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Search: Posts Made By: Adrian
Forum: General September 30th, 2020, 22:12
Replies: 226
Views: 676,871
Posted By Adrian
think im supposed to post here.

think im supposed to post here.
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 22nd, 2008, 14:01
Replies: 7
Views: 6,388
Posted By Adrian
I guess no luck finding a new frame eh?

I guess no luck finding a new frame eh?
Forum: Gear Discussion February 29th, 2008, 13:02
Replies: 41
Views: 37,240
Posted By Adrian
I swear the kicker was 1.5 weeks ago I was just...

I swear the kicker was 1.5 weeks ago I was just gonna cancel my order. I phone them up and they told me it shipped so I said "oh well".

...when I got the tracking # 3 days later I saw it did NOT...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 29th, 2008, 12:20
Replies: 41
Views: 37,240
Posted By Adrian
...Yeah, I just got my hardface I ordered Jan 24....

...Yeah, I just got my hardface I ordered Jan 24. And yes, it was in stock at the time.

And they fucked up of course. I would heartily recommend against ordering from them.
Forum: Gear Discussion September 25th, 2007, 12:41
Replies: 27
Views: 14,775
Posted By Adrian
...and isn't the Blackwater gear all stitched by...

...and isn't the Blackwater gear all stitched by Uncle Mikes? ie. substandard?
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 4th, 2007, 20:40
Replies: 15
Views: 28,854
Posted By Adrian
I have the similar BFG Vicker sling. It's a damn...

I have the similar BFG Vicker sling. It's a damn good system with a QD mount off a forearm rail and running the webbing through a rear receiver sling plate it doesn't twist at all. Much better than...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 4th, 2007, 12:31
Replies: 15
Views: 28,854
Posted By Adrian
I had one of the G&P QD sling mounts. The mount...

I had one of the G&P QD sling mounts. The mount is good, but the swivel is a cheap POS. Be prepared for rust. After I switched it out for a real steel one that came with my VLTOR I had no problems.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 2nd, 2006, 23:11
Replies: 18
Views: 11,367
Posted By Adrian
The flap on the bottom of that Eagler carrier is...

The flap on the bottom of that Eagler carrier is just the flap that holds the plate in.

As for the mystery rig, speaking out of my ass I'd wager it's an old AWS model.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 18th, 2006, 23:39
Replies: 21
Views: 17,686
Posted By Adrian
Ummmm... seriously folks, they cost 10 bones for...

Ummmm... seriously folks, they cost 10 bones for the red/black and white ones at the local clothing store.
Forum: Gear Discussion May 24th, 2006, 12:41
Replies: 22
Views: 15,043
Posted By Adrian
Gear Drama: SOE, or Special Operations Equipment...

Gear Drama: SOE, or Special Operations Equipment was a gear company founded by John Willis. They made the toughest fucking gear I've ever laid my eyes upon, and backed it up with a warranty that you...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 24th, 2006, 01:14
Replies: 22
Views: 15,043
Posted By Adrian
BDS tactical is the offshoot of SOE; lesser QC...

BDS tactical is the offshoot of SOE; lesser QC with the same price and none of the innovation.

Honestly, I saw a couple SOE .45 holsters for $50 on here a while back.

The extra 35 bones will...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 23rd, 2006, 12:51
Replies: 7
Views: 7,167
Posted By Adrian
TM m4 mags are wider than the real steel ones,...

TM m4 mags are wider than the real steel ones, which is probably the root of your problem.

And your best bet at stretching out the pouches are to just leave the mags in there for a week or two.
Forum: Gear Discussion May 11th, 2006, 13:17
Replies: 1
Views: 3,278
Posted By Adrian
You'll have to check to see if they make a double...

You'll have to check to see if they make a double stack model; the stock 1911 holster shouldn't be able to hold it.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 13th, 2006, 18:14
Replies: 55
Views: 35,170
Posted By Adrian
love mine to pieces.

love mine to pieces.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 29th, 2006, 10:47
Replies: 44
Views: 27,921
Posted By Adrian
Shine on you crazy diamond. What is the...

Shine on you crazy diamond.

What is the spacing you used on the webbing? The PALS standard (if you care) is 1" webbing, 1" between rows and 1.5" between bartacks..... Or rivets, I guess? :P
Forum: Gear Discussion January 24th, 2006, 16:42
Replies: 77
Views: 56,322
Posted By Adrian
Word. I actually shortened the hanger strap too...

Word. I actually shortened the hanger strap too and melted new holes in it for the shroud to attach to; this way you keep the proper velcro on the "back" of the strap to interface with the belcro on...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 23rd, 2006, 20:50
Replies: 77
Views: 56,322
Posted By Adrian
6004 baby! Oh, and of course with the...

6004 baby!

Oh, and of course with the cool-guy high ride mod.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 8th, 2006, 10:53
Replies: 12
Views: 8,498
Posted By Adrian
I didn't even think of that. Listen to this man....

I didn't even think of that. Listen to this man. I need to buy me one now dammit.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 7th, 2006, 21:45
Replies: 12
Views: 8,498
Posted By Adrian
How I do it is: a)I loosen off the ring...

How I do it is:

a)I loosen off the ring enough so I can see some thread
b)throw some loctite on there
c)Make a cardboard "cushion" around the RAS
d)throw the RAS in a vice
e)start tightening...
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 6th, 2006, 19:34
Replies: 12
Views: 8,498
Posted By Adrian
If you're lucky, just tighten up the ring that...

If you're lucky, just tighten up the ring that goes around the RAS where the RAS meets the receiver.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 4th, 2006, 18:28
Replies: 28
Views: 13,077
Posted By Adrian
Dude, you don't get any higher speed than smart...

Dude, you don't get any higher speed than smart wool. Comfiest damn socks I've ever worn.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 3rd, 2006, 12:28
Replies: 5
Views: 8,149
Posted By Adrian
Oh. Well, in that case, and if you don't care too...

Oh. Well, in that case, and if you don't care too much about the rails, try putting the rails in a vice, and throw yer weight into it.

And then pick up some Magpul rails. In sexy OD. You know you...
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 2nd, 2006, 23:27
Replies: 5
Views: 8,149
Posted By Adrian
I'm guessing they're the panels here? ...

I'm guessing they're the panels here? ?

Then you depress the metal strip that's at one end, and pull e'm off the...
Forum: Reviews December 23rd, 2005, 21:17
Replies: 130
Views: 135,820
Posted By Adrian
Not neccessarily; the real CIRAS is sized. If...

Not neccessarily; the real CIRAS is sized. If this replica is aimed at the asian market, they probably just knocked off the small.
Forum: Airsoft Media December 20th, 2005, 18:12
Replies: 34
Views: 16,596
Posted By Adrian
photoshopped gun pics != "airsoft media"

photoshopped gun pics != "airsoft media"
Forum: Gear Discussion December 15th, 2005, 23:17
Replies: 99
Views: 54,055
Posted By Adrian
Please let's not do this again.

Please let's not do this again.
Forum: Gear Discussion December 8th, 2005, 18:15
Replies: 15
Views: 7,839
Posted By Adrian
Awesome... Actually, I want to get about 10...


Actually, I want to get about 10 of them. I've contacted ITW Nexus about getting some in en-masse as well, since they're evidently a hard to find piece of extra-leet kit.[/QUOTE]
Forum: Gear Discussion December 7th, 2005, 20:06
Replies: 25
Views: 16,250
Posted By Adrian
I'm 5'9"ish, 32" waist. The back lower panel of...

I'm 5'9"ish, 32" waist. The back lower panel of the rig is removable, and then you can cinch it down enough to fit someone like me. But that wasn't the problem; between the shitty ass nylon that BHI...
Forum: Gear Discussion December 7th, 2005, 06:54
Replies: 25
Views: 16,250
Posted By Adrian
Yuxi: I would definately try before you buy......

Yuxi: I would definately try before you buy... Aren't you a skinny guy like me? I had the BHI version for a while, and I _loathed_ it. Damn the was murder on my collarbone.
Forum: Airsoft Media November 27th, 2005, 22:24
Replies: 25
Views: 14,626
Posted By Adrian
My comments on the weesatch: 1) It needs plates...

My comments on the weesatch:
1) It needs plates to make the rig feel more rigid. It was designed to be used with them, and that's obvious wearing it.
2) The shoulder pads are a great idea. Bare...
Forum: Gear Discussion November 24th, 2005, 17:20
Replies: 99
Views: 54,055
Posted By Adrian
Guys, less flaming and please be keeping the...

Guys, less flaming and please be keeping the politics out of it.
Forum: Gear Discussion October 30th, 2005, 12:56
Replies: 8
Views: 8,614
Posted By Adrian
My 2 pesos; the word on the street is that the...

My 2 pesos; the word on the street is that the TAG plate carrier is _massive_. So if you're a skinny fucker, forget it.

And I'm not really a fan of subloads, especially for 4+ mags. Right now the...
Forum: Gear Discussion September 26th, 2005, 21:21
Replies: 28
Views: 19,730
Posted By Adrian
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hammer! Everyone's ignoring...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hammer! Everyone's ignoring your CIRAS to talk about RAVs!
Forum: Gear Discussion September 25th, 2005, 11:25
Replies: 12
Views: 11,064
Posted By Adrian
The buzz on the TAG plate carrier is that it's...

The buzz on the TAG plate carrier is that it's _massive_. I run a small/medium Eagle carrier w/ cumberbund and it fits my scrawny ass like a glove. Although I would recommend a pair of fake plates...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 19th, 2005, 09:35
Replies: 4
Views: 5,579
Posted By Adrian
I have a real VLTOR, and don't think this would...

I have a real VLTOR, and don't think this would be that practical; the end of the stock doesn't have a plate to cover up any cells that would go in the uhhh... "middle" part of the stock, and the...
Forum: General September 19th, 2005, 00:33
Replies: 13
Views: 9,172
Posted By Adrian


Oh..... if my memory isn't failing me...

So who else remembers Lynch's d-board?
Forum: General September 7th, 2005, 14:22
Replies: 26
Views: 16,782
Posted By Adrian
Exclamation And that's not even bringing up that sweet lil'...

And that's not even bringing up that sweet lil' ass of his. :nod:
Forum: Gear Discussion September 5th, 2005, 15:42
Replies: 11
Views: 8,982
Posted By Adrian
If you only have 5 mags, why on earth would you...

If you only have 5 mags, why on earth would you want a dropleg? They're far less comfortable than a chest rig or vest, and one that'll hold 5 g36 mags will be fairly bulky. If you want cheap, pick up...
Forum: Gear Discussion September 1st, 2005, 00:17
Replies: 21
Views: 14,764
Posted By Adrian
Even better, try a pair of Smartwool socks; your...

Even better, try a pair of Smartwool socks; your feet will thank you. Yeah, they run ~20 bucks a pair, but they keep your feets _comfortable_, _year_round_. When there's deep snow though, I also add...
Forum: General August 27th, 2005, 10:47
Replies: 4
Views: 5,137
Posted By Adrian
Thanks dudes. MadMax, you gotta PM!

Thanks dudes. MadMax, you gotta PM!
Forum: General August 27th, 2005, 00:41
Replies: 4
Views: 5,137
Posted By Adrian
Any Guarder dealers here?

ie. in Canada?

I need some help getting some parts...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 26th, 2005, 23:25
Replies: 8
Views: 8,130
Posted By Adrian
First off, I'll have the disclaimer that I am a...

First off, I'll have the disclaimer that I am a gear whore and spend too much money on nylon.

But why on earth would you spend the $$$ on a nice gun and then cheap on on a holster? If you buy a...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 20th, 2005, 23:04
Replies: 12
Views: 9,068
Posted By Adrian
I'm just sayin' is all, but the online buzz...

I'm just sayin' is all, but the online buzz around this rig has been that it's fairly prone to failure.
Forum: General August 11th, 2005, 23:56
Replies: 34
Views: 17,926
Posted By Adrian
Shit, I had forgotten about that game! Awesome!...

Shit, I had forgotten about that game! Awesome! For game atmosphere, it hasn't been beaten in my books! Though I do have to admit, that the cqb rules at the LZ make for a better game overall; semi...
Forum: General August 11th, 2005, 22:10
Replies: 34
Views: 17,926
Posted By Adrian
In Ottawa at the LZ we regularly do CQB and...

In Ottawa at the LZ we regularly do CQB and there's a killhouse set up for it. The best advise I can give you is to not volunteer to be a hostage.

Lots of fun. Although it is a shame that the...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 10th, 2005, 14:01
Replies: 19
Poll: RDS vs Zoom
Views: 14,739
Posted By Adrian
Two different purposes; for airsoft the main use...

Two different purposes; for airsoft the main use you'll get out of a scope is spotting/target id, etc. For airsoft ranges, a good RDS is far more useful when engaging.

Of course, if you can afford...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 9th, 2005, 22:05
Replies: 13
Views: 12,212
Posted By Adrian
Arghhhh!!! What the hell are those mystery...

Arghhhh!!! What the hell are those mystery pouches for?! It drives me crazy! Nice looking rig though. I feel it could be improved my open-topping those pistol mags pouches and adding kydex, but I'm...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 9th, 2005, 22:03
Replies: 44
Views: 25,089
Posted By Adrian
Me too. Except instead of the skin mag, I bring...

Me too. Except instead of the skin mag, I bring another sock.

....oohhhhhhh sexy socks...that's the stuff...all sweaty and dirty oh!

Seriously it all depends on what type of scenario...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 27th, 2005, 16:31
Replies: 33
Views: 26,981
Posted By Adrian
Unless I'm losing my mind, TAG has a molle kydex...

Unless I'm losing my mind, TAG has a molle kydex m9 holster...It's just encased in a cordura "sheath" for extra security/keeping sand out.
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 13th, 2005, 10:59
Replies: 0
Views: 3,701
Posted By Adrian
Guarder metal bodies = poop?

I have a shiny brand new c8 body. Haven't seriously started putting it together, just doing some dry fitting, but right off the bat, I've noticed:

a)the TM forward assist will NOT fit it; waaaay...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 68

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