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p0stall October 16th, 2006 18:54

gas or electirc?
for handguns, and rifles, which is better? I know it counts on what gun, but on average, what is better?

Pliskin October 16th, 2006 19:10

Until upgraded, there is no such thing as "best gun". Sure, you're going to get different FPS ratings stock, but that doesnt make them better than the other. Accuracy and capacity counts too. It's really all about personal preference more than performance.

If you were referring to which is better between AEG and GBB, then it's really equal too. AEG's are better performing outdoors (depending on weather) (Unless it's a CQB weapon) and GBB's are better for just Close Quarters in general.

DEATH2000 October 16th, 2006 19:18

For handguns, usually gas. AEPs are kinda lame when u hear the "whiir whiir" of the motor cycling.

For rifles usually electric. Sometimes gas rifles can have more issues or problems, esspecially if its upgraded.

p0stall October 16th, 2006 19:29

okay :D THat's what I was thinking, well just the perspective of wich is better, I never thought about the engine, ty you two

DEATH2000 October 16th, 2006 19:33

If your 18+ get urself age verified. theres currenlty a bunch of really nice guns for sale in the classifieds for not as much as youd think.

p0stall October 16th, 2006 19:38

I was looking, and I don't see where I get that sdone at

DEATH2000 October 16th, 2006 19:39

If you read the FAQs youll see it. Go to a game and talk to an age verifier for your selected reigion. The list of which you can find when u read the FAQs.

p0stall October 16th, 2006 20:37

do you have to be verified to buy guns from the armoury?

littlerobz October 16th, 2006 20:43

Yes you do.

p0stall October 16th, 2006 20:48

I can't just get my old man to use his credit card on the armoury?

Droc October 16th, 2006 21:11

no you cant.

Many age verifiers wont verify an adult if they feel they will simply buy guns for a minor.

Identity October 16th, 2006 21:33


Originally Posted by p0stall (Post 366902)
I can't just get my old man to use his credit card on the armoury?

Man your a fool. First off get age verified. You have to be at least 18+ to buy.

Pliskin October 16th, 2006 21:36


Originally Posted by p0stall (Post 366902)
I can't just get my old man to use his credit card on the armoury?

Well, technically, you can. HOWEVER, the gun belongs to your "old man" and he reserves the right to take it away at any point. And if any illegal activities happen with the gun in question, then all blame falls on him. You sure you want him to get into a spot of trouble because your neighbour saw you playing soldier?

Never that fun.

Your best bet is to get out to a game where 16+ is allowed and rent a gun, get all the questions answered, and learn as much as you can. I wouldnt ask my dad to buy me a gun, (He wouldnt anyways, he doesnt trust the internet, the old fashioned man.) because I know that if I got into trouble with it then I was losing his trust.

Good luck, though. Just try to learn for now, and once you've built up your profile and earned a bit of respect(No offence, it's everyone on their own for the first bit here) then you might consider seeing if the community approves of getting a gun for you.

Very unlikely


p0stall October 16th, 2006 21:36


Originally Posted by Identity (Post 366939)
Man your a fool. First off get age verified. You have to be at least 18+ to buy.

Now that we have established that I am in fact: a fool, what's this mean?

Can I get my Parent or Family Member who is over 18 to buy a gun for me?

Yes, but your parent/Family Member is taking responsability for giving you the gun, treat that responsability with respect. The police will come knocking on their door if you get into trouble with it. Please note that a parent/Family Member will not be age verified on ASC unless he/she is an active player themselves.

Vowels October 16th, 2006 21:56

i don't think we have any age verifiers in kamloops or kelowna, which blows

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