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Search: Posts Made By: Gryphon
Forum: Gear Discussion August 20th, 2018, 13:53
Replies: 15
Views: 50,025
Posted By Gryphon
Slow down there, cowboy. Permethrin is very low...

Slow down there, cowboy. Permethrin is very low toxicity to humans.
Forum: General August 14th, 2012, 19:09
Replies: 18
Views: 14,357
Posted By Gryphon
Great thanks fellas! I'll replace l'engin with...

Great thanks fellas! I'll replace l'engin with dispositif and fix the "au" and that should be that hurdle cleared. I may hit you guys up again when we need to do box/case labeling.
Forum: General August 14th, 2012, 14:57
Replies: 18
Views: 14,357
Posted By Gryphon
I'm about to submit these and would just like to...

I'm about to submit these and would just like to make sure these are now accurate. Also is "l'engin" correct for this context? Google Translate (sorry, best resource I have!) translates it to...
Forum: General August 11th, 2012, 17:44
Replies: 7
Views: 7,021
Posted By Gryphon
I'll try tackling this one: "Milsim", short...

I'll try tackling this one:

"Milsim", short for military simulation, is a style of live-play wargaming that emphasizes realistic procedures, scenarios, tactics, and strategy to emulate actual...
Forum: General August 9th, 2012, 17:59
Replies: 18
Views: 14,357
Posted By Gryphon
All fabulous, thanks guys! This will help our...

All fabulous, thanks guys! This will help our process greatly.
Forum: General August 8th, 2012, 16:31
Replies: 18
Views: 14,357
Posted By Gryphon
Francophones, your assistance is required!

I need the following phrases translated into French, as succinctly as possible because space is limited. Feel free to use abbreviations and slashes where possible, ie. Manufactured in/Fabrique au UK...
Forum: Airsoft Media June 2nd, 2011, 00:17
Replies: 0
Views: 3,730
Posted By Gryphon
Claybank 2011 special effects

Check out our newest YouTube channel for a few videos from this year's event in Claybank where some familiar effects made an appearance, and a prototype newcomer was unveiled for the first time...
Forum: General May 21st, 2011, 12:55
Replies: 1
Views: 5,792
Posted By Gryphon
Just a heads up that we will be back at Operation...

Just a heads up that we will be back at Operation Mason Relic III this year in Claybank, SK on May 28-29!
Forum: General February 6th, 2011, 15:14
Replies: 1
Views: 5,792
Posted By Gryphon
Professional pyrotechnic special effects for major events

Greetings all. Some of you may already know me and what I do. For those who don't allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Andrew. I am a licensed pyrotechnician with Archangel Fireworks, Inc. in...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 3rd, 2011, 11:41
Replies: 35
Views: 25,227
Posted By Gryphon
A quick bump on this old thread to generate some...

A quick bump on this old thread to generate some excitement for this year's Mason Relic event! :)
Forum: Airsoft Media May 26th, 2010, 03:13
Replies: 35
Views: 25,227
Posted By Gryphon
My favorite shot thus far, from a link posted on...

My favorite shot thus far, from a link posted on the Counterfeit Combat forums. A huge thanks to all the photographers and videographers that recorded this event!

Just wait until Op: Mason Relic...
Forum: Airsoft Media May 25th, 2010, 02:51
Replies: 35
Views: 25,227
Posted By Gryphon
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Those effects took...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Those effects took about 12 hours to set up on Friday and it was too bad we didn't get to IED the vehicles as planned, but I think more people got to enjoy them this way...
Forum: Western Europe December 19th, 2009, 19:18
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
A free bump for this somewhat forgotten thread....

A free bump for this somewhat forgotten thread. I've almost completely quit airsoft and have a LOT of M84 laying around doing nothing, as well as some M90. Any interest in taking it off my hands? I...
Forum: Airsoft Media May 28th, 2009, 02:18
Replies: 4
Views: 5,575
Posted By Gryphon
May 5, 2009 - Operation: Mason Relic, Claybank, SK

Here is the album of the 1000+ photos I took at Operation: Mason Relic in Claybank, SK on May 5. This stellar event was a significant milestone in Canadian airsoft history as it marked the first time...
Forum: Western Europe May 25th, 2009, 22:01
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
Well you have a lot of products listed there....

Well you have a lot of products listed there. Generally anything measured in the format "160/75" is genuine issue as that's a somewhat arbitrary measurement system that some European forces seem to...
Forum: ASC News and Announcements April 1st, 2009, 01:29
Replies: 114
Views: 130,429
Posted By Gryphon
April 1st. Uh huh. At least come up with...

April 1st. Uh huh. At least come up with something believable next time.
Forum: Western Europe March 9th, 2009, 18:06
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
This shows off the Operator Vest nicely, a very...

This shows off the Operator Vest nicely, a very high quality piece of kit with pockets and adjustments everywhere. I took the liberty of populating the shoulderboards with my rank (which, in fact,...
Forum: Western Europe February 23rd, 2009, 21:18
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
Awesome! I am in your debt, kind sir! :D

Awesome! I am in your debt, kind sir! :D
Forum: Western Europe February 23rd, 2009, 00:32
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
Sorry I think I contributed to some confusion....

Sorry I think I contributed to some confusion. The pic above isn't related to the vests I was describing, LOL! That was taken a couple of weeks ago at a scrim and I threw it in as a random M90...
Forum: Western Europe February 22nd, 2009, 04:21
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
Still looking for someone to find me that Swedish...

Still looking for someone to find me that Swedish flak vest in M90! :) My Danish one needs a companion!

From a couple of weeks ago:
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 1st, 2008, 15:03
Replies: 17
Views: 18,720
Posted By Gryphon
SHHH!! Dammit that was supposed to be OUR little...

SHHH!! Dammit that was supposed to be OUR little secret! :rolleyes:
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 1st, 2008, 11:46
Replies: 17
Views: 18,720
Posted By Gryphon
Anyone that calls a Desert Eagle a "Deagle"...

Anyone that calls a Desert Eagle a "Deagle" should be beaten.
Forum: General September 25th, 2008, 22:26
Replies: 33
Views: 32,757
Posted By Gryphon
So-called "digital" night vision is as Drake...

So-called "digital" night vision is as Drake described. The resolution is on par with good Gen 2 devices, but these need a LOT of infrared to see anything. Without it you're just as blind as someone...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 22nd, 2008, 15:25
Replies: 50
Views: 43,536
Posted By Gryphon
I knew about that one,'s a G&G. I've...

I knew about that one,'s a G&G. I've seen too many broken, shoddy products from them to get my hopes up.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 21st, 2008, 20:43
Replies: 50
Views: 43,536
Posted By Gryphon
Yep that was mine. I'd still like to get a Dboys...

Yep that was mine. I'd still like to get a Dboys just to complete the family. I don't know if I can justify a VFC or Inokatsu; I'm sure they're really nice but not at the price we'd pay.

I'm still...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 21st, 2008, 19:51
Replies: 50
Views: 43,536
Posted By Gryphon
Kalash = DBoys. Haven't seen a whole lot up here,...

Kalash = DBoys. Haven't seen a whole lot up here, they're on the board occasionally but always $400 and up. I can't justify more than three bills and change for a Chinese clone regardless of quality....
Forum: Western Europe September 19th, 2008, 01:41
Replies: 308
Views: 1,488,074
Posted By Gryphon
Nice pics! I guess it's about time I shared some...

Nice pics! I guess it's about time I shared some of ours now that we've got a bunch of the team outfitted. Some are pretty large, sorry if they don't fit your screen too well! We're wearing:

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 19th, 2008, 01:17
Replies: 9
Views: 7,069
Posted By Gryphon
Liquified propane exerts a pressure of ~130 psi....

Liquified propane exerts a pressure of ~130 psi. Liquified CO2 exerts ~800 psi. Exceeding pressure would not be an issue. This is still a bad idea for the various reasons mentioned though.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 15th, 2008, 00:11
Replies: 21
Views: 20,089
Posted By Gryphon
And a civilian-length 16" M4 barrel, not a...

And a civilian-length 16" M4 barrel, not a 14.5".
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 14th, 2008, 20:22
Replies: 26
Views: 27,039
Posted By Gryphon
I swear by PHX .28s. I like them so much I bought...

I swear by PHX .28s. I like them so much I bought fifteen thousand.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 5th, 2008, 00:21
Replies: 82
Views: 89,169
Posted By Gryphon
That's a bold statement which, in time, I think...

That's a bold statement which, in time, I think you'll find is incorrect.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 2nd, 2008, 00:27
Replies: 82
Views: 89,169
Posted By Gryphon
Owning a couple of each, I can verify that to be...

Owning a couple of each, I can verify that to be fairly accurate.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 18th, 2008, 00:46
Replies: 200
Views: 155,636
Posted By Gryphon
Check out as well...

Check out as well because there WERE some classic guns that used bullets like these. They are very rare these days along with the ammunition but I do know this has been...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 12th, 2008, 02:02
Replies: 13
Views: 10,898
Posted By Gryphon
It could be a replacement for the TM Mk23 NBB...

It could be a replacement for the TM Mk23 NBB which is a scary quiet and straight shooter. However with 0.34g coming at you at 420 fps I think you'd be hard pressed to find many sites that would let...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 6th, 2008, 00:36
Replies: 42
Views: 41,193
Posted By Gryphon
It's only a Colt, anyways. No big loss there. ...

It's only a Colt, anyways. No big loss there.

Had it been something like a Registered Magnum or a flat latch four screw M&P, you would have reason to shed tears.

This isn't airsoft but I...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 6th, 2008, 00:18
Replies: 6
Views: 7,333
Posted By Gryphon
That's true. Although 400 fps out of these...

That's true. Although 400 fps out of these particular guns is setting a very high mark that you cannot do with a stock rifle without damaging it. It is achievable in either gun but you need some...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 4th, 2008, 22:52
Replies: 42
Views: 41,193
Posted By Gryphon
Smith & Wesson > Colt. Nuff said. :)

Smith & Wesson > Colt. Nuff said. :)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 4th, 2008, 01:34
Replies: 6
Views: 7,333
Posted By Gryphon
Hardly. In fact gas grenades' use of CO2 is...

Hardly. In fact gas grenades' use of CO2 is infinitesmal compared with use in guns. While classics have fallen out of favor with most players you'll find a small and very dedicated user base that...
Forum: General August 1st, 2008, 00:44
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
Okay, I need to make it perfectly clear that I...

Okay, I need to make it perfectly clear that I did not lose my money directly to Mark Anderson. He was supposed to import a custom gun for me from a private seller, which was subsequently seized by...
Forum: General July 31st, 2008, 19:23
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
Sorry but I don't think it's really proper for me...

Sorry but I don't think it's really proper for me to do that?
Forum: General July 31st, 2008, 19:02
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
I thought people might like to know, Mark...

I thought people might like to know, Mark Anderson posted yesterday on the Manitoba Airsoft Association site that he now has KSC and KWA pistols for sale, and Classic Army AEGs.
Forum: General July 29th, 2008, 23:06
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
Or there are those of us that didn't pay by...

Or there are those of us that didn't pay by credit card or had other arrangements.
Forum: General July 29th, 2008, 22:32
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
Making good on thousands of dollars you've taken...

Making good on thousands of dollars you've taken from people and not delivered on should be a primary part of your "busy real life"! That is a poor excuse and of no comfort to those of us who have...
Forum: General July 29th, 2008, 21:09
Replies: 121
Views: 66,355
Posted By Gryphon
I'll have to tell you guys the story sometime of...

I'll have to tell you guys the story sometime of how Mark Anderson fucked me out of a $1,000 gun. After I essentially launched him into this business selling CA guns here a couple of years back, he...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 24th, 2008, 19:49
Replies: 6
Views: 6,562
Posted By Gryphon
No Timberwolf? All garbage.

No Timberwolf? All garbage.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 23rd, 2008, 21:55
Replies: 9
Views: 8,764
Posted By Gryphon
Both of my armor vests are real but not because I...

Both of my armor vests are real but not because I wanted them that way for airsoft. My Danish flak vest is issue and you can't get anything else like it in non-armor, and my CQB vest has the panels...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 21st, 2008, 20:04
Replies: 9
Views: 10,411
Posted By Gryphon
Thanks all, just the stuff I was looking for!...

Thanks all, just the stuff I was looking for! Maybe now I can finally stop using the hicaps. :D
Forum: Gear Discussion July 21st, 2008, 01:55
Replies: 9
Views: 10,411
Posted By Gryphon
MOLLE AK mag pouches?

Can someone recommend some MOLLE AK mag pouches? They seem to be hard to come by. I'd be looking for OD green only, unless you know of someone that has Swedish M90 Cordura.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 16th, 2008, 15:17
Replies: 14
Views: 9,514
Posted By Gryphon
As usual you're missing the point. You point out...

As usual you're missing the point. You point out that LiPos fail because of user error and abuse. We're all well aware of that. What you cannot seem to grasp is there are idiots in airsoft who WILL...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 15th, 2008, 20:16
Replies: 14
Views: 9,514
Posted By Gryphon
It is worthwhile mentioning that LiPos don't just...

It is worthwhile mentioning that LiPos don't just explode like that when being recharged or physically abused. Exceeding the discharge rate of the pack (ie. dropping in a heavier spring thus causing...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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