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Integra-r June 16th, 2014 21:24

Pictures with black plate plate carrier
Anyone have pictures or camo that match with a black plate carrier? I only see people using od and tan carriers

redneck12 June 16th, 2014 21:39

Black PC's are so 1990's, not a lot of people run them any more unless its a SWAT style loadout. Your better off googling pics.

dongtheimpaler June 16th, 2014 21:59

Pretty much what redneck said. Here's a picture of police secret service:

R.I.T.Z June 16th, 2014 22:02

black camo is used by Swat teams and such
everyone else uses colours because surprise they blend in better

black is not natural, it stands out even in the dark. I mean even swat teams have moved from pure black to greys and blues and such

lurkingknight June 16th, 2014 22:10

black is for the fear factor... why do the black and white opp cars look so scary vs the white ones with the blue and gold trim?

You see black gear a lot in tv and movies because it provides good contrast for filming/shooting so you can see the actors. Contrast is good on film.

Also if you do want to go with black gear, it goes with everything. That's a fashion rule. black is slimming and matches everything.

Wilkie June 16th, 2014 22:37

There is the new "Black Multican" pattern that just came out. Pretty attractive looking IMO

Other than that, the posters above me said it right. A black vest will generally make any camouflage's ability to blend irrelevant. Expecially over something like multicam, which relies on fooling the eye into seeing as different colours, the black will stand out like crazy, and cause ones eye to see the camo as even lighter than it really is.

ThunderCactus June 16th, 2014 23:54

Multicam black.
You want to look swatt.
But you also want people to know you have money.

Integra-r June 17th, 2014 00:32

Haha yeah it does look cool the multi can black, but I just wanted to see other load is with black carriers

Dutch_McBain June 17th, 2014 01:06

1 Attachment(s)
You can always use od pouch on a back vest, it create some shade zone, not the best but better than full black. I just have a pic of my PMC loadout if thats helping you :)

Danke June 17th, 2014 01:29


Originally Posted by Integra-r (Post 1895942)
Anyone have pictures or camo that match with a black plate carrier? I only see people using od and tan carriers

Black plate carrier and desert tri-colour is the only way to go.

lurkingknight June 17th, 2014 10:56

I have a black rig to complete a stargate loadout.. that's about it. The black vest looked bitching on multicam and green shemagh in my nf1 pics... but not very camo effective if that's what you want.

Integra-r June 17th, 2014 16:21

Desert + black pc then eh

Cliffradical June 17th, 2014 19:30

'The Rock' is on Netflix and showcases some of the best 'black-on-stuff' kit ever put to film.
It also showcases some of the best of Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage, Michael Biehn(!), and just about everything else that's worthwhile in life.

Short Round June 17th, 2014 20:50

I have been strictly running a black vest/gear since I started playing and have never had issues "not being able to blend in".

Honestly if you want to wear black then do it, I mean take into account what everyone is saying, but with a grain of salt.

At the end of the day, do what you want with your money, and remember it is airsoft, looks are everything.

Wilkie June 17th, 2014 21:22


Originally Posted by Cliffradical (Post 1896172)
'The Rock' is on Netflix and showcases some of the best 'black-on-stuff' kit ever put to film.
It also showcases some of the best of Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage, Michael Biehn(!), and just about everything else that's worthwhile in life.

It's deffinetly a show worth watching regardless. One of my favorite action movies, and possibly my only liked Michael Bay movie. I'd be watching it right now if I hadn't just so happened to have watched it again on blue ray like week ago :D

There is a bit of movie magic going on there though. Black blends in movies when then editors want it to blend.

Ps: "I'll take pleasure in guttin' you, boi"

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