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specter_M4 February 25th, 2008 12:23

Silencer is effecting full-automatic on TM G36C

I recently aqquired a TM G36C.

Almost everything has been upgraded:

piston head Deepfire aluminum ball bearing
lightweight piston
systema spring guide ball bearing
systema airseal nozzle
systema 6mm bushings
TM gear set
Pro winn hop up
systema hop up rubber
systema tappet plate
systema barrel
M110 spring

I use a 9.6 volt 1700mAh Battery. The gun has afairly high Rof.

My problem is that when I put my silencer on and fire in automatic, lets say I hold the trigger and cycle the piston 10 times only about 5 rounds will be projected. These 5/10 bbs projected have a terrible flight path and about 1/3 the range as a regular shot.

This problem only occurs in automatic with the silencer on. It cycles every round and fires straight in semi with the silencer attatched. When the silencer comes off the problem disapears. Now, when the battery is low it will fire fine in automatic through the silencer hmm...

The problem is obviously caused by the high rof which is caused by the battery. I figure if I uprgraided the spring it would help but then I couldn't use it indoors for CQB. As of now it shoots 350fps on the nose. I could always use a velocity reducer however then I wouldn't use the silencer.

The silencer is 206mm long and I have inlcuded a picture of it below.

What causes this problem? How can I fix the problem so I can fire in automatic with the silencer on?


Danke February 25th, 2008 12:27

Sounds like backpressure building up, you need to create some sort of bypass in the accessory , discreet holes in the body or a bafflectomy.

swatt13 February 25th, 2008 12:34

i would just change the cylinder in the mech box rather than modding the silencer, but even still, that SHOULDNT be neccissary when puting a can on a 36. you say this only happens in full auto, not present in semi? but when the battery dies down the problem ceases? i would also look at the piston head oring or nozzle assy.

p.phresh February 25th, 2008 12:38

have you tried to chrono the gun with the silencer on and silencer off? Perhaps it's a simple as foam in the flight path within the silencer. There's no reason a silencer would make your mechbox foul up.

specter_M4 February 25th, 2008 12:48

Yes when the rate of fire slows down the problem ceases. I would rather just replace the cylinder. If the silencer is acting as an extended barrel I can see why changing the cylinder will help. I wouldn't drill any holes in the silencer althouhg that could work.

It's not the nozzle assembly because it works fine on full out with out the silencer. The oring on the cylinder head should be fine but I will check that when I open her up. I can't see this being a part of the problem though. I think you're right about the cylinder. I will test my luck with a higher volume cylinder.

Styrak February 25th, 2008 13:05

I second the notion that it may be the supressor foam in the path of the BB.

Amos February 25th, 2008 14:00

Take a pen or something like it, stick it in the silencer and "stirr" it around... This should re-seat the foam and clear the path for the BB...

Also.. Look through the silencer at a light... My bet is you've got foam in the way.

Schwag February 25th, 2008 14:03

At a high rate of fire, leftover air spilling out of the barrel won't have time to clear the silencer between shots and will create all sorts of weird wind flow in the silencer that can really mess with your bbs.
It can slow them down, drive them to one side, etc. I had similar problems with my mp5.
Extend your inner barrel, use slower battery or drill small holes in your silencer an inch or so past the inner barrel tip. You could change your cylinder but then you probably won't have enough air to fully push the bb.

Assuming it's not the foam.

Good luck

Danke February 25th, 2008 14:15


Originally Posted by Schwag (Post 653425)
At a high rate of fire, leftover air spilling out of the barrel won't have time to clear the silencer between shots and will create all sorts of weird wind flow in the silencer that can really mess with your bbs.
It can slow them down, drive them to one side, etc. I had similar problems with my mp5.
Extend your inner barrel, use slower battery or drill small holes in your silencer an inch or so past the inner barrel tip. You could change your cylinder but then you probably won't have enough air to fully push the bb.

Assuming it's not the foam.

Good luck

Back pressure, just like an internal combustion engine; an engine is basically an air pump, the forward motion is just a by product. The suppressor is like the muffler on a car. On an engine that back pressure is used to scavenge the cylinder for the next combustion cycle (one of the reason why those slap me on coffee can tips on imports don't do much).

In Semi there is enough time to dissipate the air.

You could also try pulling all the baffles if that's possible and then slowly adding them back one by one till your problem comes back. Then you can decide if you need a bypass like a bleed hole or so on.

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