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hungryforbbs November 27th, 2011 17:04

Camouflage Suggestions (picture included)

This is a picture of a player on the field that I frequent. As you can see, his multicam makes him stick out like a marked target... What should he be wearing instead?

ThunderCactus November 27th, 2011 17:06

multicam WITHOUT all the black gear. Grey multicam would work really well in there, either wash it a few times to bleed the color out, or get gen1 CRYE multicam
Is he wearing real multicam? Might be the camera but the brown and tan look really off...

Marpat works REALLY well in deadfall, probably the best camo for deadfall apart from hunting camo. But it still won't work if you're wearing black.

Maethori November 27th, 2011 17:08

For starters, I would say the problem is less the multicam and more the black boots, pads, pack, gloves, pouches, and mask. If everything was multicam or tan he would be fairly invisible.

But besides that, I have noticed that at this time of year arid A-TACS works very well.

EDIT: ....and as mentioned above, marpat is also really good.

swatt13 November 27th, 2011 17:09

ummm the multicam is working just fine... its the BLACK that is making him stick out lol

hungryforbbs November 27th, 2011 17:14

I understand that the black is making him stick out, but even without the black, you don't think multicam looks a bit too light-green for that environment?

-Skeletor- November 27th, 2011 17:17

multicam looks like it would work fine in that area.. like what was noted it's all the black that is the problem.

FOX_111 November 27th, 2011 17:19

Keep in mind that the camoflage patern you are using should blend in with the surronding, but the gear you choose should also complement it.

Even with all the gear and clothing right, you will not dissapear if you don't hide behind something. Even with a ghillie suit. Unless the observer is far away and the one hiding is not moving.

That being said, nothing on your persone should be black. Black represent shadows in a pattern. The eye is atracted to shadow to make out a form. When you make out a form, it give you a good aiming spot. That's why soldiers paint their black gear or other color sticking out.

swatt13 November 27th, 2011 17:21

nope.. drop the black, replace the black with multicam or tan and hed be just about invisable, here are some pics of multicam in use in the same environments... youll notice... no black... and remember black rifles are no good either!

this one is a perfect example, these guys are just about invisable, but the black theyre wearing instantly gives them away.

Kimbo November 27th, 2011 17:22

It he took off all of the black and you moved him back 30m into the trees, I think you'd find him pretty much invisible. Multicam actually works pretty good in spring and fall. The only time I don't think it works well in in the height of summer in super green areas.

Black is the second worst thing to wear for outdoor, right behind blaze orange. ;)

Spike November 27th, 2011 17:24

A-TACS would also work very, very well in that forest.

But yeah, ditch the black gear, yo.

FreelancerInc November 27th, 2011 17:25

black is great for cqb during daytime and forest during night

hungryforbbs November 27th, 2011 17:29

Thanks for all of your input. Finally, I have to ask if you guys might have any opinions as to a camo pattern which you feel might work better in this environment. Any other American patterns you can think of? Or would multicam be the best choice?

Edit: Besides A-Tacs, lol

swatt13 November 27th, 2011 17:29


Originally Posted by FreelancerInc (Post 1567006)
black is great for cqb during daytime and forest during night

nope.. even at night black is just about the worst choice aside from white, navy is usually best at night. black is pretty much usless ecept for cqb where camo doesnt matter.


Originally Posted by hungryforbbs (Post 1567012)
Thanks for all of your input. Finally, I have to ask if you guys might have any opinions as to a camo pattern which you feel might work better in this environment. Any other American patterns you can think of? Or would multicam be the best choice?

Edit: Besides A-Tacs, lol

in my opinion, i cant see much else aside from multicam working best in this environment... possibly aridpat but your getting too specific

look how good this guy blends into the tarmac

and soldier of fortune

Disco_Dante November 27th, 2011 17:48


Originally Posted by FreelancerInc (Post 1567006)
black is great for cqb during daytime and forest during night

Whatever camo works best during the day will work best at night, wouldn't it?

hungryforbbs November 27th, 2011 17:48

Alright, thanks man.

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