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AirsoftChewy July 9th, 2012 09:48

Why Airsoft?
Being a bit older than the average player (in Canada at least, seems Europe is a whole other cup o tea) a friend of mine asked me sort perplexed - "why the hell are you doing this?!"

The answer was prompt and simple: "It's a whole sack load of fun, it's exercise, stress relief, you get to shoot some pretty cool looking guns, live through combat (lol) and, no, it's NOT easy to survive in a skirmish."

I have had my butt handed to me a few times since I started (and got my arse whooped in an arm wrestling match by a guy 20 years younger than me to boot last game - (It was all my opponent, I was just trying to not let him beat me in record time lol)) and you know what - I don't care! It's not important, other than, it is time to have some fun, drop the weeks troubles behind you and run some rounds down field.

How many activities do we take part in every week where, when your in the act of doing it - there is nothing else going on except the doing?

So, this got me to thinking - why do you play? What's your reason? There is no wrong or right here, just, what drives your interest in the sport and what keeps you coming out to events? Be interesting to know!

Strelok July 9th, 2012 10:08

Because i'm a depraved young individual with nothing better to do.

Rusty Lugnuts July 9th, 2012 10:15

It's a hobby in common with my sons (there 31 and 28) plus the usual reasons

Desmodus July 9th, 2012 11:02

I just love guns and pretty much everything military so......

Dviper July 9th, 2012 11:11

Same here, a hobby in common with my sons youngest son, a big stress and anxiety release, and getting to play against all people at different levels, but mostly spending time with my son

Dviper July 9th, 2012 11:12

oops, a hobby in common with my youngest son

Swattiger July 9th, 2012 11:16

A hobby which is a bit different from the usual golf, tennis, hockey.........

Padkiller July 9th, 2012 11:23


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1676345)
A hobby which is a bit different from the usual golf, tennis, hockey.........


It's different, but at the same time, I still haven't found a hobby which allows me to combine guns, shooting, a military touch and all the rest in a legal activity!

slink182 July 9th, 2012 11:59


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1676345)
A hobby which is a bit different from the usual golf, tennis, hockey.........

^ This.

All my hobbies are on the odd side (some more geek than others) - airsoft, book binding, target shooting, miniature sculpting, JRPGs, PnP RPGs, 3D model building, writing software utilities for "dead" games, etc.

But really, airsoft is modern-day "cowboys & indians" with cool gear and guns.

spaceman13 July 9th, 2012 12:01

Zombie apocalypse training:D

AirsoftChewy July 9th, 2012 12:09

Some great reasons so far - keep em coming! I met some local fire fighters (thanks boys) at one game, and they basically said they can't stand golf :)

That is something I can relate too :)

LOL at zombie training - I should really try one of those games out :)

MMatersk July 9th, 2012 12:12

Mainly for personal pleasure. Getting away from the house, and also because I love militaria and the whole bit.

Curo July 9th, 2012 12:14

I like the Military. And I can take my developed reaction times, reflexes and general active life style back to hockey, and from hockey to this. Its also a shit ton of fun.

m1lk0r July 9th, 2012 12:38

A sense of Brotherhood among fellow peers, while enjoying the same interests, and hobby. I mean, c'mon! Don't tell me you don't feel all mighty badass when wearing your gear, and running around yelling "Get some!"?

Gunk July 9th, 2012 13:09

It's the natural evolution.

Water Guns. Nerf guns. Cap guns. BB guns.

Cowboys and Indians. Cops and Robbers. Playing Army. That sort of shit.

That and I helped a friend move once and stumbled onto a G36c... Spent most of the evening after the move going room to room like a nerd.

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