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Captain Tenneal May 19th, 2006 04:37

New TM Stuff... (M1911A1 GBB/Type 89 AEG)

...Eat your heart out WA...

...A 26 round (How they fit 26 rounds in THAT mag is still beyond me) GBB M1911A1, which looks mighty more attractive than the 14 round KSC version due out any day now...

...And because 7 versions of the mechbox aren't enough, the Type 89 with (what looks like) metal recievers and the new Version 8 Gearbox. According to Arnies, they think it's suspected to have 3 Round Burst (mainly because the selector switch has it, the new gear box, and the fact that there's a giant solid stock, yet there's only a mini battery in the foregrip)

-And the mandatory mouldings of the TMP/VZ.61/MAC 10/USP/M9 AEP's. Nothing really has moved since the last time they showed them (IIRC was October of 05).

Corresponding Arnie's thread

Mysteryfish May 19th, 2006 05:14


lem0ns43 May 19th, 2006 05:24

Sweet. Those 1911's look damn fine, are they metal or plastic? Wait a sec... who really cares that much? Cheers. :cheers:

Droc May 19th, 2006 08:59

leave it to TM to kick some major ass. that type 89 looks sweet
Those type 89 mags look cool with the holes drilled in them...fake rounds inside...sweet. gonna get those for my armalite.

someone said metal upper and lower...I dont know if they ment the type 89 or the 1911.

either way, a V8 mechbox with burst fire.

The stick battery upfront is kinda dumb with the large stock, but Im sure that can/will change.

The Saint May 19th, 2006 09:27

I hope the TMP and Skorp have progressed beyond just the models...

Ph0_Eat3r May 19th, 2006 10:10

TM M1911a1= ni0cEEE

Captain Tenneal May 19th, 2006 10:10


Originally Posted by Groombug

Originally Posted by Captain Tenneal
...A 26 round (How they fit 26 rounds in THAT mag is still beyond me) GBB M1911A1, which looks mighty more attractive than the 14 round KSC version due out any day now...

Double-stacking the BBs like the new WA 1911 magazines.

But GODDAMN! It's about time. Finally, I can get some use out of my 6004 again!

Edit: Ok, I'm mistaken, for the longest time I thought the maximum bb capacity for the WA M1911's was 15.. Looks like they've gotten a few more bb's into there :D (But still looks like TM's got the most with 26 rounds)


Originally Posted by Droc
someone said metal upper and lower...I dont know if they ment the type 89 or the 1911.

either way, a V8 mechbox with burst fire.

The stick battery upfront is kinda dumb with the large stock, but Im sure that can/will change.

Well, IIRC the last gun that had burst was the SIG 550/551, and I thought those things were iffy if they were fired with high amperage batteries (I'm probably wrong on this), if the T89 has a burst chip that might explain it. If not, the real one has version with a folding stock (a la G36) which might also be released for airsoft.

And I think they're refering to the T89, not the 1911 as it looks like they're both made out of the same plastic but the T89 has the shiny un-finished metal parts on the upper and lower reciever.

Jar|-|ead May 19th, 2006 10:18

that 1911 is PURE SEX!!!!!...

silhouette May 19th, 2006 13:25

Awww...89-sihiki is 46800 yen..tha price higher then I expected.

Shinjin_MC May 19th, 2006 13:51

89-shiki is just like the real steel version: very very expensive!

Raw Deal May 19th, 2006 14:08

HOTDAMN! Looks like TM is stepping it up a notch with these high end releases.Nice packaging that really matters. I cant wait to see the finish on the 1911.

attack-beaver May 19th, 2006 15:51

damn both those guns are very very sexy. it does look like the type 89 has metal but maybe its that metal ABS mix that are used on some gbb?

integratyperx May 20th, 2006 00:25

Finally a 1911 I can afford!!! Ohhh I can't wait to see the metal kits for this.
Here come the Kimbers and MARSOCs!!!

Oh by the way, I don't think the Type89 mags will fit armalites, they look longer, like real mags...or maybe that's just me.

stokes May 20th, 2006 00:52

The 1911 might just be my first TM gun! I cant wait...

*Full Metal Kimber Here I Come!*

attack-beaver May 20th, 2006 01:20

well i was reading around on arnies and guess what i read this


The current situation in Japan right now is this, Tokyo Marui's patent on the mechbox runs out this year. That means they no longer have government sanction for keeping CA, GG, GP and all the other alphabets out of the country. They will now have HUGE competition on their home turf. What this means to the overall market I don't fully know. Coupled with the new law of nothing over .98j under anyh circumstances...its anyones game. My projection is...Tokyo MArui needs a new gimmic, blowback, metal, price drop, something. Theres also been a general drop in AEG interest, there is no differnece between models.
this means that theres a good chance the T89 is going to be metal.

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