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BruiseLeee March 23rd, 2006 10:04

How do you wear a drop leg holster?
I tried a drop leg holster and it just seemed to pull the pant leg down. What's the proper way to wear it?

Separate belt or with the belt on the BDUs?

What kind of tension do you use for the thigh straps? Tight? Loose? or a combination?



Dracheous March 23rd, 2006 10:14

Use the belt on your LBV which should tie into your BDU's seperatly. The holster is best held up when it holds onto your vest, as it draws from your shoulders. As for the straps, personally I got them on a finger tight, you don't want them loose that the holster juggles around because your gun and mags might fall out easier when running like a mad man ((that is if you don't size your holster accordingly to your mags and pistol)). But you also don't want it so tight it cuts off circulation in your leg, so when you go to size it, open them up so that its really loose when you first clip it all in, and just draw it gently until it is pulled where there is no space beteen your leg and the strap. It should be tight but not much tension on the strap itself.

ex March 23rd, 2006 10:26

Personaly I think you should have it on a seperate belt from your LBV so that if you take your vest off you will still have your pistol with you. It would suck to be seperated from your backup.

DropZone March 23rd, 2006 13:12


We build all of our holsters to be worn on the trouser belt as ex-royal recommends and for the same reasons ....its your back up.

I can only assume that if the rig is pulling your pants down one of two things are happening:

a) the holster is flopping about which can be because of O.E or poor design. The cure for this is to secure the holster so it does not slide on the trouser belt...or if it is a poor design..replace it. The fellows that use our holster wear it as high a possible in the crotch with the leg straps just snug not tight. The biggest culprit for thigh holster movement is the holster sliding around at the trouser belt, not the leg straps as one would guess. A heavy thick belt may create enough friction to lock the holster in place. Failing that a neat trick is to secure the holster belt loop on the belt by fixing wire ties on either side of the belt loop.


b) the user is so portly he is shaped funnel like and the trousers can not stay up..... in which case suspenders clipped on the trousers would be the solution.

Kind Regards
Brian Kroon
Drop Zone Tactical

Iceman March 23rd, 2006 13:36

Pants belt for me. If it drags down, its probably because your leg loop is set to low. Try bringing the holster up a bit. I find that having the leg loop all the way 'up there' is more comfortable (that doesn't sound right...). It will keep the holster from dragging 'down' and thus make it uncomfortable like you describe.

I would also recommend Safariland Holsters... they are the best all around, very comfo, very sturdy, kydex built, very secure...

DuffMan March 23rd, 2006 13:44

The holster should be on your pistol/pants belt, it's part of your first line gear suite. Your LBV is part of your 2nd line. That said, I'm running a Safariland 6004 and too cheap/terrifed to cut off that part of velcro so that I can make it mid-ride, so I'm hooking it to my LBV belt so it rides higher up, just a temporary thing.

RecceGod March 23rd, 2006 14:09


What ever happened to people trying stuff out and finding out what works best for themselves???

Spoon-feed me please...

Not meaning to flame... it's just that... well.. forget it....

Blackthorne March 23rd, 2006 14:13

One Word..


Get a good duty belt and attach a set of good suspenders, attach the holster or shingle to that.

Solves both problems. Belt and thigh rig stay up, and you have a first line that you can keep if you ditch everything else..

That's if you have the guts to ditch your $300 HSGI full of gear and with all the trimmings!

MadMorbius March 23rd, 2006 15:02


That's if you have the guts to ditch your $300 HSGI full of gear and with all the trimmings!
Man, I usually can't wait to get it OFF lol.

Dracheous March 23rd, 2006 15:16

I have mine tied into my LBV because then IF I ever do decide to ditch everything comes off quick. Not that I'd ever plan to ditch my equipment, because really, why the hell would you ditch all your mags, tools, maps, etc etc? Not going to be able to shoot back if you got no bullets to do it with!

GraveTech March 23rd, 2006 15:21

Cause you are on fire and the nylon is melting to your skin through your BDU's?

EDIT: Sorry guys, work is really really boring today.

ILLusion March 23rd, 2006 15:33

I wear the High Speed Gear suspender system with a rigger's belt and drop legs on both legs. Best way to prevent sagging and chafing:

ToRN March 23rd, 2006 16:14

There's a reason they call it a 'pistol belt'

Farmboy March 23rd, 2006 17:43

TAG padded patrol belts are on sale right now ;)

Reg. $46.99 on for $36.99

Rumpel Felt March 23rd, 2006 20:28

I, personally, cannot stand drop leg holsters. They may seem good in a game like Splinter Cell, but for me....really uncomfortable.

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