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Search: Posts Made By: Lerch
Forum: Gear Discussion July 31st, 2010, 23:27
Replies: 6
Views: 5,786
Posted By Lerch
Nope, you can however jury-rig it to one of the...

Nope, you can however jury-rig it to one of the shoulder straps, but I'd suggest putting it on the front if you go that route.

Oh, and WRT Ranger kits, they're actually issued the RRV in RG, so it...
Forum: Canadian July 29th, 2010, 23:24
Replies: 13
Views: 17,004
Posted By Lerch
Oh the 3-season jacket, there were one or two...

Oh the 3-season jacket, there were one or two people on my BMQ rocking those because they ran out of sizes in the ICE jackets...just great being the odd man out for inspections :p
Forum: Canadian July 29th, 2010, 19:18
Replies: 13
Views: 17,004
Posted By Lerch
Domestically it was just a straight change from...

Domestically it was just a straight change from the steel M1 helmet to the kevlar Gallet helmet. As above, the PASGT was issued to those deploying on UN ops and were painted blue or had a blue cover....
Forum: Gear Discussion July 28th, 2010, 23:10
Replies: 17
Views: 21,677
Posted By Lerch
So this is pretty much what the Brits are making...

So this is pretty much what the Brits are making for their new helmets?

Not really convenient in a 'boots on the ground' sense but great for guys doing air sentry and top cover.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 28th, 2010, 22:50
Replies: 1
Views: 9,406
Posted By Lerch
I've got the Eagle Industries SFLCS H-Harness,...

I've got the Eagle Industries SFLCS H-Harness, which is what Pantac copied for their product.

Just so you have...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 27th, 2010, 00:25
Replies: 21
Views: 44,745
Posted By Lerch
ESS Land Ops :D Use them for work, fit great...

ESS Land Ops :D

Use them for work, fit great for ballistics or prescription, and don't scratch to shit when you put a cover over them.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 24th, 2010, 23:54
Replies: 13
Views: 12,505
Posted By Lerch
Depends if you want to carry an actual pack or...

Depends if you want to carry an actual pack or not. If not, go for it, if you do, well then the answer is obvious :p

I'll say this though, any kit you put on your back should NOT be something...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 24th, 2010, 17:23
Replies: 7
Views: 8,736
Posted By Lerch
If you're looking for something to use in cooler...

If you're looking for something to use in cooler weather, try finding a pair of MkIII's, IMO the best issued boots in the CF.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 21st, 2010, 00:02
Replies: 1
Views: 5,551
Posted By Lerch
Well the soles are sewn in, not just glued, so...

Well the soles are sewn in, not just glued, so that much there will tell you that they can stand up to a bit of use...
Forum: Canadian July 19th, 2010, 01:04
Replies: 15
Views: 26,964
Posted By Lerch
One of our medic's is issued a C8 with painted...

One of our medic's is issued a C8 with painted handguards...
Forum: Canadian July 16th, 2010, 18:04
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
Pre-deployment comms check :p ...

Pre-deployment comms check :p

Hot sunny day, I sweated my balls off.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 12th, 2010, 18:53
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,486
Posted By Lerch
Okay, now I'm done, the only things that may...

Okay, now I'm done, the only things that may change is if I can find myself an MLCS or SFLCS M60 pouch, which will go on the left side in place of the SFLCS 100rnd SAW pouch.

Anyway, I got the AK...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 8th, 2010, 23:57
Replies: 20
Views: 20,337
Posted By Lerch
The last time I wore mine on the chest was for my...

The last time I wore mine on the chest was for my DP1...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 6th, 2010, 17:19
Replies: 67
Views: 42,253
Posted By Lerch
Of issued boots, the MkIII's are my favorite. ...

Of issued boots, the MkIII's are my favorite.

But now I wear Magnum Force 8.0's in garrison and SWAT Original 8's in the field.
Forum: Canadian July 6th, 2010, 09:27
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
Haven't seen them used with the cover, but I have...

Haven't seen them used with the cover, but I have seen various different colors of Camelbak used. I use the issued one, but my roomie uses a British one and some guys at work have CB carriers.
Forum: Canadian July 5th, 2010, 00:25
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
All the C9A2's have collapsible stocks, prior to...

All the C9A2's have collapsible stocks, prior to this though there were mods like cutting the A1 stock shorter and getting collapsible stocks fitted.
Forum: Canadian June 28th, 2010, 19:42
Replies: 35
Views: 82,704
Posted By Lerch
One looks like a modded British assault...

One looks like a modded British assault vest...the other one, God knows.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2010, 22:40
Replies: 13
Views: 13,775
Posted By Lerch
If you're planning on playing regularly, try...

If you're planning on playing regularly, try getting a reputable brand like Pantac for your gear. They make the same carrier (MBSS), and you can find them on various websites (Redwolf for example).
Forum: Canadian June 26th, 2010, 18:06
Replies: 82
Views: 462,992
Posted By Lerch
The only thing I could really pick on is the...

The only thing I could really pick on is the barrel, either a slim C8 or a heavy C8A3 barrel would be a standard. If you got picky, the sling bracket behind the receiver and the fat grip. The rest...
Forum: Canadian June 21st, 2010, 01:35
Replies: 33
Views: 32,308
Posted By Lerch
Did anybody else find MOPP4 to be the most...

Did anybody else find MOPP4 to be the most sleep-inducing state of readiness?

This reminds me, I should probably make sure my mask is still clean.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 20th, 2010, 19:48
Replies: 12
Views: 18,409
Posted By Lerch
Airsoft, the fashion show :D On a more...

Airsoft, the fashion show :D

On a more serious note though, Coyote Brown and MJK work best, with more patterns. I'm personally building an EI harness in MJK and it's gonna work both here and in...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 19th, 2010, 22:56
Replies: 35
Views: 25,241
Posted By Lerch
This thread just got a little too German for my...

This thread just got a little too German for my liking...

How's about them Habs?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 18th, 2010, 16:22
Replies: 35
Views: 25,241
Posted By Lerch
Do you have a winter coat filled with eagle...

Do you have a winter coat filled with eagle feathers too?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2010, 23:16
Replies: 35
Views: 25,241
Posted By Lerch


In all seriousness though, I've never seen nor heard of leather-free boots. Perhaps check European retailers?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2010, 23:07
Replies: 6
Views: 4,836
Posted By Lerch
Looks similar to the LBT 1961a design, just...

Looks similar to the LBT 1961a design, just changed the magazine pouches.

Do they come with h-harness shoulder straps?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 9th, 2010, 09:11
Replies: 36
Views: 45,219
Posted By Lerch
You don't have the new COAT, HOUSE, LTWT? ...

You don't have the new COAT, HOUSE, LTWT?

Vary nice when you don't feel like wearing gitch...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 8th, 2010, 17:36
Replies: 25
Views: 23,515
Posted By Lerch
I get mine issued :p 34" ...

I get mine issued :p


You should be able to, just depends on how much the shoulders can be adjusted. Most vests are designed for people 5'8" to 6'.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 8th, 2010, 16:49
Replies: 6
Views: 6,213
Posted By Lerch
Dude, just go for khaki MOLLE gear, you can get...

Dude, just go for khaki MOLLE gear, you can get it pretty cheap (Pantac for instance) and it's alot more 'available' then CADPAT.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 7th, 2010, 23:02
Replies: 25
Views: 23,515
Posted By Lerch
I'm sure that if there was someone taller then me...

I'm sure that if there was someone taller then me in the Forces, and they couldn't fit in 76xx, then they'd surely special order combats for them.

That said, I haven't met anybody taller then me...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 7th, 2010, 21:15
Replies: 25
Views: 23,515
Posted By Lerch
Um...well with regards to sizing, you're buddy is...

Um...well with regards to sizing, you're buddy is shorter then me, and I'm issued 76xx kit (trousers 7634, shirt 7636, jackets 7644), and I've used the old CADPAT and the new, no difference. You're...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 28th, 2010, 23:59
Replies: 27
Views: 17,326
Posted By Lerch
Funny this thread pops up, I found a couple packs...

Funny this thread pops up, I found a couple packs of IR chemlights at work when I was browsing empty lockers...

Mine :)
Forum: Gear Discussion May 27th, 2010, 19:46
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,486
Posted By Lerch

Got the hydro carrier and...what was supposed to be a signal pouch, but they sent a shotty I pulled the divider and...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 27th, 2010, 12:35
Replies: 222
Views: 160,618
Posted By Lerch
And the Marines sure do love when people...

And the Marines sure do love when people impersonate them too ;)

Go Polish USMC!
Forum: Gear Discussion May 25th, 2010, 23:49
Replies: 222
Views: 160,618
Posted By Lerch
See...I remember making that argument about 3 or...

See...I remember making that argument about 3 or 4 years back when I was slagged and targeted on for wearing British kit with badges and insignia...

Now I'm on the other side of the fence...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 25th, 2010, 00:42
Replies: 9
Views: 12,250
Posted By Lerch
Or you can...attach a hydro carrier to your vest?...

Or you can...attach a hydro carrier to your vest?

The carrier being the sleeve for your Camelbak...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 25th, 2010, 00:40
Replies: 6
Views: 8,920
Posted By Lerch
I was getting my slappin' hand ready... ;)

I was getting my slappin' hand ready... ;)
Forum: Airsoft Media May 22nd, 2010, 16:22
Replies: 3
Views: 7,199
Posted By Lerch
Pfft...nothing new, I did that years back; ...

Pfft...nothing new, I did that years back;
Forum: Gear Discussion May 21st, 2010, 13:25
Replies: 10
Views: 10,815
Posted By Lerch
Unless he's wearing a frag vest...just sayin...

Unless he's wearing a frag vest...just sayin...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 21st, 2010, 08:00
Replies: 10
Views: 10,815
Posted By Lerch
Looks similar to the shoulders on the LBT1961A...

Looks similar to the shoulders on the LBT1961A and nobodies ever complained...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 21st, 2010, 00:30
Replies: 22
Views: 14,576
Posted By Lerch
Go with what the CF issues? Revision...

Go with what the CF issues? Revision Sawfly...fits RX inserts underneath and still sits close to the face. I've had mine for awhile now and never had a problem short of just dusting them off after...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 20th, 2010, 17:53
Replies: 10
Views: 10,815
Posted By Lerch
From their website;

From their website;
Forum: Gear Discussion May 14th, 2010, 19:28
Replies: 36
Views: 21,396
Posted By Lerch
I've been using a CADPAT wallet from Wheelers...

I've been using a CADPAT wallet from Wheelers from nary two years ripping, problems or discoloring.
Forum: Gear Discussion May 13th, 2010, 17:00
Replies: 128
Views: 632,074
Posted By Lerch
I actually found it quite nice on my last BFT,...

I actually found it quite nice on my last BFT, got the order that only the new ruck was allowed so I pulled off everything from my jump ruck and stuck it straight into the new one.

And now that...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 12th, 2010, 16:51
Replies: 10
Views: 6,657
Posted By Lerch
It's just a shame they've only posted two sizes...

It's just a shame they've only posted two sizes to choose from :p
Forum: Canadian May 8th, 2010, 11:07
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
Hmm...looks like...Suffield?

Hmm...looks like...Suffield?
Forum: Canadian May 8th, 2010, 00:36
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
I had to keep my rifle in sight at all times,...

I had to keep my rifle in sight at all times, every time I'd go near the gun line the No1's and 2i/c's were eyeballing it with envy...
Forum: Canadian May 8th, 2010, 00:01
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,705,311
Posted By Lerch
Just a few pictures from this week, I was the am...

Just a few pictures from this week, I was the am driver for my battery so I didn't actually get out on the gunline aside from one illum. mission just so I could qualify on the LG1...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 2nd, 2010, 00:35
Replies: 4
Views: 4,840
Posted By Lerch
There most certainly is one made, just the matter...

There most certainly is one made, just the matter of finding a retailer or one on eBay.
Forum: Gear Discussion April 30th, 2010, 19:58
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,494
Posted By Lerch
Is that a buckle that's gonna sit against your...

Is that a buckle that's gonna sit against your head?
If so...I'd fuckin' break it real quick...

Anyway, the latest incantation of my helmet;...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 25th, 2010, 12:35
Replies: 128
Views: 632,074
Posted By Lerch
RegF only gets tacvests when being deployed? ...

RegF only gets tacvests when being deployed? I dunno, personally I haven't seen any 'problems' with supply of kit with the exception of the CADPAT raingear. Everyone here in Shilo (and...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 446

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