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redstar January 4th, 2008 23:30

Buying from RSOV???
Hi I just came across this site
and would like to know if anybody has bought from them and if they have has there been any problem with shipping??
I found a ak grenade launcher/flash hider, similar to a yugo m70ab2 have at a decent price and want to buy one.
thanks a lot

surebet January 4th, 2008 23:36

Won't make it, they are in the UK. Grenade launchers are restricted in import.

Arthraxis January 4th, 2008 23:36

Grenade launcher? Are you insane? You want to import a grenade launcher? No.

ChiefInTrees January 4th, 2008 23:38

give the faq a little read. We can only buy from Canadian retailers.

666 January 5th, 2008 02:04

Grenade launchers could be freely imported until just recently, but now unfortunately it's restricted item..

Chrios January 5th, 2008 02:50


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 608113)
Grenade launchers could be freely imported until just recently, but now unfortunately it's restricted item..

Sorry to threadjack, but when was this? I had no clue this was the case at all.

kuchervano January 5th, 2008 03:11

GP25 or GP30 AK grenade launchers are a no-no.
A flash hider that is a copy of a real counterpart designed to discharge rifle grenades off the weapon barrel could make it. I got an AKM slant flash hider just fine.

PS: Chrios info is available here if you can bother to register.
PSS: redstar was this what you were talking about?

666 January 5th, 2008 03:27

I assume the same goes for AK launchers.

Drake January 5th, 2008 05:08


Originally Posted by redstar (Post 607974)
Hi I just came across this site
and would like to know if anybody has bought from them and if they have has there been any problem with shipping??
I found a ak grenade launcher/flash hider, similar to a yugo m70ab2 have at a decent price and want to buy one.
thanks a lot

Uhm, just to clarify something...

Are you talking about the muzzle brake / rifle grenade thing? Or an actual launcher like an M203, EGLM or GP25/30?

Cuz if it's just the dinky muzzle brake it should make it here fine.

Why don't you post an actual link to what you want.

eel one January 5th, 2008 05:59


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 607978)
...they are in the UK...

Just to clarify: RSOV is a Hong Kong based dealer.

redstar January 5th, 2008 10:52

Heres the link

its not a whole grenade launcher (per example the under gun one for a M16)
Its just a Flash Hider, basically a piece of pipe about 3 inches long

Qlong January 5th, 2008 11:15

I don't see how that would be a problem unless it is a suppressor/silencer. Where'd you get grenade launcher from?

redstar January 5th, 2008 19:16

it is a grenade launcher, this piece (on a real gun) attaches like a muzzle brake and uses rockets that are fired with a blank round from the gun. This was used in World War II, but since then only the Soviet Union really used them.
heres the link for them
thats why I called it a rocket launcher, dont know the proper name for it.

Drake January 5th, 2008 19:50


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 608246)
I don't see how that would be a problem unless it is a suppressor/silencer. Where'd you get grenade launcher from?

It's more in the Rifle Grenade sense. Like on the old Garands and shit.


it looks like a short outer barrel or something. I can't see it being a problem to get in.

redstar January 5th, 2008 19:54

yup exactly a Rifle Grenade
thanks everyone I'll try and order and post the result here.

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