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chaz February 23rd, 2014 12:02

Sunglasses - Smith Optics vs. ESS
Looking to get a pair of sunglasses that can double as airsoft eye wear.
Looking for feedback on any of the Smith Optics or ESS line of sunglasses; things like comfort, quality, fit, etc.

Zack The Ripper February 23rd, 2014 12:15

I own Smith Optics, ESS, and Edge Eyewear. All are fantastic and can't really put one ahead of the other. However, if style is your thing, the Edge Eyewear stuff on is pretty good and well priced. If you want an all in one set, get ESS Crossbows in the deluxe kit (clear, high contrast, and tinted lenses).

ShelledPants February 23rd, 2014 12:48

I own Smith Optics, and I love em. They are definitely on the cheap compared to Oakley, but they are optically very comfortable.

Kimbo February 25th, 2014 01:36

Love my smiths. Super comfortable.

ThunderCactus February 25th, 2014 02:03

We got an edge eye wear demo at work (we sell them), they're pretty impressive, VERY tough frames.

attack-beaver February 25th, 2014 02:17

i own two smiths products and have been rather disappointed personally. i should also point I've only used smith's as airsoft/shooting glasses.

i have boogie's and aegis echo's and have any nothing but fogging issues since i bought them a year + ago I've tired every tick in the book and have since removed my boogies and will replace with tubro fans of some brand (still researching) and my aegis echos to my real steal indoor range bag (better seal with my ear pro).

On the rather hand my Oakley (as a side bar oakley owns ESS) flakjackts i bought nearly 7 years ago have had the rare issue with fogging, maybe 5-6 times and that's more because it was humid and i tend to perspire rather quickly and i was standing still, the three compounding themselves i could probably fog turbo fans. i also used them for airsoft/shooting/everyday. but i'm a sample of one so please take that into account.

Ozone06 February 25th, 2014 02:33

Smith optics all the way
I have the non balistic version of these they are FANTASTIC.
V2 max
I also have a pair of Parallel D-max in brown/polarized brown

They are like Oakley was in the early Nineties. Good price, Very high quality and their service is excellent.

ThunderCactus February 25th, 2014 13:09

The oakley site says they pass "Z87.1" standards
And that they pass the HV test, which is basically the requirement for Z87.1+
my racing jackets don't have the ANSI marking anywhere, does anyone know if they're certified Z87.1+ or should I just ask oakley? lol

Demichev March 14th, 2014 18:15

Anyone have any personal experience with Smith Optics LOPRO or Outside The Wire? I wear a mesh face mask and I've always dealt with overlapping fitting issues in the past couple years and decided this will be the year to fix. :-)

lurkingknight March 14th, 2014 19:43

you can alter mesh masks by pulling off the edging piece.. it's just hotglued into place... use some tinsnips to trim the offending material down and reattach the edging with new hot glue.

just another option instead of hunting for other eyewear... especially if you like your current stuff or it works well.

Demichev March 14th, 2014 19:55

Thanks for the heads up! Still looking to replace eyewear though.

moz_boz March 14th, 2014 20:58

If you want Oakley's that meet the ANSI standards, you need to spend the money for a pair of Oakley Ballistics (now called Oakley Industrial :) )

ThunderCactus March 14th, 2014 21:08

I've got racing jackets and oakley says they meet ANSI, and they meet the HV tests, but doesn't specifically say anywhere or even on the glasses themselves that they are Z87.1+

wobblypop March 14th, 2014 23:07

This post is only to my knowledge.

I've sold quality eyewear for the last 6 years. I have personally sold more Oakley eyewear than any one person (barring wholesale, strictly retail sales), in Canada for the last 3 years. The only civilian eyewear that is truely Z87.1 (by oakley) is the industrial mframe (canadian standards and available).
All of their eyewear has thorough testing to the level of ANSI, however isn't certified. This reasoning is for costs and insurance. This pertains to Smith as well (as far as my knowledge goes). The only true Z87.1 standard eyewear by any of these companies is their forces line.
I'm sure there are loopholes and different intricacies in my above statement, which is based solely on retail availability.

In short no matter what you choose Oakley forces, Smith Forces, or ESS (which is an Oakley company btw), the preference will always be up to you, the wearer. I know you cant try them all, but take heed that no matter what choice you make, safe eye pro is the superior choice.

My 2 cents

ThunderCactus March 14th, 2014 23:19

Yeah, so basically don't wear anything that doesn't have Z87.1+ right on the lens or frame

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