swatt13 |
June 17th, 2006 00:46 |
:cheers: get the stuff if you like, but your limiting yourself from ever whole hartedly enjoying the sport. your only going to have as much fun as your equipment allows you. if your aeg is busted 90% of the time, or shooting like shit, your going to be dissapointed and unsatisfied with the sport.... i wouldnt recommend it. youll thank yourself if you spend the extra money and get a used famas, even an academy l85 or some sort of used aeg under $400. if not for your self, do ut for us; one less person disapointed w/ the sport due to poor equipment.
also i had an palco xm8 and compared it to my gws xm8.... it was so rediculous it was actually sad. for a newb to have as their first gun, it leaves an uninspiring first impression. i am so glad that i never thought all aisoft guns were of that poor a quality. honestly. these are the lowest of the low (aside from the opaque cantire/ walmart guns)
there a member of our club who wouldnt heed our advice on buying an aeg, he went and bought a clear springer m16 for $160, then was dissapointed because it was a bolt action single shot, so he went and bought a mini mp5 for $60, was dissapointed cuz it had effective range of 25 feet, so then at least he bought a boys m4 for $150 (which i would recommend over ANY clear gun and over any palco hint hint.. pm LUNIT he has one for CHEAP) but was still dissapointed cuz it is smaller, low range.
so in total he spent $370 on three crappy dissapointing guns in the end, instead of spending $400 off the bat on a used famas, and you know what, he doesnt play anymore because he doesnt enjoy the sport due to his equipment and he cant justify spending any more money (understandably)
learn from others mistakes... buy a good gun off the bat.