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-Shade May 26th, 2015 07:23

Where to find permethrin in Toronto?
Hey all,

Anyone know if any niche/camping/outdoor stores carry permethrin spray for clothing? It's pretty rare in Canada, but some do. I know there's some on, but I'd rather buy it in person downtown if I could.

Anyone have any luck with this?

Hectic May 26th, 2015 09:27

Call army issue. I think i grabbed the last can but that was a while back perhaps he has more

Armyissue May 26th, 2015 11:37

You did grab the last can.

-Shade May 26th, 2015 11:55


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1947936)
Call army issue. I think i grabbed the last can but that was a while back perhaps he has more

Have you had good experiences with it? Seems awesome for pants/socks to avoid ticks.

Hectic May 26th, 2015 12:42

Not on socks!!!
Dont spray it on anything thats gonna ride yer sweaty skin. So spray yer bdu top n bottom. Spray yer boots if you like (if they are cordura or fabric of some kind)
Dont spray your hat, your gloves, socks, anything that will be in direct contact with yer skin.byes i know the bdu will contact the skin. But its not snug fitting like socks n gloves.
just read the can and yer good. It works great. Ive never used bug spray in years cause they dont bug me much but now i can see folks covered in bugs and i look like that commercial for the off fans thingy lol.
best way to protect against ticks is just avoid fields with em from may till oct. Lol

-Shade May 26th, 2015 13:00


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1947982)
just avoid fields with em from may till oct. Lol

lol >.>

Duly noted about the socks, gloves, hat, etc. Thanks for the tips :)

Hectic May 26th, 2015 15:17

No problem.

Azathoth May 27th, 2015 12:58

I thought Permethrin was banned in Canada except for industrial/farming use. ???

It is great stuff though ;)

-Shade June 10th, 2015 08:27

For anyone curious, I ended up just ordering off for now until I can find it in stock locally.

Cliffradical June 10th, 2015 10:47

You probably already know this if you know it by name, but this stuff is *extremely* toxic. Keep any gear that's been in contact with it in the garage or securely locked away from pets and children.

It's straight-up poison, which is why it's so effective.

-Shade June 10th, 2015 11:08

I'm well aware. Luckily I don't have pets or kids to worry about, but I plan on storing it safely. Thank you for the tips! :)


Originally Posted by Cliffradical (Post 1949479)
You probably already know this if you know it by name, but this stuff is *extremely* toxic. Keep any gear that's been in contact with it in the garage or securely locked away from pets and children.

It's straight-up poison, which is why it's so effective.

Azathoth June 10th, 2015 13:25


Originally Posted by -Shade (Post 1949467)
For anyone curious, I ended up just ordering off for now until I can find it in stock locally.

You can get it in Alberta from the UFA. That's 36% concentration and higher. You will want to dilute it down to 1-4% but it's much cheaper in the long run if you are camping or traveling a lot to tropical area's where malaria, is a problem.

Permethrin when dried is safe to handle. It is a neurotoxin and is very hazardous when wet. Do NOT dump the stuff out on your lawn, or the sewer if you have excess.

Chromey June 10th, 2015 13:43

Toxic to cats. Some vetranarian medicines use it.

abutler August 14th, 2018 06:29

permethrin in Canada
I get permetrin 1.5% concentrate at The Kore Garden and dilute to .5% with water. 1 bottle is good for soaking several clothing items. Its the only defense against the tick population that is growing in Canada.

Chromey August 15th, 2018 10:31


Originally Posted by abutler (Post 2034322)
I get permetrin 1.5% concentrate at The Kore Garden and dilute to .5% with water. 1 bottle is good for soaking several clothing items. Its the only defense against the tick population that is growing in Canada.

Just placed a Order, Thanks for the link.

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