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Jake October 8th, 2006 11:51

How old are you?
I did a quick search and wasn't able to find any previous polls that ask this question.

How old are you guys (and gals)?

under 18

thephenom October 8th, 2006 12:06

What would be the point of this thread though?

Jake October 8th, 2006 12:16

Just wondering the age range of those that come to this site. No secret political agenda.

Lerch October 8th, 2006 13:07

18...19 in two and a half months :p

Cortexburn October 8th, 2006 13:15

I put down 31 as I'm gonna be there soon enough.

Aquamarine October 8th, 2006 13:24


herr baron October 8th, 2006 14:05

16 and a half apples

Pip October 8th, 2006 16:21


Darklen October 8th, 2006 16:34

39. I feel so old now.

and I call shen's on Aqua!

CrazyWithAGun October 8th, 2006 17:01

17 and 3 months as of yesterday.

Penguin October 8th, 2006 17:03


Jake October 8th, 2006 18:40


Originally Posted by Darklen (Post 363189)
39. I feel so old now.

I hear ya. I work with a lot of younger folks, and we have a radio close by that is usually set to a top 40 station. The other day I changed it to a rock station, and Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin was playing. They all started asking,
"What the hell is that??"
"Led Zeppelin," I replied
Then they said.. "Never heard of him."

I felt so old and started to cry...

attack-beaver October 8th, 2006 18:45

17 hitting 18 in jan 14th.

Hunter Killer October 8th, 2006 18:48

I will be 15, in november :)

Swatt Six-Four October 8th, 2006 18:50

29 here, I guess i'm in the happy medium lol

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