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General Lee January 24th, 2015 22:30

Silicon Lube
So I bought this Silicone Lubricant by a brand called Master and was wondering if I can use it without wrecking any seals in my gun I ask this because there are airsoft specific lubricants but I want to just go to my local hardware store and buy the stuff. Here are the only ingredients that I could find on the box: Heptane, Acetone, Propane, Iso-Butane. It says that it silences rubber on it also so I am just curious to what you guys think before I treat my whole propane tank with this stuff and potentially fry's all my magazines o rings.

naminator January 24th, 2015 22:42

That thing is loaded with petrolium distilates. Just get hobby grade silicon oil if you are that cheap.

That shit will most likely eat your rubber and plastic parts.

MultipleParadox January 24th, 2015 23:35

Has to be 100% synthetic

What you describe is totally not
Do not use

Pure silicon oil is cheap and easy to find online

You mention "treating your whole propane tank": I assume you bought the AI Oil pump
Just use the oil that came with the pump

If you don't have any More, buy more of the same


L473ncy January 25th, 2015 00:09

I believe 10 or 15 wt. (or the lightest they have available) RC Shock oil is what you want. Should be like $5 from an RC hobby store.

naminator January 25th, 2015 00:12

I snagged a big bottle of 20wt Team Losi oil for 4 bucks today.

General Lee January 25th, 2015 07:52

Okay thanks for the input guys I really appreciate it.

siggypoo January 25th, 2015 10:40

Silicon Lube
If you see Acetone on the ingredients, say g'bye to your seals. Acetone is used for stripping paints, nail polish, finishes, dissolving adhesives, etc.
Myself, when I have small airsoft parts that pop out easily and need good lube, I buy Team Associated's Green Slime, also available at RC shops. Pure silicone, and very thick to keep parts where you want em. Great for gearboxes.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280

General Lee January 25th, 2015 22:23

On Toronto airsoft I found a tiny little tube with pure silicone oil for 4-5 bucks and says it treats up to 10 propane tanks I thunk I will go with that stuff.

naminator January 26th, 2015 11:55

Yeah that shit is between a 5-10wt silicon oil. I have a bottle sitting at UPS right now for treating my tank.

But using that 20wt oil for treating my valves and seals has left me with 4 hicapa mags that hold gas without the tiniest leak.

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