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Lockark December 14th, 2012 02:14

Glasses friendly goggles?
So I'm slightly near sighted. Just enough to that legally I have to wear glasses when a drive so I can read road signs. Other wise I never wear them, because anything indoors is close enough for me to read. =)

But I think I may need my glasses dureing airsoft games so I can see people in camo/ghillie suits. Because unless they are moving I won't be able to see them. (I apparently see things from a distance like a t-rex lol.)

I have found goggles with inserts that lets you put prescription lens into them, but I was hoping to find a pair of goggles that might fit over a old pair of glasses I own. (The lenes are still good, it's just the frame is all bent and crooked. I use them in situations I don't want to use my "good" pair.)

Any suggestions from other airsofters who wear glasses?

Eien December 14th, 2012 02:17

There is a abundance of threads about this. Did you not bother to use the search function?

solidgear34 December 14th, 2012 08:48

excuse the rudeness of the other guy... revision desert locusts and ess standard goggles also sell perscription frames, allowing you to add them to theframe and atatch them to your goggles.

no offense but Eien is right, try to look harder with the search bar.

Tier One Tactical Equipment December 14th, 2012 09:13

If you're looking for a pair of goggles that fit over your glasses, you'll be looking at paintball goggles. Dye, Empire, JT all make stand-alone goggles (no armor attached, or removable armor) that will fit over most styles of glasses.

Styrak December 14th, 2012 09:13

I use WileyX with prescription lenses. No glasses to worry about!

JLiang December 14th, 2012 22:23

I personally use FlakJaks. They're wide enough so that they fit over the frame of my glasses comprehensively, but just barely. Some parts of the goggles are scratched inside where the metal frame of my glasses scraped all over them during combat. They still work, though, and while running, the Razorbacks eliminate the fog quite nicely.

However, I think that there is no 'be all, end all' goggle to fit over all glasses. I am 97.2647% sure that you have a different set of glasses than I do, and therefore, will necessitate a different goggle shape. What works for one person may not work for another, and as such, I suggest you go to a store in person to try on goggles.

But as a general thing, ESS, Revisions, FlakJaks, even DyE can fit over some glasses.
Hell, I have a friend who wears Bolle T-800s over his ultra-low profile glasses. I don't know how he does it, but he squeezes them in there.

It's all about your preference and how your glasses will fit.

scnitzelmahn December 15th, 2012 00:24

Personaly i use Sawfly's..they work better than my every-day thin-frame glasses...

Lockark December 15th, 2012 00:39

Thanks for the advice guys! I will start looking into your suggestions.


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1736226)
There is a abundance of threads about this. Did you not bother to use the search function?

I did try to use the search bar, but I got a ton of unrelated threads. I couldn't figure out a way to narrow the search. Is their a way to make it so it only searches for key words in thread titles, and not for any thread were some one has said the words "Goggles" and/or "Glasses"?

Eien December 15th, 2012 01:20

I'm not being rude or anything. It's just the fact there are a bunch of discussions on it floating on the board. I typed in "glasses googles" into the search bar, and it gaved me a bunch of related threads. Maybe you are searching the whole forum and not the specific forum.

Another suggestion is to wear contact lenses. Now they are not for everybody so do try them out or just spend some money RX inserts (Revision and ESS makes RX inserts which you can use them on any of their product line) but whatever makes yourself happy.

Lockark December 15th, 2012 02:11


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1736586)
I'm not being rude or anything. It's just the fact there are a bunch of discussions on it floating on the board. I typed in "glasses googles" into the search bar, and it gaved me a bunch of related threads. Maybe you are searching the whole forum and not the specific forum.

Another suggestion is to wear contact lenses. Now they are not for everybody so do try them out or just spend some money RX inserts (Revision and ESS makes RX inserts which you can use them on any of their product line) but whatever makes yourself happy.

Ah, that was my problem. Thank you.

Now I just got to figure out how I only search a specific Fourm instead of the whole fourm.

Drake December 15th, 2012 13:18


Originally Posted by Lockark (Post 1736596)
Ah, that was my problem. Thank you.

Now I just got to figure out how I only search a specific Fourm instead of the whole fourm.

Quick Links -> Advanced Search -> type "googles glasses" and "search titles only" from the pulldown.

MrEvolution December 15th, 2012 20:44


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1736696)
Quick Links -> Advanced Search -> type "googles glasses" and "search titles only" from the pulldown.

I swore that said "search titties only"......

To OP: Im on the revision bandwagon, give them a look.

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