Airsoft Canada

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oOMuDOo April 27th, 2007 22:03

YouTube (Tokyo Marui BB Sports Field - Pinoy Airsoft - PAIN Japan)
Tokyo Marui BB Sports Field - Pinoy Airsoft - PAIN Japan

Check it out, It's kinda lame but still nice to know what we are missing out on. :confused:

Jixton April 27th, 2007 22:16

After waching this, i've come to this conclusion.... Action Commando all the way....!:x:

Amazing KG3 April 27th, 2007 22:29

acshun kumman-do FTW

thats not my thing at all. its to Paintball for me with the pretty colors, and gay, and lame.

Penguin April 27th, 2007 23:30

Wow, can anyone say library stacks.

you know what I mean.

Jimski April 28th, 2007 00:11

it's cool but I would personnally add greasy sand on the ground for more enjoyment, and cover everything in fresh yellow paintball paint.

swatt13 April 28th, 2007 00:44

itd be like playing real life tron! i think its cool. but not something id do all the time, im outdoor milsim all the way. YouTube - Airsoft - Combat South Urban 13-03-05

R3CON1 April 28th, 2007 04:00

TM BB sport field....I dont want to play in field like this !!

BBS April 28th, 2007 15:03

it looks alright but it definately looks more fun than laser tag... because TM just took the idea of a laser tag arena and converted it to a airsoft arena.

Blackthorne April 28th, 2007 19:49

I am betting big fields are not in abundance in Japan....

Aquamarine? Wanna validate my wild drunk (it's Saturday after all) assumption?

Looks like video game reality to me....

yanhchan April 29th, 2007 07:19

LOL @ hexigons....

damage April 29th, 2007 15:31


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 462573)
I am betting big fields are not in abundance in Japan....

Aquamarine? Wanna validate my wild drunk (it's Saturday after all) assumption?

Looks like video game reality to me....

They have big airsoft fields there in Japan. I am not sure how big. Check out the other videos from Team PAIN Japan in you tube.

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