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Coleco December 10th, 2008 14:41

Got my first "real" airsoft gun, JG 0510 Krinkov.
1 Attachment(s)
Its a JG 0510, the super small version without the folding stock, I also bought a cheap 5 dollar laser sight that broke after about 2 days of fucking about.

So far I'm very happy with its performance, and its all metal with nice coated rubber grips, I still want to dump some upgrades into it though. :) Its full TM compatible correct? Either way, this makes me want to try it out at a local Vancouver game but I lack gear etc.

Screwed off the orange painted flash hider for the pic, interested in picking up a replacement flash hider, silencer, whatever, as well as a new laser. Can't wait to try this thing out at a local Vancouver game but I lack gear etc.

Either way, was a steal at about 140 shipped, new in box.

Note, the high speed, low drag, tactical electrical tape for the double mag. :p

Sorry if this is the wrong section.

arman December 10th, 2008 15:12

thats cool.... just dont bring it to the park..... and yes i do like the "speed tape"

Azuki December 10th, 2008 16:04

Oh my...

It's so.... cute!

If you want parts get your butt over to an age verifier and get verified. It'll open up the forums/classifieds for you.

Personally would've used duct tape for that guerilla look, but still quite sleek.

Any input on how well its running? The rest of your set up? Also don't bother with laser sights, just get yourself a rail and optics if you must. Kalashnikov iron sights are an icon though man, just learn to aim with those :P.

Coleco December 10th, 2008 16:30


Originally Posted by Azuki (Post 877664)
Oh my...

It's so.... cute!

If you want parts get your butt over to an age verifier and get verified. It'll open up the forums/classifieds for you.

Personally would've used duct tape for that guerilla look, but still quite sleek.

Any input on how well its running? The rest of your set up? Also don't bother with laser sights, just get yourself a rail and optics if you must. Kalashnikov iron sights are an icon though man, just learn to aim with those :P.

The iron sights are fine, the problem is with it lacking a stock and having a decent bit of heft means that shouldering it for long periods is a bit less comfortable than it could be, but it also means you almost get a recoil effect and slight muzzle jump which is fun. Would probably be nice with a red dot or something, is there perhaps a replacement receiver cover with a rail on it I can slap a cheap red dot on or something?

Apart from the loose fire selector that apparently plagues all AKs, its running great. Although I have nothing to compare it to but its running flawlessly with 0.2s as far as I can tell,like to put dents in the door of my garden shed made out of cedar from about 20-30 feet, wont feed the garbage cheap ass 0.12s I have at all though.

Rest of my setup is non existent, but I'm looking at picking up a big chunk of lowcap/realcaps that don't need winding or rattle and because I love slamming a new mag in. I also want to pick up a sidearm, I was eying either nice battery pack powered EBB Glock or a CO2 powered half-metal Beretta 92, which IS actually airsoft and runs off of common CO2, which is apparently an oddity.


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 877667)
Wow, you've been here since Nov 2003, and 5 years later, you got your first gun. LOL amazing.

Signed up many years ago when I was younger, finally had a full time job, disposable income, and drew some of it away from real firearms temporarily to pick up a decent airsoft gun.


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 877671)
It looks like Coleco waited until he was 18 before getting his airsoft gun.

Haha not quite, just didn't really have the means to get a nice one until I was 18 coincidentally, I had my fare share of Canadian Tire specials and CO2 guns.


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 877690)

Not connected to this post in any way. :cool:

TokyoSeven December 10th, 2008 16:50


Originally Posted by Coleco (Post 877700)
The iron sights are fine, the problem is with it lacking a stock and having a decent bit of heft means that shouldering it for long periods is a bit less comfortable than it could be.

You know what that means!

Its time to hit the gym, pump that iron and tone those arms up, afterwards you buy a second itty bitty cutie AK and you dual wield!

Congrats on your first purchase!

Coleco December 10th, 2008 16:52


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 877718)
You know what that means!

Its time to hit the gym, pump that iron and tone those arms up, afterwards you buy a second itty bitty cutie AK and you dual wield!

Congrats on your first purchase!

haha probably, might also help with keeping the sights level on that AG-42B. Thats a fucking beast of a gun, Just under 5 kilos unloaded.

Azuki December 10th, 2008 17:56


Originally Posted by Coleco (Post 877700)
...Would probably be nice with a red dot or something, is there perhaps a replacement receiver cover with a rail on it I can slap a cheap red dot on or something?
wont feed the garbage cheap ass 0.12s I have at all though.

...I also want to pick up a sidearm, I was eying either nice battery pack powered EBB Glock or a CO2 powered half-metal Beretta 92, which IS actually airsoft and runs off of common CO2, which is apparently an oddity.

You should watch out for recievers as they can be confiscated by customs, best go through a retailer for those. Keep the reicever if it's not bothering you aesthetically, and pick up a rail set like or and stick on whatever optics you want.

In regards to 0.12s, DO NOT USE THEM! Alot of 0.12s are low quality BBs with massive mold seams and can damage your AEG. Even if they manage to feed, they'll ruin the finish on the inside of your barrel. Stick to high polish 0.2s or heavier BBs from a reputable maker.

EBBs are alright, but I wouldn't recommend them. GBBs not only feel nicer, but they're more reliable and don't have recharge times (just need gas :P). Initial cost might be a bit more, but its worth it. Keep an eye on the classifieds/retailers... there have been some pretty nice used GBBs floating around in the past week. CO2 powered guns are alright, but ones that use 12g powerlets (I hate powerlets cause I use em for paintball and they cost too much) cost a bit more in the long run over propane (3-5 bucks a can will last you quite a long while) and you won't have as hard a time finding parts/magazines.

Post some more pics once you get some upgrades running :)

Aquamarine December 10th, 2008 18:16

Congrats Coleco. Next step: Age Verification :D

ancorp December 10th, 2008 18:29

FYI, the externals are mostly plastic, not metal. Good choice though, small AKs are awesome.

Coleco December 10th, 2008 19:00


Originally Posted by Azuki (Post 877767)
You should watch out for recievers as they can be confiscated by customs, best go through a retailer for those. Keep the reicever if it's not bothering you aesthetically, and pick up a rail set like or and stick on whatever optics you want.

In regards to 0.12s, DO NOT USE THEM! Alot of 0.12s are low quality BBs with massive mold seams and can damage your AEG. Even if they manage to feed, they'll ruin the finish on the inside of your barrel. Stick to high polish 0.2s or heavier BBs from a reputable maker.

EBBs are alright, but I wouldn't recommend them. GBBs not only feel nicer, but they're more reliable and don't have recharge times (just need gas :P). Initial cost might be a bit more, but its worth it. Keep an eye on the classifieds/retailers... there have been some pretty nice used GBBs floating around in the past week. CO2 powered guns are alright, but ones that use 12g powerlets (I hate powerlets cause I use em for paintball and they cost too much) cost a bit more in the long run over propane (3-5 bucks a can will last you quite a long while) and you won't have as hard a time finding parts/magazines.

Post some more pics once you get some upgrades running :)

Yeah, I meant just the dustcover with a rail attached, but it doesnt look like they sell those. How do those side rails attach? I can't see the mounting points on my gun.


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 877793)
FYI, the externals are mostly plastic, not metal. Good choice though, small AKs are awesome.

Really? They do make a full metal version and this would have to be some damn fine plastic, its very convincing if it is.

Skladfin December 10th, 2008 19:18

you can't tell the difference between plastic and metal?

scratch the body, and see if any metalic silver appears.

Azuki December 10th, 2008 19:32


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 877831)
scratch the body, and see if any metalic silver appears.

lol Skladfin

T.T don't do that to the poor little mini-AK... just take their word for it. Plastic sure has come a long way though...

arman December 10th, 2008 23:10

Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman
Wow, you've been here since Nov 2003, and 5 years later, you got your first gun. LOL amazing.

Signed up many years ago when I was younger, finally had a full time job, disposable income, and drew some of it away from real firearms temporarily to pick up a decent airsoft gun.

Originally Posted by The Saint
It looks like Coleco waited until he was 18 before getting his airsoft gun.

Haha not quite, just didn't really have the means to get a nice one until I was 18 coincidentally, I had my fare share of Canadian Tire specials and CO2 guns.

Originally Posted by KNIVEZS

Not connected to this post in any way.

where did those posts come from

Bowers December 10th, 2008 23:14


Originally Posted by arman (Post 878100)
where did those posts come from

most likely a mod deleted them so that somebody didnt cause another can of worms about age

pusangani December 11th, 2008 02:02


Originally Posted by Coleco (Post 877813)
Yeah, I meant just the dustcover with a rail attached, but it doesnt look like they sell those. How do those side rails attach? I can't see the mounting points on my gun.

Really? They do make a full metal version and this would have to be some damn fine plastic, its very convincing if it is.

the scope mount has 2 holes at the bottom, the 2 holes in the body (closest to the handguards) line up with these holes. Take out the screws, line up the holes and put them back in and voila!

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