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taylorvw October 29th, 2006 13:33

firepower AK47
Hey all. I am new into the sport and I am looking for somthing to start off with, AA surplus has the cheap firepower ak47 and FP8.Does anyone have any goods/bads about the guns? Are they compatible with tokyo marui parts, Do they have a metal gear box?thanks tvw

Curtis Tactics October 29th, 2006 13:38

i have a fp8 , its not compatible with any TM parts, gearbox is plastic but mags are cheap $50 for 2, high Rof, bad scope

Darklen October 29th, 2006 13:57

My review, oddly enough, in the review section.

In a nut shell, it's a POS. I could throw bb's farther than it could shoot them, literally.

taylorvw October 29th, 2006 14:21

k well that brings my options to one. mark at aasuplus has one of those china air aug does anyone want to tell me about that?goods? bads?

Freedom Fighter October 29th, 2006 14:49

Just buy something half decent. Look at AEG's from one of the major manufactuers such as Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, G&P, G&G, ICS etc ...

Figure out what rifle you like the look of then do a simple search and read a couple reviews. Noone is here to spoonfeed you information all day. Another great thing about searching is that you come across important information that you never thought about previously, but were glad to find.

GMTII October 29th, 2006 14:57


taylorvw October 29th, 2006 15:14

ive always been a fan of the sig 552 but no one has them:(

Red Ghost October 29th, 2006 15:26


Originally Posted by Curtis Tactics (Post 373345)
mags are cheap $50 for 2,

My KA clones of the original TM mags were 18 a piece. Star Locaps are about 10 per mag.

Just save your money and buy something decent. TM, ICS, CA, etc... Read the FAQ, it will answer pretty much everything. If you buy a "economy" or cheap gun like that, the rate you'll be going through guns will be equivelant to a fire going through gasoline. Which is also an analogy of how you'll be spending your money.. you might as well burn it.

Save up and get a reputable brand.

Greylocks October 29th, 2006 15:40

Do not buy crap, period.

taylorvw October 29th, 2006 15:48

alright.. I am looking at TM sig 552,P90 TR or a famas. I read good on all of them.I hope to find somthing used so i dont need to buy alot of upgrades. although the famas is 400$

kuchervano October 29th, 2006 15:54

So are P90s, and demi-upgraded (read broken) AEGs. New not necesserily means better, too.

Jake October 29th, 2006 16:23


Originally Posted by Darklen (Post 373353)
My review, oddly enough, in the review section.

In a nut shell, it's a POS. I could throw bb's farther than it could shoot them, literally.

Thanks for taking one for the team and sharing your review. That thread should be made into a sticky for anyone thinking about buying a crappy gun to save a few bucks.

taylorvw October 29th, 2006 22:58

does anyone know of somone with a 552 or a p90 for sale.?

Curtis Tactics October 29th, 2006 23:04

someone on the kelowna forums as a sig 552 for $400

aZn_triXta07 October 29th, 2006 23:28

firepower sucks, plastic gearboxes suck. get a CYMA or a WELL

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