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WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 01:58

So all my guns were stolen today...
got home from work and notice my door has been kicked in...

all my airsoft related items are GONE

I have been cleaned out!

I had a Systema PTW M4-A1 CQBR, CA SLR 105, AGM MP-40, KJW P229 and my gear bag with EVERYTHING in it GONE.

oh yeah i'm an idiot and don't have insurance yet so i'm really fucked.

I am effectively out of airsoft for the time being...

told the cops everything about it, and gave descriptions of everything...even going to email photos of all the stuff.

all in all, i'm propably out 5 g's.

Styrak May 23rd, 2008 02:00

Very, very shitty man.

TrueTGN May 23rd, 2008 02:00

Ouch, thats all we need is a bunch of fools running around with airsoft guns. Wonder if it was someone who knew that they were looking for, or just found all your airsoft stuff and thought oh shit sweet grab it.

But really tho.. if I was a theif I wouldn't really be thinking about grabbing some fake guns along with the gear.. wtf? Unless thats all I really wanted

TokyoSeven May 23rd, 2008 02:02

Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

Im sorry to hear about this, its a terrible terrible thing when people do stuff like this.

dpvu May 23rd, 2008 02:08

That really sucks man... Airsoft is not a cheap hobby and because of some idiot you're out everything you've invested and someone who knows nothing about the sport is running around with those things.

Gigaknight May 23rd, 2008 02:09

Wow... That's horrible; I hope justice is served.

pusangani May 23rd, 2008 02:11


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 724366)
Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

very good idea, if anything, go in and see if anything has turned up already, maybe go to the next town/city over in case they went further away, sorry to hear about your loss dude

xandrewx May 23rd, 2008 02:12

weaksauce :(

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:13


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 724366)
Get word out to all pawn shops in your area, with pics of your missing items.

Did they only take your airsoft things? Is anything else missing?

Im sorry to hear about this, its a terrible terrible thing when people do stuff like this.

I think my Ipod was taken, I can't find that's another 500 bucks...

It must have been a couple of people..cuz all my xbox cords are unplugged, but I still have my xbox...other dude in my bedroom must have found the guns and they both just took off with all that.

BBS May 23rd, 2008 02:14

ouch...thats horrible, i think you should look into insurance next time.

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:18


Originally Posted by BBS (Post 724382)
ouch...thats horrible, i think you should look into insurance next time.


WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:19

what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...

Styrak May 23rd, 2008 02:20


Originally Posted by WarHawk109 (Post 724386)
what's funny about this is that whoever has my PTW isn't going to know WTF to do with it to get it to work...

Haha, why? Cause it's missing a cylinder or what?

TokyoSeven May 23rd, 2008 02:22

Sounds like a bust and grab, although I wouldnt rule out that it may have been planned. I guess all you can do is make sure the police have all the information they need and wait.

If I may suggest, if you live in an apartment throw out a few print outs and knock on a few doors asking if anyone may have noticed anything odd through out the day, loud noises etc. Aside from that, keep your fingers crossed.

WarHawk109 May 23rd, 2008 02:25


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 724387)
Haha, why? Cause it's missing a cylinder or what?


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