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simohayha December 18th, 2008 00:06

[TEMP SOLUTION]airsoft surgeon slide wears by using SD chamber...normal?
Guys, i just installed a SD chamber with my GBB with airsoft surgeon slide.the thing is it seems like the chamber caused some wear to the slide that really bothers me.i have a few it normal for the slide to have wears like this only after 30-40 times of manually racking the slide to test fitment before actually firing the gun (still afraid to fire the gun because of this)
the parts above the blowback chamber unit lower left prong (by looking trough the ejection port like in the picture no 2-4) is where it wears the most.

and i noticed 2 other things:
1:if i rack the gun and release the slide (without any mags),the full force of the spring can push the slide forward to battery no problem.but if i rack the slide and release it slowly (with me still holding the slide) on 9/10 way (about last 1/2cm) the slide would stuck.i noticed that it was caused by the chamber failing to moves up in the ejection port because the slide didnt hit/push it hard enough.
2:sometimes if i rack the slide manually,the slide cant moves back fully,it got stuck around the area where u pull the slide to field strip the gun.i can unstuck it by pushing the outer barrel up (further from the frame).

all this problem is not present while i use the standard plastic TM im sure it is caused by me installing the SD chamber+outer barrel.
any suggestion/help? thanks alot

RacingManiac December 18th, 2008 00:21

SD Chamber and barrel do need quite a bit of work to get them working smoothly. Chamfer all the lugs on barrel and the slide if you can with a needle file. The slide wear unfortunetely is normal. I think its a design flaw on the manufacturer's part. I have the same issue with my Infinity slide(as does ILLusion), prolong use will cause the slide to be useless, since the outer barrel cannot be pushed by the moving slide to return to battery. I have fortunetely negated that problem when I converted my slide to a hybrid layout, but with regular barrel I don't know what can you do to fix it permanantly...maybe other attachment such as a compensator might help...

I know that on Nova's 1911 slide and SD's Hi-Capa slide no such problem exist since that particular area of the slide was made beefier than the Airsoft Surgeon's. There is a new batch of slide ordered by Illusion from the same manufacturer with some custom geometry to try to prevent this from happening, but I don't know if the manufacturer themselves are addressing this issue on their future run....

Shirley December 18th, 2008 00:24

I think it's normal..
I have it on mine too..

And if you were to use the stock plastic one, it would get bashed up. lol

simohayha December 18th, 2008 00:59

@RacingManiac:"Chamfer all the lugs on barrel and the slide if you can with a needle file." what do you mean by this.on which part should i chamfer and for what purpose? thanks.

Hmmm. so its normal long is prolonged use? any ideas on approx how many shots? thousands/or tens of thousand?

how about my 2 other issues in the bottom part of my post? any suggestion? thanks

RacingManiac December 18th, 2008 01:07

ILLusion said his got bad enough in 2 not long...

I don't have a single Hi-Capa with me right now so I can't take picture, but I have this from the 1911 slide:
Those interlocking feature are the lugs. Its on both the chamber and the slide. Note that the edge where it engages had been chamfered(this stock Nova slide comes with some chamfering, SD's and the AS' don't, you shouldn't need that extreme amount when you are working on your slide though. I'd post a pic if i can but i don't have my Hi-Capa here). Do the same thing (well not as much, but at the very least break the sharp corners on the SD chambers when they come stock). I would also try to debur most of the edges on where it contacts the hop-up mechanism. Sharp corner tend to catches on things especially considering the material differences.

simohayha December 18th, 2008 07:01

Tried what racingmaniac suggested and IT least it eliminates problem no:2.
problem no:1 persist though.damn gbb do have alot more issue than least in my experience lol.thanks RacingManiac

RacingManiac December 18th, 2008 07:53

glad that works, at least the 3 SD chambers I've fitted means

m102404 December 18th, 2008 09:47

Same damage has happened on mine. On one pistol I installed PDI's JB comp set...and the slide basically stops when it hits that...that seems to have stopped any more damage.

On the's getting mangled...I'm not sure if it gets to a point and then stops...or if it just get's worse and worse, I'll see eventually.

With the barrel and recoil spring out of the pistol...blowback chamber/nozzle in...when you put the slide on the frame does it hang up at all when you move it back and forth?

Endymion December 18th, 2008 10:05

One combination that I've found to work very well in mitigating slide damage with a steel chamber is the use of a Freedom Art rail with comp set. On my Capa 4.3, the slide shows next to no wear at all after well over 1500 cycles. I'm using a Shooters Design slide and outer barrel, and a Guarder 5.1 recoil spring. The comp part of the rail holds the inner barrel in place, so the outer barrel and chamber are practically free floating - there's very little friction and momentum for the slide to overcome when returning to battery.

Daiviet December 18th, 2008 10:11

I fully agree with you Alan,

Except the momentum of my slide is actually causing the compensator to slowly move forward, so now it sticks out about .5mm from the front of the frame, and the screw hole at the bottom of the compensator is starting to get distorted lol.

simohayha December 19th, 2008 06:02

im considering on putting the plastic tm outer again if the damage becomes more and more apparent.
mrHitman and m102404:how long (how many shots) have u guys use the slide,and is it also an airsoft surgeon slide? since if i compare with SD slides,SD ones do look beefier.

m102404 December 19th, 2008 09:34

Both of mine are SD looks about as mangled as it's going to get...the other is holding up well (that's the one with the compensator set up).

I've put A LOT of shots (either dry firing or with bbs) through the compensated pistol...if I can ever smooth out the functioning of the other one, I'll be putting tons through it as well.

Endymion December 19th, 2008 09:54

Using a plastic outer barrel will eliminate the damage to the slide, but you may find that your outer barrel wears down quickly. IIRC, Airsoft Surgeon slides are 6061 grade aluminum whereas the Shooters Design slides are 7075.

simohayha December 21st, 2008 22:47

what if i put a thin (1/2 or 1/3 mm thin) steel plate here?
will it work/help with the slide deformation? or its just plain stupid?

Azuki December 22nd, 2008 00:05

Steel that thin will still bend... it might be a temporary solution to a chronic problem... Don't really know til you try though :P

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