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Lakonian June 28th, 2008 23:00

Glock Thread!
Yeeeh. Post pics of yer glock goodness!! DO IT.

Pics of my G21 coming soon >:O!

Bowers June 28th, 2008 23:07


Originally Posted by kos (Post 755102)
Yeeeh. Post pics of yer glock goodness!! DO IT.

Pics of my G21 coming soon >:O!

heres my glock yo
im actually serious

is your 21 ksc kos?

Muffin June 28th, 2008 23:09


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 755105)
heres my glock yo
im actually serious

Haha, a perfect substitute for underage airsoft.

Lakonian June 28th, 2008 23:21


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 755105)
heres my glock yo
im actually serious

is your 21 ksc kos?

Nope, it's a TM :D

My G19 is a KSC... effin nice piece. Pics will be up sometime soon...

plz post actual pics of your glock, kthx.

Fusion-X June 29th, 2008 00:12

here's my KSC G17
Completely stock, except for the mag catch (upgraded to a metal one)

seventhsealairsoft June 29th, 2008 00:29

matt491 June 29th, 2008 00:29

Here's my baby. KSC Glock 17. Metal slide and barrel, upgraded recoil spring, hi-flow valve, metal slide catch.

TrueTGN June 29th, 2008 02:49


and I don't have a good pic of my G19 :(

I miss them both haha, go Glocks!

Magnumdood June 29th, 2008 04:11

Incedible Realism
I had no idea of the realism of airsoft "guns." I carried a Glock 20 for 15 years as an active duty Deputy Sheriff in Texas. If I had come up on someone with a "gun" that looked as real as your airsaoft Glocks they might just as well have had the real thing. In fact, Texas law would allow for the prosecution and conviction under the Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Statute of anyone carrying/displaying those airsoft Glocks in public due to the amazing realism.

Bissa June 29th, 2008 04:22

that is kind of the pourpose of airsoft, to look as close as possible to the real thing

Krame June 29th, 2008 04:22

My old TM G17. I'll probably be building another one, this time with a Guarder od frame and black slide.

Bowers June 29th, 2008 04:24


Originally Posted by bissa (Post 755192)
that is kind of the pourpose of airsoft, to look as close as possible to the real thing

and here i thought the purpose of airsoft was to play a force on force style game lol

how foolish of me

i normally dont like a glock if it is not the standard black but fuck krame thats gorgeous!!

Bissa June 29th, 2008 04:32

no i was stating that we are going for realism instead of just having a tube with a CO2 cannister attached.

Lakonian June 29th, 2008 09:21


Originally Posted by Magnumdood (Post 755188)
I had no idea of the realism of airsoft "guns." I carried a Glock 20 for 15 years as an active duty Deputy Sheriff in Texas. If I had come up on someone with a "gun" that looked as real as your airsaoft Glocks they might just as well have had the real thing. In fact, Texas law would allow for the prosecution and conviction under the Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Statute of anyone carrying/displaying those airsoft Glocks in public due to the amazing realism.

Unless it has an orange tip , IIRC. Which, every airsoft gun sold in the U.S has.

Tex June 29th, 2008 14:58

4 Attachment(s)
Mine, old pic's some of these guns have gone on to new homes. 3 Glock 19 and 1 glock 17 all KSC..

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