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sfpmb February 5th, 2009 23:46

Steel reactive targets
A buddy and I made these targets to train with. Have not really seen anyone who has made something that is so versatile. Comments would be appreciated. Do you guys have stuff like this in Canada.

Video of the targets in use.
Airsoft Garage #6 Airsoft training and real steel Video by BURT AND MARTIN - MySpace Video

pictures of the targets.


ps did not know where to post could not access retail section

ILLusion February 6th, 2009 12:09

It looks good.

Here's the standard equipment that the sport has been using for the past two decades, now moved in to airsoft.

As an fyi, IPSC has stopped using the metric target, and there is now an official Airsoft-specific (or "Action Air") classic target - dimensions available through Global Village.

sfpmb February 9th, 2009 21:10

Thank you for the complement on the targets
You are right that countries that don't have there own action pistol organizations default to the IPSC authorized targets. That mainly has been the ameoba "Classic" targets. In the approximately 30 shooting competitions "real steel" under USPSA I do a year, maybe 10% of the targets are the Classic. So internationally it may be losing ground, but it is very strong here. The surprising thing is that "Airsofters" love the Metric because it is torso shaped. Go figure, people love the way it looks, especially from a rifle. Imagine doing and airsoft sniper course, ask the competitors, you want to shoot the round plate or the torso one, guess which one the like.

CED makes good products, I use the timer, I see the HK guys using this stuff alot. I don't see to much CED stuff in US hands because it is expensive.

Thanks again

PS I did not know CED has been making airsoft stop plates for that long. In live fire competitions I have never seen an LED lit target.

We shoot colt steel in the US, do you in IPSC?

ILLusion February 9th, 2009 22:05

We started a club up here last year, led by an IPSC black badge holder. Since then, IPSC has officially taken airsoft under its wing, so a lot of big changes have been happening.

I'm currently working towards a black badge as well, but it's difficult in Canada - the road is long, but possible.

Shirley February 9th, 2009 22:12

I saw these on Youtube!
I can't see the myspace video, but you guys are probably the ones talking with a huge US flag behind you right?

RacingManiac February 9th, 2009 22:19

I wish I hava a

Styrak February 10th, 2009 00:21

Steel eh?

Those will be a lot better than the crappy Madbull ones. After you pepper them with a bunch of rounds they start looking like a teenager with an extreme acne problem.

Shirley February 10th, 2009 00:33


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 915992)
Steel eh?

Those will be a lot better than the crappy Madbull ones. After you pepper them with a bunch of rounds they start looking like a teenager with an extreme acne problem.

The thing is, steel is much heavier, and slower to fall down.

sfpmb February 11th, 2009 14:04

This is a better link to the promo video

YouTube - airsoft targets

We have developed a stop switch which will fit on any BAM target.

The target has an adjustment bolt to to work with various FPS Airsoft. Lets just put it this way, I have shot a pellet at this (900 FPS) and it did not damage the target face. My videos clearly show me engaging these target hundreds of times at varying distances with no problems.

Remember I made them, If they did not work, I would change them. I use these almost daily fro training.

we have wholesale pricing, PM me

This is a video of how it applies to real fire shooting.

YouTube - Airsoft Garage #6 airsoft and real steel training

P Burt

sfpmb February 25th, 2009 18:05

reset bars
I saw that a retailer commented so this is for you. We designed reset bars for the triple plate rack and installed them in a local airsoft store. Talk about a step up for the buying experience.

some before pics here

P Burt

sfpmb March 8th, 2009 16:46

been playing with a rifle

YouTube - airsoft garage #7 CQB rifle and pistol

sfpmb May 21st, 2009 19:39

new ideas for training
YouTube - Airsoft Garage #10 daily training - stage design

sfpmb May 21st, 2009 19:40

IPSC style airsoft match
YouTube - Airsoft Extreme Pistol Challenge

Do you guys do this type of stuff up there?


Mitchell12 May 21st, 2009 20:34

That looks like great fun.

ShelledPants May 21st, 2009 20:42


Originally Posted by sfpmb (Post 992159)
YouTube - Airsoft Extreme Pistol Challenge

Do you guys do this type of stuff up there?


Yep, we have CAPS, exactly like that video but with more discipline. ;) Good vid.

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