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jordan7831 April 5th, 2013 18:24

Glock mag leaking from output valve
Hello everyone,

I have a WE glock mag that is leaking from the output valve. I forgot I already had the mag fully gassed and went to fill it today thinking it was empty. Something must have blown because now the mag leaks like crazy from the output valve.

Ive removed the valve and the O-rings are intact and look perfect. Yet the mag still leaks like crazy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it? I am soaking it silicone oil right now so hopefully that will work.

Thank you kindly!


Edit: its interesting how the neck of a silicone oil bottle is just wide enough to drop the entire valve into it. Pretty neat how that works out.

JonsM4 April 5th, 2013 22:49

Try this

jordan7831 April 5th, 2013 22:51

Thanks, but the problem is at the top of the mag where the gas goes into the slide. Not the bottom :(

BennyBoy April 5th, 2013 23:12

Is the o-ring dried out?

zone 69 April 6th, 2013 01:31

I don't think this is a good idea but give the valve spring a stretch.

Styrak April 6th, 2013 01:46

New valve?

Kos-Mos April 6th, 2013 02:56

Overfilling is a myth.
You can damage your valves if you fill your mag cold then make it heat-up (leave under sun or as I saw recently, put in a DIY oven (yeah... so that the gun shoots hot for the first few rounds...).

Release pressure, take valve appart and make sure everything is clean and tight (some valves are 2-parts and can get lose).

jordan7831 April 6th, 2013 17:18

Problem solved: So I decided to take a q-tip and swab the inside of the mag with some sillicone oil. I think there was some dirt and gunk on the surface where the valve orings contact. It wasnt much but probably just enough debris to cause a gap for gas to leak out.

Thanks for the help everyone!

BennyBoy April 6th, 2013 19:51

I wouldn't say it's a myth... saw kjw m9 mags squeeze out their o-rings when they were overfilled. Had to reseat them to stop the leak. My kwa and vfc mags can't be overfilled however.
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