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Boom-Boom October 19th, 2009 11:49

Boots ???
Where's the best place to get boots (new) ???

Budget of $100.....maybe more !!!

Thanks in advance !!!

DaRkCoMmAnDo October 19th, 2009 12:02

Any clothing store.

If your talking combats however, try surplus or the interwebs.:rolleyes:
Ebay will more than likely get you what you want.

Mitchell12 October 19th, 2009 12:03

Edit: What he said /\

Depends what you want, Just shop around tell you find what you like there isn't a real clear cut choice.

CDN_Stalker October 19th, 2009 12:09


Originally Posted by DaRkCoMmAnDo (Post 1087127)
Any clothing store.

If your talking combats however, try surplus or the interwebs.:rolleyes:
Ebay will more than likely get you what you want.

Problem with Ebay is, you can't try them on for feel and fit. Sizes tend to be all over the place I find. I typically wear a size 10 1/2, my Danner Pronghorns are size 11, my sneakers are size 10, heck, I have a pair of US desert boots size 9, they are a bit small for me but I can still wear them with good insoles..........

Boom-Boom October 19th, 2009 12:37

Thanks guys for the info !!

Bowers October 19th, 2009 12:39

10? damn now i feel like a monster with size 13's lol

Mitchell12 October 19th, 2009 12:41


Originally Posted by Bowers (Post 1087150)
10? damn now i feel like a monster with size 13's lol

My Comboots are a size 10 1/2 or something and my normal shoes are 12's. Weird stuff, they probably like stretched with my feet or something from wearing them for aslong as I can remember lol.

Farmboy October 19th, 2009 12:50

We have tons of Swat boots in stock. They fit the same as running shoes.

Cpl T. Syndrome October 19th, 2009 16:11

bought mine at marks work whse..dakota's...very sturdy, light with a high ankle support..$60.00

theguy October 19th, 2009 16:48

I use Merrel boots, They were a little pricey, I think close to $170, but I use them for a lot more then just airsoft, so i feel they can be justified. Great boots!

NVC October 19th, 2009 17:21

Dont cheap out on good boots. I was at a game 2 weeks ago in a foot of snow with wet drizzle rain. Everyone's feet was soaked with water squishing around in our toes including myself. My friend got these Gortex Miltary suplus boots for $75 at a local shop and his feet was warm and dry all day. I just pick a pair for myself and used it a game 2 days ago and they worked great. Here's a link for you to check out.

DaRkCoMmAnDo October 19th, 2009 17:22

Yeah if you can pick up issue goretex boots, your set. I have a pair and I love them. I can walk into the water and not get wet. Winter if your not wearing enough layers your feet can get a little cold though.

PoFF October 20th, 2009 09:29

Hey BoomBoom,

Vu que tu es Ã* Beloeil, va faire un tour au gros Sail, il vont avoir ce que tu cherches, certain...!

CDN_Stalker October 20th, 2009 09:35


Originally Posted by NVC (Post 1087326)
Dont cheap out on good boots. I was at a game 2 weeks ago in a foot of snow with wet drizzle rain. Everyone's feet was soaked with water squishing around in our toes including myself. My friend got these Gortex Miltary suplus boots for $75 at a local shop and his feet was warm and dry all day. I just pick a pair for myself and used it a game 2 days ago and they worked great. Here's a link for you to check out.

Bingo! And I'll add in, you'll be on your feet all day, you need boots that are comfy on your feet, and good insoles help, along with decent socks. Too many times my feet got sore halfway through, and my lower back (mind you, I tend to lug about 40lbs worth of gear all day, including a 14lb sniper rifle slung on my back).

Jube8311 October 20th, 2009 11:49

I always thought the CF issue goretex boots sucked, there's some kind of plastic wall around the heel that tilts inward and causes discomfort.

I bought a pair of Rocky Alpha Forces for under 100 and they do a great job. Waterproof and pretty comfortable. I would suggest going for something new and breaking in a pear of boots for yourself rather than buying them used. Swats are comfortable and cheap as well, but their downside is they don't last very long when you put them to hard use.

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