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Berkut April 17th, 2006 22:07

New SVD...
Just found this:

New SVD from UTG... $150US...

Go! :twisted:

Quaff April 17th, 2006 22:09


Dragunov replica sniper rifle will blow your mind (or your opponents for that matter!).
I'll pass on "blowing" my opponents

(and yes, I do realize they mean you opponents minds...)

PTE. Pyle April 17th, 2006 22:11

1) not in canada
2) even if they were would you realy want to waste 130 on a cheape peice of crap
3) read the faqs

btw i dont know much about the dragunov SVD but if i was going to buy one i dont think id buy anything less than this

downtown April 17th, 2006 22:11

i dont know what to think, other than TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. pretty godamn kick ass though.

Berkut April 17th, 2006 22:17


Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
1) not in canada
2) even if they were would you realy want to waste 130 on a cheape peice of crap
3) read the faqs

btw i dont know much about the dragunov SVD but if i was going to buy one i dont think id buy anything less than this

1) I know
2) :smack:
3) I did, I do, I always will... Did I suggest to buy it from those folks? No, Just want to see what people think, since most of other airsoft SVDs are hmm.. a bit expensive...
Thanks for input though :cheers:

PTE. Pyle April 17th, 2006 22:22

ok fair enough i took it that you were saying you wanted to buy it from them and were looking for input. i stay by my statement that i wouldent waste my money on that. if you buy somthing that is cheap then you can expect what you payfor

my appologies

^Hyperion^ April 17th, 2006 23:08

awesome , cheap and reliable SVD for once , looks fa bit plastic though

DonP April 18th, 2006 01:20

Could be good for a project gun, if nothing else.

Greylocks April 18th, 2006 06:32

I wonder what it is about "too good to be true" and "you get what you pay for" is unclear these days.
Go ahead, buy one. But dont come here asking about upgrades or whining you have a crappy gun that just looks cool.

[Lithium] April 18th, 2006 06:37

So true greylocks. That, and you can tell just by the picture that its cheap.. in price and most likely quality.

Ace of SpadesĀ© April 18th, 2006 06:47

SVD's dont have bipods... :mad:

Droc April 18th, 2006 08:29

be worth it just to have a spare metal reciever to mess around with.

Dozer_01 April 18th, 2006 08:33

Very true Droc...Mod that shit with a Ver.3 box if possible..that would be mint.

Droc April 18th, 2006 09:25

that guy on arnies cheaply modified his UTG MP5 to TM quality in no time. Even if the internals are not as good as other guns, thats an easy fix.
Id get one, toss in a V3, add some wood furniture, and you got a decent SVD

[Avtomat] April 18th, 2006 16:08

well they also fuked the scope up too.

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