Airsoft Canada

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anthony300077 March 25th, 2019 20:05

Can you bring BBs in from the US
US BBs seems to be cheaper on heaver weights, can I bring them into Canada, is there regulation on the quantity or weight?

I know guns can bring across, but just not sure about BBs.


Danke March 26th, 2019 00:42


Don't forget to factor in exchange, shipping, taxes and duty.

ThunderCactus March 26th, 2019 00:42

Theres no regulation on bringing in BBs.
But the shipping is expensive seeing as they're heavy.

anthony300077 March 26th, 2019 14:28

I am planning to bring it across the land boarder, as I often drive to US for gas, is that going to be a problem?

Danke March 26th, 2019 17:34

If you drive across that border all the time to buy stuff you should know it's not a problem.

Which crossing?

anthony300077 March 26th, 2019 17:40

Never brought BBs before, just asking to be sure.

Pacific X crossing

Danke March 27th, 2019 10:27

Where are you getting BBs? Bellingham, Seattle? & what weight and brand.

I cross there every once in a while.

anthony300077 March 27th, 2019 15:12

I bought from Evike
0.43g Matrix
Going to try 0.50g later on

Danke March 27th, 2019 16:48

I just get the Evike stuff shipped up here. I do it through my Amazon account.

anthony300077 March 27th, 2019 17:24

You mean you purchase it through amazon US?

Danke March 27th, 2019 20:31

No just ordered on Evike and ran it through my Canadian account. Came through no problems. I think they link to in the checkout.

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