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Voodoo November 20th, 2006 13:14

shotgun advice!
I was wondering if anyone knows whats shotys shoot multiple bbs/shot and whats got a (around)320 fps speed. Im looking to us it as an indoor gun so its got to shoot slow.
So far im really leaning towords the TM shorty but i want to know the other opptions i have.

I also dont know anything about the gas shotguns so if you have a good opinion on them or some good info it would be grealy appreciated.

and yes i did use the search function (because someone allwasy ask)

Jayhad November 20th, 2006 13:29

Jeremy why not just by the M3?

Greylocks November 20th, 2006 17:54

Buy the Marui. The reasons and advantages are clear if you read up about the other types of shotguns available.

Edit; Get age-verified or you may not be able to buy anything.

Voodoo November 20th, 2006 17:56

sounds good.


Droc November 20th, 2006 20:40

IMHO, the TM shotty is a chunk of plastic and feels nothing like a shotgun.

Save your loot and look for a Marushin M500. Full metal gas shotgun. Easily the sexiest thing you could ever hold.

thephenom November 20th, 2006 20:56

I like my M3 Super 90....ya it's plastic, but that big shotgun feels so damn cool once you hold it up against your shoulder!

takatorikku November 20th, 2006 21:01

i agree with droc. get a marushin for the sex appeal.

Wesman November 20th, 2006 21:29

I like my M3 Shorty. Sure it's lightweight, but it's pretty reliable, for the most part. No batteries to worry about, no gas to refill and no ejecting shells to look for.

Mr Jon November 20th, 2006 22:03

if its gas and ejects shells, for the love of god do not buy them unless you want a show piece, or dont mind the low power, finnicky aspect of operation and shell bag on the side. Other than that, they scare the shiat outta people and look awesome, but are hard to come across if you want to purchase them. They are plenty o fun in CQB when they actually function.

Give a CA870, TM series, or Marushin Mossberg series a try if you are lucky enough to stumble across one for sale.

Droc November 20th, 2006 22:20

I donno about loss of power. I heard the Marushin M500 runs +340fps on propane.

takatorikku November 20th, 2006 22:54

A&A Airsoft has a Maruzen CA870 Fold Type in stock

Oz November 20th, 2006 23:08

I took my M1100 out for the first time on saturday, had a blast, everyone loved it. It worked most of the time when I needed it... key word being most of the time. 99% of the time the first shot goes off without a hitch but dont count on the double tap. As far as realism, function and cool factors go, the new(ish) tanakas are the heat. Flawless, real (reliable shell ejecting) shotgun action with all the good looks and comfort you love. Yes I have used one, the 1897 and it was amazing. The maruzens are (taken from the guy who sold me mine) like a fine wine, to be taken out for special occasions.

The Saint November 20th, 2006 23:18

There's always the TM SPAS if beefiness is an issue.

Grim Fandango November 21st, 2006 00:36

Marui shotguns: ABS plastic, spring powered, holds one shell(shell holds 30), gun fires 3 BBs per shot

Maruzen CA870 series: ABS plastic, spring powered, magazine fed (magazine holds 40), fires 1 BB per shot

G&P or VFC CA870: same as above but upgraded with metal bodies and barrels

Maruzen M870 series: ABS plastic, gas powered, uses shells(each shell holds 1-5 BBs), holds 4 shells, shells eject when pumped which makes it more realistic but you could lose shells on the field.

Maruzen M1100: ABS plastic, gas powered, semi-automatic(no pumping), uses shells(each shell holds 1-5 BBs), holds 7 shells, shells eject like with the M870.

Maruzen M1100 Defender: ABS plastic, gas powered, semi-automatic(no pumping), magazine fed(holds 18 BBs), shoots 3 BBs per shot.

Marushin M500SSB: ABS plastic, gas powered, internally fed, holds 150 BBs, shoots 3 BBs at a time.

Marushin M500SSB cruiser wood: metal and wood, gas powered, internally fed, holds 150 BBs, shoots 3 BBs at a time.

Marushin M500SSB 8MM: metal and ABS, gas powered, internally fed, holds 40 8mm BBs, shoots 3 BBs at a time.

Hope this info helps. If I missed anything or made any mistakes please correct me.

Hortons Heros November 21st, 2006 01:35

do the spas and the M3 have the same internals.

The M3 (from experience, not sure about the spas) have a problem with the trinozzle and I'm not sure how easy of a fix it is. There are group orders now and then for them.

EDIT: stay away from the UTG ones. They work great for a bit and have a decent feal but the internals fall to pieces, beyond repair, really fast.

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