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PoFF October 19th, 2009 23:18

Decked out CA M16A3 vs Systema PTW M16
Yet another comparison thread (you guys are probably going to get tired of me sometime... sorry)

Right now I'm facing another dillema on my money spending on airsoft :

First option, Upgrading my CA M16A3, and by upgrading, I mean changing the whole gearbox for a Revolution (most likely a M130) + the appropriate Systema motor, plus getting a new inner barrel + hop unit. Good point would be that I keep using my 18 regular magazines, a tad cheaper than option #2. Bad point : still just an upgraded CA.

Second option : Getting a PTW M-16. More expensive, have to replace my whole magazine loadout, but, It's a PTW.

What do you guys think...?

Styrak October 19th, 2009 23:20

Keep the CA.

Donster October 19th, 2009 23:21

personally, id go with the CA route. that way, if something breaks, you dont pay an arm and a leg to replace it and the parts for the CA are abundant. also, you dont have to worry about using the CA in wet weather. with the PTW, you do. finally, to truly make the PTW good, you should get the Tackleberry mod, which is more money. for the CA, just get a Shredder Concave Spacer and there you go. while the CA wont be as cool (case the PTW is real spec), you will save MUCH more money with the CA and get much more use out of it.

Brodie_BHD October 19th, 2009 23:25

I personally would go the PTW route

I live on the Wet Coast and have played in rain and all sorts of crap with no issues ever... same goes for the other 3 guys running them

The price is the only thing that bites... as far as replacment parts go yes there expensive but how often do you have to replace them? I charge my batteries plug them in and go and never worry about anything... Only thing that needs to be done is the Tack/Mcguyver motor mod and the hopup mod is very very worth while. Oh... and the occasional cylinder rebuild ($15 cylinder rebuild kit) every 10k rounds or more

No matter how much you dump into an AEG its still an AEG... CA is really high quality but still doesnt compare to the Systema in my opinion

KND October 19th, 2009 23:27

There are only two reason that I bought my PTW. First, I want to know how it feels when holding 2K gun ? Second, I want to see the performing of the gun and compare to my other guns. You may not believe but I sold my PTW 2 days after I got it and get Real Sword Type 56 and ICS M4. The feel of PTW is great and the performing is not that bad but only one reason is that I can't justif spending 2K for a gun which just a regular gun cost around 500 to 600 $ can perform the same.

I would say go to CA M16A3 route and get the system revolution drop in mechbox. Save a lots buck though.

pusangani October 20th, 2009 00:22

stick with the CA

Cheesevillage October 20th, 2009 00:43

If you can't afford to keep your current gun and mags plus buy the new PTW, keep the CA.

mcguyver October 20th, 2009 00:48

If you end up putting a Revo box in it, you won't be buying off the shelf AEG components if something gives. Plus, you are still going to be facing down the usual compataibility/tolerance issues that have always plagued AEGs and upgrades.

It will cost you the same when you are done anyways. The PTW will perform better, but will not be as easy to get and any mods you want done will result in you sending the barrel assembly and motor to the UK.

Buy what you like.

Ronan October 20th, 2009 01:16

PTW, it doesn't even compare to CA.

TCLP October 20th, 2009 01:35

PTW gets my vote.

KoolAidMan October 20th, 2009 01:48

ptw ability to swap fps quickly . only downside is the trades but g&p make replacement bodies.

aznpos531 October 20th, 2009 01:57

Everyone I know who has a PTW seems to be happy with it, but then again, they'd better be at that price!
Does the PTW actually justify its price?

Lakonian October 20th, 2009 07:15

Extremely expensive to maintain if something gives. We're talking the price of BNIB GBB pistols here.

PTW was the worst route I've ever gone down.... 2.1k of sweet fuck all. AND, I can't sell it..

PoFF October 20th, 2009 08:03

Well, pretty mixed opinions here. I have to say, getting a Revo box into the CA will destroy the big advantage that the CA had over the PTW, i.e. parts avaliability & low cost, since it'll basically use PTW parts & circuitry, less the advantage of quick swap cylinders (but I didn't plan to swap FPS that often since it'll mostly be an outdoor gun).

Also, someone mentionned the Tackleberry Mod and the Motor Mod, what are they exactly, and are they only for the M16/M4 PTW series? Or will a TW5 will require it a well (got one on the way).

chaosnemesis October 20th, 2009 08:08

a few youtube videos comparing the ptw and the revo. ptw owners say it's very close to a ptw feel. Plus you already HAVE the ca. If you had to buy a ca AND a revo drop in, i'd go with ptw. Besides revolution replacement parts at redwolf are far cheaper than a ptw...anything. Go with the drop-in about 1500 bucks cheaper.

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