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Fat_P May 9th, 2012 16:36

Kwa 1911 markiv or kwa mk23
hello, I'm about to buy me a GBB but I am undecided in my decision. I hesitate between KWA 1911 Mark IV or KWA MK 23? help me to see things more clearly. thank you.


Eeyore May 9th, 2012 16:39

1911. The MK may shoot too high for CQB.

dodgetheram May 9th, 2012 16:54

I'm pretty sure the both shoot a little hot for cqb. The mk23 is a big gun that intimdates and turns heads, accurate to nearly 100ft, incredible on gas consumption (NS2). Heavy and unwieldy has been used to describe it but im a bug guy so it suits me fine. The 1911 is bit lighter and shoots just as hard. the inner barrel is little longer on the mk23 so its said to increse accuracy. Its alot about what you prefer, Do you want the sleekness of a 1911 or the presence of a big hand cannon striking fear into your enemies. Your going kwa so u know they will both be solid platforms. I havent climbed inside the 1911 yet, but i would bet the inernals are similar in both, being that they are from the same line of production....
Get the MK23 you wont ever get sick of hearing people say how big and scary it is :)

Eeyore May 9th, 2012 16:55

I have the MKIV and it does not shoot over 335-340 fps.

BennyBoy May 10th, 2012 13:55


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1651470)
I have the MKIV and it does not shoot over 335-340 fps.

is that stock? it lists 360-380 on revolution

Danke May 10th, 2012 14:07

Get a pistol you like.

Get a pistol you can get a secure holster for (not a nylon universal holster).

Get a pistol you can get spare mags for and pouches to carry them in.

Eeyore May 10th, 2012 14:26


Originally Posted by BennyBoy (Post 1651860)
is that stock? it lists 360-380 on revolution

Yes stock. I will not comment on Revolutions fps listing.

BennyBoy May 10th, 2012 14:40


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1651887)
Yes stock. I will not comment on Revolutions fps listing.

no no, not trying to make a big deal out of it, just wondering :)

TPM001 May 12th, 2012 17:53

I have a MKIV. Definitely shoots less than 350 fps. Awesome pistol. My most accurate pistol.

Takedown is not as easy as say the MKII due to the differences in the return spring setup. I can't remove the outer barrel without removing the NS2 system. If that's an issue for you, consider the MKII. It's basically the same gun and the takedown is far easier.

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