Airsoft Canada

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thekman July 12th, 2007 15:04

first gun
so I was planning to get my first airsoft gun. I am going to go with a spring rifle. I don't want to spend a lot of money yet. I am looking for something $30-50, maybe even 60. after looking at a lot of spring rifles and at the end getting a bit frustrated with all the choices and prices I decided to get one of these. which one do you think I should get. also I would very much like your recommendations if you think there is something better that would fit what I want. thank you so very much.
UTG MP5 A4/A5 CQB Airsoft Spring Gun
UHC MP5 SD3 Airsoft Spring Gun
I was also wondering how much these would last. with the UTG you have to wind it, so is that more likely to break first?
I saw the guns at the UTG is 50 dollars and the UHC is 40.
I was even looking at a
UTG AK-47 Spring Airsoft Rifle
its $60 and I know its a bit over my price range, but it looks nice.
i am looking for a gun thats relatively cheap and able to prove substantial in small field battles. i was going to go with an AEG but a lot of people seem to have trouble with the guns jamming on them and wearing down the parts so they have to replace them.

ancorp July 12th, 2007 15:09

TokyoSeven July 12th, 2007 15:35

Before I begin, please take sometime to read the frequently asked questions section of the ASC website.
The only information I will offer is.
Do not cheap out on your guns, in the long run its not worth it.
A well maintained AEG will not crap out on you, if due care and attention are given to it.
If you live in Canada you will not be able to order guns from from outside of the country, due to our custom laws.
Please fill out a little more information in your profile so we know where you are from.

Thats all I will offer.

thekman July 12th, 2007 15:48

sorry for the double post. i didnt find my post so i thought i didnt post in the first place. so i am 18 and live in the US. hamburg NY to be exact. i am trying to find the closest airsoft community around here but more people seem to be into paintball. i am in about 4 or 5 forums right now. i figured the more people's opinions i get the better.
what do you guys think about these?
and can you tell me why the ones in the next site so cheap? are they worth getting or are they so cheap because they suck?
thank you

ancorp July 12th, 2007 16:01

They are all very low end. If you want a good cheap AK, get the Cyma CM.028 or CM.031 metal gearbox AK47 and AK74M. (or CM.028 for the AKS-47 with the folding stock). Or an equivalent Jing Gong branded one.

The really cheap ones on that site have plastic internals and are very weak or unreliable. Waste of money, although since you're in US, they are more worth the price then if you were to buy them in Canada.


The Saint July 12th, 2007 16:04

The thing is, we've got a hard time of getting airsoft guns into Canada, so we largely stick to reputable brands like Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, so forth. We have very little experience with most of the really cheapy brands you can find in the States.

General rules of thumb, though:
- if the manufacturer of the gun is not clearly and prominently indicated, it's most likely because the store is trying to prey on your ignorance by selling you garbage
- you should avoid things less than $100USD, since you get what you paid for
- anything that base its appearance on automatic weapons but requires you to cock the spring with each shot is garbage
- if a gun comes with too many accessories (especially optics), the company is trying to distract you from how much their gun sucks by throwing useless crappy plastic accessories at you
- if they're highlighting how fast the gun shoots with 0.12g BBs, it most likely because the gun sucks, since the minimal practical BB weight is 0.20g

TrueTGN July 12th, 2007 16:04

You're like half an hour away from a store in NY.

I'd suggest going and checking everything out.

LyquidFyre July 12th, 2007 16:10

According to your post above, you're in Hamburg, NY. If google maps doesn't lie then you're only a 40 min drive from Tonawanda, NY which has The War Store. From some of the reviews I've read about them, they seem decent and carry a good selection of Airsoft products.

DarkAngel July 12th, 2007 17:27


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 500849)
General rules of thumb, though:
- if the manufacturer of the gun is not clearly and prominently indicated, it's most likely because the store is trying to prey on your ignorance by selling you garbage
- you should avoid things less than $100USD, since you get what you paid for
- anything that base its appearance on automatic weapons but requires you to cock the spring with each shot is garbage
- if a gun comes with too many accessories (especially optics), the company is trying to distract you from how much their gun sucks by throwing useless crappy plastic accessories at you
- if they're highlighting how fast the gun shoots with 0.12g BBs, it most likely because the gun sucks, since the minimal practical BB weight is 0.20g

Quoted for Truth :D

thekman July 12th, 2007 22:42

thank you all very much. i actually went to the store today. all of the guns were pretty sturdy and reliable. the guy in the store was pretty honost too and told me all the pros and cons of his weapons too. turns out where i live has the biggest airsoft community. its called the western NY airsoft league. they have 492 members at the moment, or maybe soon to be 493. apparently they play every week and usually with two army groups which might be weird. i mean professional against ummm not professionals. hummm. thank you all though, you were more helpful than all the other american forums combined. ill post what gun i am going to purchase here soon.

The Saint July 12th, 2007 22:45

The best way to show your appreciation is to purchase a gun that won't make us cringe. :D

ThunderCactus July 13th, 2007 14:07


Originally Posted by thekman (Post 500804)
I don't want to spend a lot of money yet. I am looking for something $30-50, maybe even 60.

*clears throat*


Tank94 July 13th, 2007 14:44

30-50 $ is like the cost of a battery up here so...

Cassius July 13th, 2007 16:29

There are guns under 300$??? Oh my god! Where have I been living??!?!

Here's an afterthought: Canada is the place where rich airsofters go. At least we can take some pride in that. :D

ThunderCactus July 13th, 2007 16:49


Originally Posted by Tank94 (Post 501437)
30-50 $ is like the cost of a battery up here so...

really??? where???
i got the new intellect 8.4 4200 cost me like 80$ lol

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