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Juice Weasel October 4th, 2006 18:22

I'm working on finishing my German collection and the one thing I would love to get either a Ultima MG42 or MG3. Can anybody tell me about these things in terms of well they work (reliable), rate of fire, range, ect?

Also how hard is it to get one here in Canada and who might I contact to order one? I have a TM Type 89 outfitted with a C-Mag that plays the part and does pretty well...but it's not a MG42.

Thanks much

Fidget11 October 4th, 2006 18:41

well i have not seen one and i doubt anyone in canada has actually... that said you may try to contact one of the asian shops that is selling them for some more information on them. ASCA likely can order it for you, but i warn you it will be crazy expensive and likely not something you would want to take to a skirmish.

Krieg October 4th, 2006 18:53

IF YOU get an MG42, I will club you to death and steal teh S3xyyyy Bi4tch!!


DOnt call cops I am

On the serious hand though if you get one, its guaranteed that your going to be the 1337est airsofter in Canada!!!!!

Pliskin October 4th, 2006 18:54


Originally Posted by Juice Weasel (Post 361656)
I'm working on finishing my German collection and the one thing I would love to get either a Ultima MG42 or MG3. Can anybody tell me about these things in terms of well they work (reliable), rate of fire, range, ect?

Also how hard is it to get one here in Canada and who might I contact to order one? I have a TM Type 89 outfitted with a C-Mag that plays the part and does pretty well...but it's not a MG42.

Thanks much

To be blunt with you, it will be brutally expensive once imported, if it could be. Prices can double, sometimes triple when imported.
But if it's a MUST and you are willing to spend the cash, ASCA could probably import it for you. Otherwise, you'd have to try a WGC order and that might not go too well either.

Juice Weasel October 4th, 2006 20:18

I've left a couple of messages with ASCA but have not heard anything back. Am now tryng to figure out what other options are available to me.


Krieg October 4th, 2006 20:34

HonestJohn(ASCA) is very busy.
Give him time to answer, also due to events in BC HoJo is taking things a bit slower.
To make sure that us airsofters will have ASCA in the future as well.

Juice Weasel October 5th, 2006 18:13

I see your point, if it's worth having I've got time.


Juice Weasel October 6th, 2006 14:39

Does any one know anything about the "Shoei MG42" it's a gas blow back gun which although not my first choice still might do? What is it's range, rate of fire, reliability ect?


T.Smith October 6th, 2006 19:11

It uses a external gas system, similiar to a paintball gas harness. Not bad if you ask me. The German uniform gives you some good options for hidin' a external HPA tank.

The rate of fire is slower then the 25 rnds/sec you'd get with a real steel, but with a few modifications it can fire fairly good. Reliability? All solid brass internals, again some issues but that can be fixed pretty nice. Not sure about the range though.

If I had the money (3-4 grand), I'd be buyin' it. Not for a fully operational skirmish weapon, but more for the cool factor. They are probably a little easier to obtain then the Ultima, but don't quote me on that

Slick October 7th, 2006 10:56

Honestly you would be better off asking questions in a UK or some European forum. Almost nobody owns one of these in Canada. Try UKASC or Arnies forums for better answers to your questions. If you do get one make sure to take a bunch of pictures and let us know how you like the gun youve chosen.

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