns. Get age verified and get a TM gun in you can though.

slink182 July 23rd, 2011 22:34

Please do the following, preferably in order:

1) Fill in your profile.
2) Introduce yourself in the Newbie Tank.
3) Read the various FAQs on this site. Use the search field in the upper right corner to find info.
4) Do your research before asking. There's enough threads to help you make your own decision. And there's Google.
5) Get Age Verified.
6) Post your question IFF you can't find what your looking for.

That is all.

ajtrickster July 23rd, 2011 22:35

thanks and its pretty hard finding TM guns

Eeyore July 23rd, 2011 22:35


Originally Posted by ajtrickster (Post 1506068)
Hey! can someone help me with this decision, i don't know which pistol to purchase as a secondary , the KJW 1911 or the KWA 1911, thanks

It depends on which versions. The KWA System 7 (newest version), would have superior recoil and gas efficiency.

The KJW 1911 is a very solid piece and can take TM mags which is a plus.

Also unless I'm mistaken the KJW is full metal while the KWA version has a plastic outer barrel.

ajtrickster July 23rd, 2011 23:17

im talking about the kwa m1911a1 ns2 version

Eeyore July 23rd, 2011 23:24

Same as I stated, it will have better gas consumption and slightly more recoil than the KJW. But the KJ can use TM mags which are better than the KWA ones.

George Burdell July 23rd, 2011 23:41


Originally Posted by ajtrickster (Post 1506085)
im talking about the kwa m1911a1 ns2 version

IIRC system 7 and NS2 mean the same thing.

Ballcancer July 23rd, 2011 23:52

What eeyore said above is true ... The TM mags are probably the best you can get... NS2 and system seven are exactly the same thing... I have a kwa usp and the little gas consumption is just amazing.

I also own the kjw MEU which is the exact same as the 1911 exception different rear sight, rail, and the mag has a bumper on the bottom. Shoots so accurately abd consistently. But because of the single stack mag it sucks more gas than a hummer does. The pistol itself is nice and hefty and feels great ... TM compatible as well.

Styrak July 24th, 2011 00:05


Originally Posted by Ballcancer (Post 1506099)
But because of the single stack mag it sucks more gas than a hummer does.

That's not true. It doesn't use more gas because the mag is small. It just isn't able to store as much gas as a Hicapa mag, for example.

Ballcancer July 24th, 2011 00:15

Yes you are correct ... I explained this rather poorly... Thanks for clarifying:)

Gunny_McSmith July 24th, 2011 00:21


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1506090)
Same as I stated, it will have better gas consumption and slightly more recoil than the KJW. But the KJ can use TM mags which are better than the KWA ones.

Also... KWA 1911 cannot take TM mags....

While KWA guns perform better, their mags are hard to find and are expensive... :S

ruinz00 July 24th, 2011 03:05

I personally have not been very impressed with KWA pistols. I have a KP45 NS2 and it has not been that great. It barely gets 1 mag off before it runs out of gas and all the mags have a leak in the bottom now. The mags are 2 months old, and I'm disappointed that it would happen this soon especially since they are $40 a piece . I always keep my mags partially gassed in storage. My friend had his M93R break the nozzle in half and eject it out the port. He has had his for about 3 months.

Now that I am done shitting on them. They do have very nice kick. Very quick and responsive. They do have terrible groupings. I was getting about 12" at 10m with 0.25g BB's.

Gunny_McSmith July 24th, 2011 09:16


Originally Posted by ruinz00 (Post 1506139)
I personally have not been very impressed with KWA pistols. I have a KP45 NS2 and it has not been that great. It barely gets 1 mag off before it runs out of gas and all the mags have a leak in the bottom now. The mags are 2 months old, and I'm disappointed that it would happen this soon especially since they are $40 a piece . I always keep my mags partially gassed in storage. My friend had his M93R break the nozzle in half and eject it out the port. He has had his for about 3 months.

Now that I am done shitting on them. They do have very nice kick. Very quick and responsive. They do have terrible groupings. I was getting about 12" at 10m with 0.25g BB's.

REsealing your mags will take 2

And thats true for the grouping... KWA/KSC hopup isnt great to be honest... TM makes a better hopup unit....

Ballcancer July 24th, 2011 09:30


Originally Posted by ruinz00 (Post 1506139)
I personally have not been very impressed with KWA pistols. I have a KP45 NS2 and it has not been that great. It barely gets 1 mag off before it runs out of gas and all the mags have a leak in the bottom now. The mags are 2 months old, and I'm disappointed that it would happen this soon especially since they are $40 a piece . I always keep my mags partially gassed in storage. My friend had his M93R break the nozzle in half and eject it out the port. He has had his for about 3 months.

Now that I am done shitting on them. They do have very nice kick. Very quick and responsive. They do have terrible groupings. I was getting about 12" at 10m with 0.25g BB's.

How long are you filling your mags?? and next time you do fill your mags add a few drops of oil to the propane.. if that doesnt work .. take the mags apart take the seals and knocker valve out and let them sit in oil for a day ... should fix the problem right then and there...

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